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What do you do with half a bag of jumbo pasta shells, extra packages of stove top stuffing mix and cans of condensed cream soups? These are just a few of the holiday items folks were looking to use in meal plans. Stuffed Pasta Shells will take care of the extra pasta shells before they become stale. Make with ground beef or go vegetarian and add spinach. This make ahead dish is substitute friendly. Stuffed Pasta Shells 4 cups spaghetti or marinara sauce. 2 Tbsp chili sauce (optional) 6-8 ounces (about 1/2 bag) jumbo pasta...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Jan. 6: A caller reported the theft of a battery and iron from property on Tramm Road about a quarter mile north of SR 2. Dispatchers were advised of the theft of a battery charger and a table saw from a resid...
1 Years Ago From The Odessa Record January 16, 1914 The Odessa commercial club, through its experiment farm committee, has petitioned the governor for the location of a 160-acre demonstration farm at Odessa, to be under the supervision of the Washington State college authorities, and to be made a permanent part of that institution. While nothing definite can be expected from the petition at present, it is thought that Odessa’s bid for the farm will receive proper attention and the committee and the club itself will make e...
6-2014 Winter Sports Players...
Students on the Dean’s List for the fall 2013 quarter at Eastern Washington University included Staci Bewick, Justin Hunt and Koralynne Kuch from Odessa and Justyne Talkington, Hillary Hayes, Jennifer Adams, Stetson Sanford and Samantha Raigosa from Harrington. Brett Larmer of Harrington achieved the honor roll at Washington State University....
Sophomore, Joey Buell, son of Joe Buell of Harrington, has been named as Titan athlete of the week in boy's basketball by coaches Travis Schuh and Larry Weber. Joey works hard on the defensive side of the ball, always making an effort to create steals and to rebound. Joey has been working hard every day in practice to improve his jump-shot to help the team offensively....
Against Northport, the Titan boys got the win, 53 to 35. They were paced by Shane Whitaker’s 17 points. Sam Schafer added 13, Jacob DeWulf 11, Trevor King 5, Caleb Behrens 3, Dakota Largent 2 and Carsen Weber 2. Weber also had 6 steals. Northport 8 8 8 11 35 O-H Titans 18 17 13 5 53 On Saturday, January 11, the Odessa/Harrington Titan boys lost to Valley Christian, 37 to 54. O-H Titans 6 20 8 3 37 VC 12 9 17 16 54 Whitaker again led the Titans with 14 points. He also had 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 2 steals. Weber scored 8 p...
Obama care or the ASA includes taxes on about 30 different things. The first one took effect on January 1. It targets small business (under 50 employees) and individual markets. It is projected to collect $8 billion in 2014 and $101 billion over the next decade. Most employers with more than 500 workers and most union negotiated health plans are self-insured and thus are spared from the tax. So is insurance run on behalf of "Government Entities" such as original Medicare. this political selectivity means that most gold...
To the Editor; A friend whom I have known most of his life is about to retire and he asked me the question that millions must be thinking. why should someone work all throughout their life when they can make almost as much by being dependent upon our government? I told him I felt strongly that a person's pride and self-satisfaction were important to those who parents had taught them values. Unfortunately, we have too many potential workers who do not have pride! This is why we have eleven states who have more residents...
By LISE OTT Happy New Year! I'm a bit behind the times, as we're already into double-digit January dates. Fortunately, the temperatures have also been double-digit and without minus signs. But the really, really good news is that the most depressing day of the year is behind us. Now, I've always known that January is kind of tough, but it still surprised me last week when a national newscaster informed me that January 6 is the most depressing day of the year. Well, it was...
“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar….it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Today’s TV commentaries about economic justice may seem new to many of the younger generation, but in his December 1964 speech “Accepting the New York City Medallion [the highest civilian award given by New York City], Martin Luther King, Jr., addressed the issue: “In both Norway and Sweden, whose economies are literally dwarfed by the size of our affluence and...
lunteers are the heartbeat of our community. These unsung heroes just show up to help and assist with all of the various behind-the-scenes activities that we so often take for granted. In a perfect world, lots of people would all help out a little. But we all know that in the real world it doesn't work that way. Especially in small towns, a small core group of familiar faces do 90 percent of the work. Justin Parr is one of those people. At Saturday night's New Years Eve Chamber party he was bestowed with the award for...
March The boys basketball team won the academic award for 1B schools from the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for having the highest grade-point average among all of the 1B teams competing. A U.S. Navy jet crashed into a farmer’s field between Odessa and Harrington on March 11, killing the three crew members on board who were on a training mission. The jet and its crew were based at Whidby Island Naval Air Station and was one of several planes flying maneuvers in eastern Washington that day. Competing for t...
Art book for library Local artist Les LePere has produced a book of a portion of his art work. A copy was purchased by his classmate Jasper Womach (Class of 1964) and donated to the Harrington Public Library. The book “Magic of the Objects” is a collection of 68 artistic drawings. Some of his titles are as unique and unexpected as the artwork itself. His earliest piece, Snowman, was created in 1953, and is less intense than any of his other pieces. “Les sees things through a draftsman’s lens. Every object is a potential; ever...
Members of the Odessa Historical Society met Monday evening and reviewed the events of the past year. A new website,, includes photos and information and will also soon carry photos from the Washington Rural Heritage webpage, thanks to the work of Tom Clavel. The St. Matthew’s historical church has received a new roof and coat of paint. The work was done by Diamond Construction of Odessa. Al Volmer constructed and donated the new sign for the church located at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Alder S...
The Odessa and Marlin Gun Clubs held their second shoot on January 12. Odessa Gun Club Shooting a perfect score of 25 was Nick Tebow. Colley Walter and Landon Lobe shot 24’s . Shooting 23 were Jon Fink and Traig Weishaar. Tom Schuh, William Mann, Dylan Nichols, Markham Nichols, Ryan Lewis, Bill Weber, Harley Wraspir, and Jared Praetorius all shot 22. Daniel Mann shot 21. Shooting 20 and under were Brandon Larmer, Jeremy Sewell, Jenny Larmer, Pilot Weishaar, Daeton Deife, Drew Hardung, Nathan Luck, Rod Herron, Rochelle Schuh,...
After running unopposed in the November 2013 general election, Odessa Town Council members Lois Harp and Landon Lobe were re-elected to their positions. Town clerk Gail Kiesz administered the oath of office to both at Monday night's town council meeting in the Odessa Public Library. Gun Club proposal Representing the Odessa Gun Club, area farmer Jon Fink reported on his meeting with council members to work out an agreement for the club to purchase the land adjacent to the muni...