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1 years ago George McGath, Spokane River Farmer, had a narrow escape while traveling from Davenport to his ranch. His wagon loaded with bran shorts and Christmas goods tipped and spilled his load into the river. The water in Crab Creek is the lowest it’s been in years. The creek bed is actually dry. C.C. Dobson reports his well is dry and he is having to haul water from town for his livestock and household use. Warmer weather came to most parts of the county the first of this week with a good snowfall which amounted to a...
1 years ago Four cases of scarlet fever are reported in the Harrington schools. All are in the first grade, which has been dismissed until after Christmas. The school board expects to have a nurse checking every child, every day until the epidemic ends. Farmer’s Union Warehouse company manger reports that although wheat has reached the highest price it has been in years, the eight warehouses had bought practically no wheat since last month. Area farmers still have wheat in storage but are waiting for a better price. C...
1 years ago Election day is coming for Davenport. The offices of Mayor, Councilman at large and Councilmen from each of the three wards, Treasurer, Clerk and Attorney will all be voted on. 3 Harrington dogs were bitten by a rabid coyote. A dog owned by Charles McMillan and two dogs owned by Henry Hoffman were put to sleep after being attacked and bitten by the rabid coyote. 75 years ago The Odessa Union Warehouse company mailed out dividend checks totaling $120,149.88 to approximately 600 shareholders. This brings the...
1 years ago A jack rabbit drive was held in the Odessa area. Nearby property owner Joe Silva followed along with a hack to pick up the white tails, blacks tails were left where they fell. The hunt was so successful that Silva couldn’t pick up even a fifth of the rabbits. At the close of the drive the rabbits were loaded up and taken to Spokane to be divided up among the missions to help feed the poor. Sand Flat, WA - The fall rains have penetrated from 20 to 36 inches in the soil in this area. This is more moisture than t...
1 years ago The Creston-Peach Donohue road has been closed for the season to vehicles carrying more than a thousand pounds. This is due to heavy loads tearing up the wet road. The road will reopen on April 15. Two inches of snow fell Monday night in the Davenport area and is still on the ground. The overnight temperature is 10 degrees and high temps averaged 38 degrees last week. The new concrete bridge across Crab Creek on the North Central highway, just east of the city limits, at the Dobson place, was opened to traffic...
1 years ago Tuesday’s election developed as a republican landslide. President Coolidge won 382 electoral votes and republicans will have control over the new congress. Roland Hartley will be the Governor after receiving 210,621 votes. A large gathering of community members gathered for the funeral of Robert Telford. Telford was born in Scotland in 1843 and purchased a farm near Rocklyn in 1886. He was survived by 3 sons and 3 daughters. 75 years ago Nearly 200 miles of rural phone lines is nearing completion and crews a...
1 years ago Believed to have been crazed by jealousy, Ray Sperry traveled from house to house in Reardan and instantly killed Velma Beeman, Dow Lathrom, James Dueber, wounded Steve Lathrom and then shot himself. Beeman was a former fiancé of Sperry and Lathrom was believed to be her current love interest. 3 Lincoln County men are playing on the Cheney Normal School football team. Maury Nelson of Peach, James Tierney of Harrington and Elmo Bond of Davenport were part of the team that beat Ellensburg Normal School 33-0....
1 years ago Harrington defeated Odessa in the Football game played at Harrington by a score of 13-0. Superior plunging by the Harrington backs and the failure of the Odessa line to hold at the crucial moments tells the story of the game. A Spokane man was arrested on the farm of D. M. Hickox for threatening the farmer with a rifle after Hickox ordered the man off his property. The Spokane man and a friend were hunting on the farmer’s property without permission. The hunter was brought before Justice J. P. Cruser in R...
1 years ago Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Rocklyn store and the residence of Mrs. Jennie O'Bell. Firefighters were able to save the neighboring residence of Postmaster Boyk. The glare of the fire could be seen from Davenport. A Washington Water Power line construction crew has set up camp about six miles south of Davenport the crew currently numbers 15 but will soon number 40. They are constructing a power line to Ephrata. Several Odessa men traveled to Spokane to...
1 years ago A matron from a Yakima detention home came to get Rose Gardner and Lucille Hall. The girls escaped from the home several weeks ago and were arrested in Reardan for vagrancy and sentenced to 10 days in jail. The local sheriff’s office recovered a Ford coupe that had been stolen from Wenatchee. The car was abandoned here last week alongside the Tribune apartments. When the owner came for his car he was pleased to find in had not been damaged. Governor Hart has proclaimed October 13 a legal holiday because C...
1 years ago The price of Bluestem and early Baart wheat advanced on Thursday to $1.47 bushel, an increase of 5 cents a bushel. This is the highest wheat has been here this year. It is estimated that about 25% of this year’s crop is unsold and remains in the farmer’s home storage. Frank Laughbon, county traffic officer is riding around on a new Harley Davidson motorcycle secured last week after the county commissioners decided it was better to buy a new machine than to continue to try and fix the old one. The rains of the...
1 years ago At present it is almost impossible to get a home in Odessa. As of the start of the school year all available homes in Odessa are occupied, indicating an increase in population which is contrary to current thought that population was on the decline. A fourth incendiary fire happened in Edwall. The fire was discovered at the Nick Klein residence early in the morning of the 14th. It seems coincidental that all four fires have been late on the 13th or early on the 14th. The four previous fires destroyed two grain...
