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1 years ago A fire of mysterious origin caused $115,000 of damage at the Seattle Grain Company warehouse in Edwall. 150 couples attended a campers’ dance at the 23rd annual picnic of the Lincoln County Pioneer and Historical Association. Garden-grown peas, beets and carrots were entirely destroyed by grasshoppers near Wilbur. The pests seemed to avoid tomatoes, corn and potatoes. 75 years ago Grand Marshal Everett Cole led the line of march at Davenport’s Community Day parade. The Reardan American Legion elected new off...
1 years ago Over 5,000 people gathered for the Pioneer Picnic on Crab Creek. The picnic was meant to be “a place to meet the old friends.” C.D. Mansfield was elected to Davenport city council after R.E. Anderson resigned. 17 head of cattle disappeared from the Matt Wagner ranch near Creston and were suspected to have been illegally ferried across Lake Roosevelt. 75 years ago KHQ farm editor Glen Lorang gave August Reinbold a box of cereal with the hope that it would make him a champion in the community day tug-of-war. A b...
1 years ago The finals in the old-timers tennis tournament at Odessa featured Jake Hopp Jr. of Odessa defeating Joe Weik of Davenport in men’s singles, Mr. and Mrs. Hopp defeating Mrs. Earl Phillips and Jim Goodwin of Davenport in mixed doubles and Hopp and Dan Heimbigner defeating Weik and Goodwin in men’s doubles. Three accidents occurred within a few hours of each other on Sunset Highway between Davenport and Wilbur. One driver fell asleep at the wheel, one hit a rock and one crashed into a horse. 75 years ago Lin...
1 years ago Oscar Oehlwein of Davenport won third place in the mile run at the state interscholastic meet in Pullman. The annual meeting of the Lincoln County Tuberculosis league was held, with Dr. C.S. Bumgarner of Davenport elected president and Mrs. W.A. Buckley of Sprague elected vice president. A proposition to bond the city of Davenport for $10,000 to raise money to pave Morgan Street lost in a special election. 75 years ago Jerry Walter of Odessa showed a shorthorn steer that was declared grand champion over all...
1 years ago Lincoln County Pioneer Sheriff John Level died after a battle with cancer. Mrs. Rose Landers of Sprague began suit against her husband, J.H. Landers, who had been arrested for allegedly marrying another woman before getting a divorce from Rose. The Lincoln County game commission placed a bounty of five cents each for offed magpies. 75 years ago Nearly 300 head of horses were sold at the annual Davenport Auction company event, with auctioneer Bill Hutsell crying from the truck in the center. Pioneer Sprague...
1 years ago Directors of the Washington Wheat Growers association voted to suspended 1924 crop operations to reorganize the association so the next year’s crop could be handled. Davenport High School won the 18th annual Lincoln County track and field meet. Individually, Fred Livasy of Almira and Lyle Bailey of Harrington tied for individual high point scorers. J.H. Landers of Sprague was jailed on a charge of getting married to one woman in the city while already having a wife and two children in Montana. 75 years ago G...
1 years ago Former Davenport High School principal H.P. Aldrich was named Reardan superintendent. The Bluestem grade school won the class B spelling contest. Mohler took second. Crab Creek pioneers George Flanders and Oscar White were slapped with a $50 fine for possession of liquor. 75 years ago A four-man committee was appointed to reclassify and adjust assessed values of real estate in Lincoln County. The committee included H.G. Heimbigner and F.W. Heimbigner of Odessa, Ray Schroeder of Wilbur and August Reinbold of...
1 years ago Walter Morgan shot a rabid coyote on Zoe Wilkie’s farm after it chased Wilke and killed a number of her chickens. 11-year-old Herman Reinbold fell off a horse and broke his arm, which in 1924, was worthy of front-page news. Former Lincoln County traffic officer C.H. Bliss was convicted of battery after assaulting a woman in Coeur d’Alene. 75 years ago State Senator John H. Robertson of Creston told the Davenport Commercial Club that the state legislature found themselves cutting funds due to budgetary iss...
