Sorted by date Results 1 - 13 of 13
Odessa vs. Inchelium On January 11, the lady Tigers invited the Inchelium Hornets to Odessa for a conference game. The Hornets stung the Tigresses 68 to 40. The top scorers for the lady Tigers were Maddy Wagner and Grace Nelson each with 10 points, followed by McKennah Davison with 7, Kenadie Elder with 5 and Ashlyn Neilsen, Caitlyn Schuh, Tori Schlomer and Hayden Schuh with two points each. Od 10 9 15 6 40 In 26 6 16 20 68 The Tigresses battled hard to keep the ball in their...
HOHS The Harrington Opera House Society met January 6 for its annual meeting in the Art Room with the following in attendance: Ellen Evans, Billie and Gordon Herron, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Dan and Cindy Hino, Becky Moeller, Karen Robertson, Marge Womach and Linda Wagner. The arrival of the emergency chair for stairway exit was announced. A by-laws change was made to remove “engineer” as a position. Discussion was held regarding the membership drive and annual newsletter. The Society received a let...
SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge Criminal Sentencings Curtis Tanner Lloyd, 27, pleaded guilty to violation of no contact order, sentence to no jail time and $700 in court assessments. New Civil Cases The Estate of Robert J. Cawyer has filed a Quiet Title on property in Sprague against the Estate of Roger W. Seurer. Richard B. Tredway is suing Central Washington Asphalt, the State of Washington and Larry and Jane Doe Hamilton for negligence. MARRIAGE DISSOLUTIONS Lincoln County Clerk New filings involving persons...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Jan. 6: A man reported a neighbor harassing him (no city or town information provided by the Sheriff’s Office) A Davenport man reported a neighbor possibly burning garbage. A Reardan woman reported a suspicious vehicl...
Odessa vs. Inchelium On January 11 the Tigers welcomed the Inchelium Hornets to the Odessa gym for a conference game. The Tigers took their own bite out of the Hornets, winning 68 to 34. Od 14 24 24 6 68 In 15 8 9 2 34 The poor Hornets didn’t have much of chance to sting the 8-0 Tigers. This streak works as a team in every game and that is why they are “the mighty, mighty Tigers.” Leading the Tigers in points was the Machine, Ryan Moffet, with 28. This is truly a team that plays together, though, as he was followed in point...
On behalf of the OCMA I want to thank the entire community of Odessa for all your generous help, donations, prayers and participation throughout the 2019 year. As many of you well know, we are a collection of the churches in Odessa serving to assist the community in emergency situations. Our foremost areas of assistance are the Food Bank (open the third Thursday of each month) and utility assistance. We also host multiple events like Vacation Bible School, sing-alongs, a...
Winter weather and hot meals go together. Meatloaf, casseroles, soups and stews, top the list of requested recipes, whether one is using a conventional range, slow-cooker or insta-pot. Jessica Torres shared the recipe for Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf she recently found on The recipe gives instructions for oven baking, but it works equally well in a slow cooker. The mozzarella cheese and seasonings give a pizza like flavor. Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf...
1 years ago The Odessa Record January 11, 1920 News updates: Connie Schlimmer and Miss Hattie Schorzman returned from Wenatchee to announce their marriage there on New Year's day. They have rented a ranch northwest of town. Registration for voting is undergoing another change. The four year period is being cut to two. Naturalized citizens must show their papers when registering, and the status of the father determines the status of the wife and children. State Land...
For the past 16 years, former Odessa High School English teacher Dr. Duane Pitts, now semi-retired and living in Moses Lake, has written a special piece honoring the late Dr. King on the occasion of this national holiday. We can end homelessness, but don’t. Dr. King noted that our failure of will means we “cannot enter the kingdom of greatness.” Busing a homeless woman elsewhere, tossing a coin to a homeless family, punishing a homeless veteran for sleeping in the park are neither compassionate nor charitable. Each denie...
Our look back at 2019 continues... July In a project spearheaded by Lise Ott and JoEllen Wollman of Experience Quilts with the help of many Odessa quilters, red, white and blue “valor quilts” were distributed to elderly veterans at a July 4 quilt show at Any Occasion Banquet Hall. The Firemen’s Barbecue on July 4 served close to 300 people on a nice warm summer day. Odessa High School sent 29 of its FBLA chapter members to the FBLA National Leadership Conference held this year in San Antonio, Texas. Five teams made it into...
Mo Sheldon, administrator of Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center has resigned from her job in Odessa to accept a position in Arizona to be nearer her widowed mother. Mo, her husband Don and son Paul will be here until March, when her new job starts. The news has gone out to the public in a newsletter from the healthcare center and, of course, via the rumor mill and electronic media. Another change in the Odessa scene is that Odessa Office Equipment, owned by Marlon and Melissa Schafer, has been purchased by Localtel, based in...
The board of directors of the Odessa Chamber met for the first time in 2020 on January 13 at Rocky Coulee Brewing Company. Chamber President Zach Schafer told the board that three members of the current junior class at Odessa High School were interested in trying out for the Miss Odessa crown this spring. School staff members had made inquiries and found that there was interest. The Facebook-based group that is pursuing efforts to create a float for the 50th anniversary of Deutschesfest is still seeking people interested in...
At its regular meeting on January 13, the Odessa Town Council met at 6 p.m. rather than its normal starting time of 7 p.m. so that council members could attend the home basketball game that same evening. The council approved Ordinance 711, updating fees, fines and other charges in the Odessa Municipal Code. Another ordinance (# 712 renewing the Avista franchise agreement for another 25-year period was tabled until the January 27 meeting so council members could study the...