1 years ago Duck season is set for opening on Tuesday, the bag limit is 20 ducks per week. Since the season starts one half hour before sunrise, the following Odessa businesses will not be opening until eleven in the morning: The Quality Store, Odessa Hardware and Implement, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Michaelsen & Koth, W. H. Luher & Co., and First National Bank. Davenport Schools opened Monday for the upcoming term. Enrollment is 215 in grade school and 115 in the High School. The freshman class has 35 members and the 8th...
1 years ago The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company moved overnight from the Wilson building to the Smith residence. The move happened during the nigh and the long distance line was only out of commission for about 20 minutes. A crew of ten men worked on the job. The Blue Mouse theater was sold by owner E.O. Gabrielson to E. C. Gehrke fo Chelan. The new owner will move his family to Davenport and take possession of the theater next week. Almira assistant postmaster Lois E.Milner was indicted by a federal grand jury in S...
1 years ago Deputy Sheriff Cecil Fisher led a party the raided the home of Arthur Haight near the Creston Ferry. Haight was arrested after a still, mash and moonshine were discovered. Mr Haight was released on a $250 bond and will appear for trial next month. The Columbia Hotel, former centerpiece of social activities in Davenport, will finally be torn down after sitting in disrepair and abandonment for 5 years. The building was purchased by Senator Charles Myers. Senator Myers has plans for an automobile service station...
1 years ago • A lot of people have asked the editor why the Standard Oil company trucks always have a chain dragging behind them. Harold Ottestad a Standard Oil employee was recently in the Record office and when questioned he said that the chain was dragged to avoid trouble from static electricity. • The Davenport Commercial Club has launched an investigation into why Wheat is paying 10 to 15 cents a bushel less in Davenport than in surrounding communities. • A new record high for the Gas Tax collected by the state was s...
1 years ago Guy G Harvey, district highway engineer, told the Davenport city council that the state might pave the Sunset Highway between Davenport and Reardan next spring and asked what the city would charge to provide the expected 40,000 gallons daily during the project. C.E. Ivy, secretary-treasurer of the Lincoln-Adams County Pioneer and Historical association, attended a meeting of directors at the picnic grounds on Crab Creek and reported that the creek is entirely dried up for the first time in history. Two Odessa gi...
1 years ago The Odessa City Council wants the Great Northern Railway to follow through with their promise of a flagman at the 4th Street crossing. The small oil lamp provided by the railway is insufficient and only warns traffic on one side of the crossing. 3 men were arrested for stealing a Studebaker from Spokane after Marshal McKinnon of Harrington discovered the car parked behind the Kessler-Perkins warehouse. One of the men arrested had been released from the Monroe Reformatory only 4 months prior. Albert Haase,...
1 years ago Charles Kildea, former Okanogan hotel man, completed a deal this week whereby he purchased the Lincoln Hotel in Davenport from Mrs. Anna Harris and Frank Harris. The new owner will take over the hotel Aug. 15th and expects to make a number of improvements immediately. The deal includes the Lincoln restaurant and soda fountain as well as the hotel business. Extremely hot weather prevailed the past week. Thermometers in the area topped out at 98 degrees. A severe windstorm broke up the hot spell but the weather...
1 years ago A Census of the number of cars that pass over the various state highways in Lincoln County will be taken. No census has been taken for the last couple of years on account of a lack of funds, but the state highway dept. decided that a census would be taken this year. H.L. (Doc) Campbell completed a deal whereby Thomas Stockstill, manager of the Texas Oil company plant here, will take over Mr. Campbell’s service station on Morgan Street. Mr. Campbell has been called home to Tennessee to help the family out d...
1 years ago Three car loads of gypsies visited Davenport, but before the gypsies could spread around the main street as they usually do, they were run out of town by members of the sheriff’s force. This is the first group of gypsies to visit Davenport this year. The First National Bank of Harrington closed its doors by order of the directors, pending an examination by Federal bank examiners. The bank officers had no statement to make other than to say they had sent to San Francisco for an examiner. The examiner arrived a...
1 years ago J. C. Michaelson of Odessa received a number of cuts about the face and arms Sunday evening when a Ford car driven by AL Brooks of Odessa ran into an eastbound Central Washington freight train where the railroad tracks crosses the railroad tracks in Davenport. The Irby Warehouse & Elevator Co. elevator at Irby, together with 10,000 bushels of wheat was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The flames are believed to have originated from a Great Northern freight train locomotive. The wheat is estimated as being worth...
1 years ago Henry Schafer, an Edwall man, who is suspected of being the firebug that set three fires at Edwall during the past six weeks, was given an insanity hearing in the Superior court and was committed to the Medical Lake hospital for the insane. Marion Johnson, age 87, of Davenport passed away at his home. Mr. Johnson was born in Pennsylvania and served with the Union army during the civil war. He came to Lincoln county about 41 years ago and served as a soldier at Ft. Spokane. A fire completely destroyed 2 barns...
1 years ago A Pioneer picnic at Crab Creek was planned. In addition to nightly dances there were ball games, concerts, foot races and horse races. Halverson Mill on Lake Roosevelt north of Creston was destroyed by fire. All lumber and an auto truck was destroyed. The new city water tank on Bungalow Ridge was completed. This new tank had a 150,000-gallon capacity while the old tank held 60,000 gallons. The cost of construction was $10,100. 75 years ago Davenport’s Memorial Hall construction began. Funding for the project w...