1 years ago • Mac Weisner, an escaped inmate of the then-described “eastern Washington hospital for the insane” in Medical Lake, was taken into custody in Odessa by Sheriff F.J. Gilpatric. • A barn on the George E. Davis farm 14 miles northwest of Davenport was destroyed in a fire. • Officers and directors of the Lincoln-Adams County Pioneer and Historical association met at the Crab Creek picnic grounds to plan the annual Picnic Program. 75 years ago • Increasing sociological understanding to keep pace with the shorten...
1 years ago • Oscar Luchs of Odessa won the Lincoln-Adams County oratorical contest. Elsie Gibson of Davenport took second, while Violet Stolph of Sprague was third. • The Harrington Manufacturing Company sued W.L. Talkington while seeking to recover $1,575 for a note executed by the defendants in return for a harvester sold to the company. • A delegation of Egypt farmers asked the County Commissioners to construct a road from State Road No. 22 near Inkster Lake to the Jim Bell Corner. 75 years ago • Judge Robert P. Hunt...
1 years ago The Davenport commercial club endorsed a proposed road from state road No. 22 at the head of Inkster Canyon through the Egypt country for 6.25 miles. George Ekins was nearly electrocuted to death in an accident at the Washington Water Power station outside Reardan. 75 years ago Frank Reinbold was re-elected president of the Parent-Teacher Association of Davenport. Odessa hosted 4-H Club Day, which featured six clubs from around Lincoln County. 50 years ago Davenport city councilmembers approved purchase of an...
Zion Lutheran Church, 1007 Washington Street, Davenport: Good Friday service at 7 p.m. Easter Sunday service at 11 a.m. Easter egg hunt to follow. Christ Lutheran Church, 41697 State Highway 25, Davenport: Maundy Thursday service at 7 p.m. preceded by soup supper at 6 p.m. Easter Sunday service at 8:30 a.m. Trinity Bible Fellowship, 1101 First Street, Davenport: Good Friday Satyr service at 6 p.m. Easter Sunday Sunrise service at Swedish cemetery by Deer Meadows at 7 a.m. Regular Easter Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. First...
1 years ago • Directors and officers of the Lincoln-Adams County Pioneer and Historical society met at Sprague and formulated plans for the annual pioneer picnic on Crab Creek. • Plans for a new Presbyterian Church to replace the building destroyed by fire four months prior were discussed in Davenport. 75 years ago • Robert Gunning was picked as new commander of the Jim M. Gale Veterans of Foreign Wars post No. 7080. • About 100 people attended the annual stockholders meeting of Lincoln Mutual No. 2 in Reardan. 50 years a...
1 years ago • Two Odessa schoolboys were lodged in the county jail on charges of breaking into the A.W. Birge garage and taking a Ford car. • Revere district farmer John Potts sued Robert MacDonald of Sprague for $25,000, saying MacDonald made slanderous remarks about Potts. 75 years ago • A once denied petition for formation of a cemetery district including 97 sections of land around Edwall hit another snag when a few farmers opposed the district. • New school board members were elected around Lincoln County, includi...
1 years ago • Commercial clubs and community organizations in Lincoln County discussed plans for getting out special advertising material to draw settlers from other states to the County. • Former Sheriff’s Office deputy and current Treasurer’s Office employee Henry Hopp of Odessa suffered a broken shoulder blade while engaged in a friendly scuffle with Clay Chapman that knocked Hopp out of work for six weeks. • Senator Charles E. Myers gave a talk on state geography to a local assembly of high school students. 75 years...
1 years ago • A jury couldn’t reach a verdict and was discharged after one juror maintained their opposing position in the case of Henry Scheel, who was charged with grand larceny. • Davenport City Council granted the Union Oil company a permit to construct a warehouse, garage, office building, pumphouse and four steel tanks where the North Central Highway crossed the Central Washington Railroad. • Clarence Sherman of Downs and Bluestem was arrested in Ferry County on charges of stealing cattle. 75 years ago • Betty Lou...
