Sorted by date Results 1 - 15 of 15
Wednesday, January 11, at 7 p.m., the Odessa Public Library...
Caragana Wreath, an appliqué quilt block designed and sewn by Laura Estes, was one of the five top vote getters at the Washington State Quilters Show held in Spokane this past October. Estes, a quilt pattern designer and owner of Laura’s Sage Country Quilts, incorporated her signature ruched flowers and gathered blossoms into the requires wreath design in jewel tones on a black background. Among other top blocks were entries by Barbara Lambrecht of Chattaroy, the 2011 Od...
Marlene Homberg with daughter and son-in-law, Lizann and Shorty Hink of Kittitas, with their oldest son, Jeremy (back left) and his wife Kelly and their children, Kellyn, Lauryn, Hallee, Austin and Layne (in Daddy’s arms) and youngest son, Josh (front, kneeling), with his wife Amber and their children, Keegan, Makiah and Graden (in car seat). The families got together on Christmas Eve day, along with other family members Ellen and Craig Holman and their children, Andrew and S...
Two months ago, when a contract was signed between the Lincoln County Economic Development Council and the Community Colleges of Spokane to bring a technology seminar to Lincoln County on January 12, several established banquets and meetings were not considered. So as not to interfere with these events, the date has been changed to Thursday, February 9. The seminar will take place at 6 p.m. at Davenport Memorial Hall and is free and open to the public. The focus will be on the evolving use of smart phones, tablets, websites...
Donald H. Evavold, Tacoma, died January 4, 2012. Arrangements are pending. A full obituary will appear next week....
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Dec. 26: After discovering an abandoned rolled over vehicle along Devils Gap Road, deputies learned that according to a text message received by a woman from her son, the driver, the Chevrolet pickup...
The Friends of the Library will hold their first quarterly meeting of the new year on January 11, 2012 at the office of The Odessa Record. Anyone interested in joining the group is encouraged to attend the meeting. The January meeting will be dedicated to electing new officers for the coming year, collecting membership dues and planning upcoming activities. Membership is $5 per year for individuals, $3 for seniors (age 65 or older) or students, $10 per family (or business or organization)....
The Town Marshal’s Office has released pictures captured by the security cameras recently installed at Odessa Drug. The pictures show the two people who broke into the store through its front door in the early morning hours of December 26, taking prescription drugs, then fleeing when they realized that an alarm had sounded. The pictures have been forwarded to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s crime lab for enhancement that will, it is hoped, make the pictures much clearer and the...
“I’d go back in a heartbeat,” says Don Strebeck of his recent trip to Germany. Strebeck was the recipient of a trip awarded to Odessa Trading Company in a 2011 sales contest. He left November 11 to fly from Spokane to Minneapolis, then to Amsterdam and Hanover, and returned to Portland November 18. Strebeck was one of 28 trip winners and 13 corporate CaseIH VIPs who were flown into Hanover, Germany, to attend Agritechnica, Europe’s largest agricultural equipment exhibit...
Sue Lani Madsen, architect, rancher, writer and political activist from Edwall had this to say about the new boundaries of Washington’s legislative districts: Lincoln County has been moved to the 13th Legislative District, joining most of Grant County and all of Kittitas in a district stretching from the Spokane County line to Snoqualmie Pass with each county in a different Congressional District. Kind of looks like a salamander. It will be an interesting district to work with for the next ten years. Still thinking about w...
Odessa had much to be thankful for in 2011. A couple of new businesses opened, and the biodiesel plant resumed production when a new management/investment team came on board. The grocery store underwent a change of ownership, with the new owners introducing many upgrades and repairs. A month-by-month summary of the year’s activities follows. January The new year opened on an optimistic note when the town’s newest business venture opened its doors Saturday, January 1, 201...
For years, energy experts warned us that regulations and policies that reduce the supply of affordable conventional energy would result in higher prices for American families. Now it is clear the warnings were well-founded. The USA Today recently reported that electricity bills have skyrocketed. The newspaper reports that American families paid, on average, a record $1,419 a year for electricity in 2010. Demand for electricity remains high even as energy supplies shrink. In...
If you've made a New Year’s resolution to eat right and trim down, be forewarned that medical science shows your brain has it in for you and will actively promote your failure on two different fronts. That’s not good news, of course, but you should know about it so you can strengthen your resolve as best you can. Here’s the scoop. It’s relatively easy – particularly if you are significantly overweight – to lose a few pounds by reducing the number of calories you consume eac...
Happy New Year. Have we all turned over a new leaf? Or are we still trying to get a few more uses out of that old one? There are lots of pitfalls out there for those of us who are prone to believing that we can change our selves or our behavior just because of a date on the calendar. I know this, because I spend more time in the pits than I do out of them. Sometimes its easier to just stay in the pit because climbing out is so difficult. And unrewarding, because it seems...
Arrival of the New year has been celebrated and resolutions have been made. Kitchen wise, some resolutions I’ve heard are: waste less food, prepare more home cooked meals, and less fat, sugar, salt. Readers, this is your column, I just take what you send me and attempt to put it in an entertaining and educational form. I do kitchen test all the recipes before printing, as I want to be sure the ingredient listing is correct and it helps me expand the instructions, making the r...