Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
Reardan – After a career in education spanning decades, Reardan-Edwall School District Superintendent Marcus Morgan is retiring. Morgan is finishing his eleventh year with the school district. “It’s time to chase my grandson and spend time with my dear wife,” Morgan said “we plan to travel a little more and spend time with family.” Morgan has family members living in the Medical Lake, WA area and in Oregon. Morgan studied at Washington State University before accepting a...
Harrington – On Wednesday, March 4, members of the Eastern Washington University football team traveled to Harrington for a Reading Rally with school students. Children from preschool age up to high school seniors participated. The university football players read to students gathered in elementary classrooms before a question and answer session. The students and football players then went outside to toss footballs and enjoy the mild weather. Students in grades 7-12 d...
Davenport – The city council discussed Resolution 2020-09, authorization to purchase or replace a public works vehicle, at its meeting Wednesday, March 11. The Davenport Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance on older vehicles in the city’s fleet that have special maintenance needs. The city has determined that a replacement vehicle purchase is the best way to reduce special maintenance needs and associated costs. The city is seeking a pickup truck. The...
Davenport – "There has never been a better time to be involved in Scouting," says LaVon Stiles, a crew committee chair. There are two Boy Scouts of America affiliated units in Davenport according to the official BSA website Cub Scout Pack 4764 Jim M Gale VFW Post 7480 meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 1310 Adams St. Stiles says this pack is open to boys ages five to ten. Venturing Crew 764 meets the second Monday of e...
Davenport – Bob Gumm is helping military veterans at the Rural Resources Community Action building. “I’m here to serve our veterans” Gumm said, “when a vet comes in, I handle every aspect.” Gumm is a Veterans Service Officer as part of a pilot grant program and serves veterans in Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille and Lincoln County. Gumm served in the 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army and has ancestors that served going as far back as the Frenchand Indian War of 1754-1753....
Kimberly Dewey, 18, a senior at Reardan High School has signed a letter of intent to play basketball for Whitworth University in Spokane. "The basketball program [ in Reardan] has always been deep in my heart and I hope I have inspired others to chase after their dreams," Dewy said, "I am beyond excited to start my new journey at Whitworth. I feel it will be a perfect fit for me and my love for basketball. Thank you to the Reardan community for the endless support and always...
The Davenport School District released a statement earlier this week addressing issues that could arise in connection with coronavirus. “Although it is unlikely that we close, we are at the very least going to do our due diligence in the event circumstances change,” the statement said. Meanwhile, the district is conducting a technology survey and implementing a trial program for using Chromebooks in middle and high school “to help limit the spreading of germs...” The survey...
Davenport – Hardy Hardware plans to have its grand opening on Sunday, March 15. The new store will occupy the building vacated by Davenport Building Supply. The Hardy Hardware owners are Kari Hardy and her father Gerald Hardy. The Hardys began negotiations to purchase the business in February and the sale was finalized March 3. The Hardys have deep roots in the Davenport area and are fourth generation farmers. The Hardys wanted to open a business in the area and decided a hard...
HARRINGTON – The school district music program is hosting a fundraising performance at the Post and Office coffee shop at 2 S. Third St., Harrington, at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 7. Five students plus the Hawk Creek Acoustic Guitar Duo, Lynn Caddel and Randy Beamer, will perform together under the direction of professional guitarist turned high school music teacher Robert Vierschilling. During a rehearsal in the high school music room on Tuesday, Fe. 25, the mellow sounds o...
DAVENPORT – Ploypailin Chetchotsak 16, has travelled a very long way to attend high school in Davenport. Ploypalin, known as "Ploy," is from Khorat, a major city in Nakhon Ratchasima Province in northeast Thailand. As a participant in the International Student Exchange program, Ploy will spend ten months in the United States and go to school at Davenport High before returning to Thailand. According to Brenda Hendrickson, ISE Regional Advisor and Student Services C...
FORT SPOKANE – A cougar was captured, fitted with a tracking collar, and released near Fort Spokane on Thursday, February 13. Kalispel Tribe of Indians Wildlife Biologist Bart Geroge aided by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer Curt Wood and others treed and tranquilized the 112 pound female cougar. According to Officer Wood, the cougar was "not a threat to human safety and had not been a part of any livestock attacks." Wood said he has received complaints a...
DAVENPORT-At its meeting Thursday, Feb. 20, the Lincoln Hospital Board of Commissioners discussed plans for a new 6.18 million dollar medical office building. Eleven general contractors attended an earlier project information meeting with four contractors submitting bids. As a government project, the board is required to accept the lowest bid from a qualified contractor. According to Chief Financial Officer Timothy O'Connell, all bidding contracts expressed concern with the un...
HARRINGTON – Ashlee Green, 18, has been hired as a paraprofessional educator for Harrington schools. Paraeducators help teachers and may perform other duties such as helping in the cafeteria, Superintendent Wayne Massie said. "I currently work with select secondary students during their English and math classes," Green said, " I monitor meals and recesses, and work in the special education room with younger students on improving their reading skills." Green is earning a d...
DAVENPORT – The only hardware store in town, Davenport Building Supply, has shuttered its doors. A closed sign hangs on the front glass door of the Morgan Street business, but no hours or other messages are posted. The owners on the state business license application are Corrine Allen, Douglas R. Allen and Shane R. Allen. They could not be reached for comment. Lincoln County Assessor’s Office records show a $6,363.62 personal property tax balance due. According to the cit...
DAVENPORT- Senior Kadee Sweetland put on a talent show for her senior project. Saturday, Feb.8, seven separate acts took to the stage in the high school auditorium to perform for the crowd and a panel of judges. "Seniors do a project to involve the community, either helping, serving, or giving back to our community," Sweetland said "It is also a requirement to graduate." The first two contestants, wearing matching cowgirl outfits, danced together before leaping from the stage...
HARRINGTON – The school district has received a $3.25 million state grant for building repairs and upgrades, according to Superintendent Wayne Massie. The funds will be used for a roof and roof mounted heating, ventilation and air conditioning system replacement. “It’s a huge deal for our district,” Massie said “It’s been a lifesaver.” Massie said the current roof leaks and the HVAC system has aged past its useful lifespan. McKinstry, an energy savings and contractor ma...
DAVENPORT - School district voters approved two levies in an election on Feb. 11, according to an early vote count. Election results have yet to be certified. An initial vote count shows the Educational Programs and Operations Levy passing with 64% support and the Capital Levy for Instructional Technology, Safety and Facility Improvements passing with 65% support. When asked to comment on the levies passing, District Superintendent Jim Kowalkowski said, "I continue to be very...