1 years ago A.R. Thorp of Edwall was found guilty of first-degree forgery after he forged Henry Guhlke’s name to a note and attempted to collect through the courts. Assessor Irving Borck named A.P. Conrad of Davenport and W.H. Shearer of Sprague as those who would assess all towns in Lincoln County for the year. All property was expected to be revalued. A special meeting of City Council was held in Davenport to discuss whether Morgan Street should be paved and whether the city had acted illegally in not making a p...
1 years ago Judgement totaling $8,841 was granted to Minnie Whitmore Reiger of Pomeroy from C.E. Moore and J.J. Tierney of Harrington after Reiger alleged she purchased a number of shares of stock in Moore and Tierney’s Blazeout company that were worthless. Lincoln County Pioneer Josephine Ditmar and her son Frank Ditmar were found guilty by a jury of manufacturing liquor with intent to sell after deputies found a gallon of liquor at the Ditmar farm near Reardan. 75 years ago Virgil Johnson of Davenport was presented a P...
1 years ago • President Woodrow Wilson died at his D.C. home from illness and was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge. • Former Lincoln County Commissioner and Edwall pioneer Hugh McNeilly died at his home after attending an Edwall Odd Fellows meeting where he was presented with a medal in honor of his 41-year membership with the Fellows. • Westbound passenger trains were delayed in Wilbur after tracks were washed out by flooding. 75 years ago • Lincoln County crews prioritized their snowplowing schedule by where emergen...
1 years ago • The Davenport School District held an election to determine whether the district would validate $6,900 in outstanding warrants. • Lincoln County highways closed by order of state engineer Fred Doolittle and county engineer J.L. Thayer. Heavy traffic and frozen roads melting into flood-like conditions were cited in reasoning. • Lambert McGee lost his leg when he fell off a freight train near Harrington and the train ran over said leg. 75 years ago • Davenport city council rejected a plea for putting pinball...
1 years ago • More than 100 people attended a meeting at the Lincoln County Courthouse to hear a discussion of the wheat export bounty plan for raising the price of wheat. • An outbreak of rabies was reported amongst animals in Irby. • Gas prices were raised two cents per gallon, making the retail price 23 cents a gallon. 75 years ago • Sub-zero temperatures dipped to 19 below, forcing the Lincoln Lumber company to shutdown after seven inches of ice formed on the mill pond. • James Forney, a Davenport farmer and pioneer,...
1 years ago Road work progressed on the hairpin curve on Sunset Highway and on state road No. 22 across from Detillion Bridge. 200 people attended the annual banquet of the Davenport W.C.T.U. 75 years ago Ray Rohlman of Davenport was laid to rest in his hometown after he was killed in action during World War II. He was one of 6,515 bodies killed in the Pacific Theater that were returned to California 3.5 years after the war ended. Temperatures around Lincoln County plummeted to as low as -14 degrees Fahrenheit. 50 years...
1 years ago Lincoln County pioneer and former Auditor J.W. Anderson, who lived in Sprague, Harrington and Davenport, died from complications following a medical operation. Davenport sign painter Jack Lowe was fined $75 and sentenced to 30 days in jail after he admitted to possessing liquor. Nearly half of local schoolchildren missed classes due to a measles outbreak. 75 years ago WSU football coach Phil Sorboe spoke at the annual Davenport Commercial club banquet. A fundraising drive was held to raise funds aiming at...
DAVENPORT - It may be hard to believe, but another year has come and gone. As usual, there was plenty going on in Lincoln County in 2023. Here's a look back at the top news items from the year, July to December. January to June was covered in last week's newspaper. July Howard King was named superintendent of the Harrington School District. Nate Lathrop opened 410 Burgers in downtown Odessa. Jordan Mills-Jay pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree manslaughter and...
1 years ago • A fire starting from a furnace in the boiler room burned down the First Presbyterian Church in Davenport. • J.J. Janke, a farmer south of Odessa, froze to death after an automobile accident three-fourths of a mile from his home. Area temperatures in the area were as low as 11 below. • The Davenport Times-Tribune office was backed into by the Allen Grocery company delivery car after delivery boy Leo Allen left the car parked on the top of the hill, where it slid into the building. 75 years ago • A record...