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Happy New Year! At this reading we are three or four days into 2019. School and work schedules have resumed and meals must be prepared to fuel day to day activities. Some folks have made New Years resolutions, and many of those include diet and exercise, eating healthy or eating less processed foods. Adapting recipes to accommodate all the families desires, and the need for easy and quick to fix meals takes a bit on ingenuity. In bygone days grandmothers handed down cooking...
SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge Criminal Sentencings Thomas Henry S. Ellison III, 31, of Sprague, pleaded guilty Dec. 18 to second-degree possession of stolen property and second-degree theft in connection with crimes on April 19 and Nov. 21-26, respectively. Charges of second-degree burglary and third-degree attempted theft were withdrawn as a result of a plea agreement with prosecutors. He must serve 42 months in prison (with credit for 52 days served), pay $1,400 court costs and share $1,345.73 restitution with a... Full story
Sam and Donna Mullens took first place in the 2018 Christmas lighting contest sponsored by the Odessa Lions Club. Their house and yard (front and back) on Sixth Avenue were filled with lights and figures that must have taken quite some time to install. Pete and Lisa Martin took second place and Tammy Tokas on Fourth Avenue took third place. The Lions Club awards prizes to the top two residences selected. The town looked very festive this Christmas season, with many homes... Full story
[Editor’s note: Since The Record did not publish last week due to illness among the staff, we have included double submissions for the Harrington news.] Harrington news submission for 12-27-2018 By MAJORIE WOMACH Omission in the News Last week this writer omitted a piece of information in the article regarding the city council’s budget proposals, which, correctly written, would read: Budget A was based on the purchase of a new mower and the hiring of a summer employee, while Budget B was based on the expense of con... Full story
OHS Tigers girls succumb to the agility of the Valley Christian Panthers, losing 38 to 54. It was definitely a great effort on the part of the Tigers. Top scorers in the game were Caitlyn Schuh with 10, Kenadie Elder with 8, McKennah Davison with 8, Grace Nelson with 7 and Brenna Carstensen with 5. The lady Tigers had a total of 27 rebounds, 11 assists and 10 steals on the game. Unfortunately, it just wasn't quite enough to keep the Panthers from winning the game. The next... Full story
OHS Tigers pounced on the Valley Christian Panthers, winning the game by a score of 68 to14. Ryan Moffet seemed to have luck and skill on his side, again leading the team in points with a total of 30. Tim DeWulf had a total of 9 points, followed closely by Marcus King with 8, Camden Weber with 7 and Jett Nelson with 6. The Tigers had an amazing 33 rebounds on the game, which kept that ball heading in the right direction. Combine that with the assists, and you come up with a... Full story
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office Curtis and Anita L. Boutain, Davenport, to Raymond L. Boutain, Almira – Tract 121, Hawk Creek Ranches Sec. 17, $0. Curtis and Anita L. Boutain, Davenport, to Randy and Theresa Sorensen, Spokane – undivided half interest in portion of east half of Sec. 32, T27N, R36E (parcel A), $0. D/J Land & Cattle Co., Inc., Harrington, to Michael Addis, Puyallup, Wash. – property at 506 South 2nd Street, Harrington (portions of Lots 6-11, Blk. 79, Southern Addition to Town of Harrington), $50,000. Event A...
What a month this has been. It’s hard to have a good Christmas when your spouse HATES the holiday. My seven-year-old Anabela started out the month beyond excited. Every day she would ask when are we decorating the tree. But the tree was locked in a garage that only Dad could get into. So this Mom bugged him to the point that he made a tree out of lights on the wall. My seven-year-old thought it was great! This Mom likes things to be perfectly Christmas at Christmas. You know, a nice full tree with ornaments spaced and c... Full story
The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met Wednesday, December 19, following a workshop in the district office at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing athletic program participation numbers. Present were board chair Ed Deife; board members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar; Superintendent Dan Read; Principal Jamie Nelson; and business manager Juli Weishaar. Also present were facilities director Justin Parr, athletic director Bruce Todd, ag teacher HaLee Walter and parents... Full story
Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Dec. 17: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a man who was having trouble breathing. Very slick conditions in the canyon on SR 231 north of Reardan are believed to have contributed to a one-vehicle rollover col... Full story