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Articles from the January 17, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Future of float depends on community

    ZACH SCHAFER, President, Odessa Chamber of Commerce|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    The Odessa Chamber of Commerce has undergone the challenging task of creating an operating budget for 2019. As revenues remain flat and expenses continue to rise, we have been forced to make additional budget cuts. In 2018, we were forced to discontinue the $1,000 Tim Suchland memorial scholarship. Sadly, this year we have had to significantly reduce our budget for the community float. Years ago, the float was its own entity. The people involved in it raised funds and sustained the float by funding repairs, decorations,... Full story


    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    March The Odessa High School boys basketball team took fourth place at the state 1B tournament in Spokane last week after a grueling post-season of play. Two Odessa boys earned medals for sportsmanship along the way, Jayd Jennings and Marcus King. RDO Equipment Co. announced the acquisition of equipment dealership Evergreen Implement at the end of February. This adds stores in Coulee City, Moses Lake, Othello, Pasco and Ritzville to RDO Equipment Co.’s existing network, which includes Pasco and Sunnyside in the state of W... Full story

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Guest editorial:

    Duane Pitts|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Homelessness, like poverty, is not a choice. Society creates the circumstances for both to exist, sometimes side by side. In other words, the misery experienced by the homeless and the poor is cruel and needless except to those who have political power to punish them for suffering under the conditions created by those who have power. For example, the recent ordinance by the Moses Lake City Council banning all citizens from using the parks between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is such a punishment aimed with one particular group of... Full story

  • Finding homes for four-legged friends

    Dyanne Deering|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    It's amazing how one person can flip your whole world upside down. Just one call made life in the Deering home sad, stressed and hectic. Our landlord of about 13 years for my husband and 10 years for me, called on Friday and said that our house may get sold, we need to eliminate animals and repair all that needs repaired by Monday. My husband and I were both in tears. We love our babies more than anything and don't want to lose them We are those people in your community that take in those that others don't want or can't... Full story

  • Tiger girls get another win, but lose two more

    Dyanne Deering|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    On January 8, the Lady Tigers played the Wellpinit Redskins in Odessa. The Redskins subdued the Lady Tigers by a score of 56 - 46. The Tigers are now 2 - 7 for the season. McKennah Davison was the high scorer in the game with a total of 15 points. She was followed by Maddy Wagner with 13, Brenna Carstensen with 5, Caitlyn Schuh with 4, Emily Scrupps and Kenadie Elder with 3 each and Ashlyn Neilsen with 2. The Tigers had a total of 22 rebounds on the game, with 3 assists and 5 steals. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t quite e... Full story

  • FBLA window campaign for OTH making progress

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Replacing the 22 single-pane wood-frame windows in the Old Town Hall is the goal of Odessa High School FBLA’s current Window Campaign, says FBLA advisor Terri King. The students have been approaching businesses, organizations and individuals to consider sponsoring a window at a cost of $756/window. The new windows to be installed by Ramm Hardware will be vinyl, insulated, Low-E picture windows which will reduce energy costs and preserve the building. The chapter is pleased to announce that this week’s featured window spo... Full story

  • Sheriff's Report

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Jan. 7: Responding to the 900 block of Spokane Street in Lamont, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 17-year-old girl with back pain. A phone line outage was reported in Edwall, where residents wer... Full story

  • Court Report

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge Criminal Sentencings Richard Deno Denison, 39, of Fruitland, pleaded guilty Jan. 8 to two counts of residential burglary, three counts of theft of a firearm and two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm, all in connection with break-ins at a Hart Road residence north of Davenport between March 11 and 15 of last year. His sentence includes 10 years, 6 months in prison, paying a share of $134,397.82 in restitution to the property owner (with up to eight co-defendants) and $600... Full story

  • Property Transactions

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Lincoln County Treasurer JC Farm LLC, Grand Coulee, to Stephanee L. Chapman (personal representative, estate of Cheryl N. Chapman), Spokane – portions of Sec. 26 and 27, T28N, R31E, $0. JC Farm LLC, Grand Coulee, to Joseph Ehlers, Grand Coulee – portions of Sec. 26 and 36, T28N, R31E, $0. Stephanee L. Chapman (personal representative, estate of Cheryl N. Chapman), Spokane, to Stephanee L. Chapman and Hunter R. Chapman, Spokane – portions of Sec. 26 and 27, T28N, R31E, $0. Joseph Ehlers, Grand Coulee, to JC Farm LLC, Grand... Full story

  • Sticky popcorn, dipping sauce, salad and bread

    Laura Estes|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Welcome to My Kitchen Facebook page has been quite active since launch the end of December. Each week I plan to post pictures from the test drive of column recipes and other kitchen hints. in your search box, or if already on Facebook, type Welcome to My Kitchen in the search box to get to the page. My friend Kathy Prater Taylor, Redfield, N.D., posted a picture of a Cranberry Orange Bread her son baked while visiting over the holidays... Full story

  • HOHS, Community Forum meet; city groups gear up for action in new year

    Marjorie Womach|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    HOHS Monday, January 7, the Harrington Opera House Society held their first meeting of the year with Ed Haugan, Linda Wagner, Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Gordon and Billie Herron, Marge Womach, Karen Robertson, Carol, Becky Moeller and Ellen Evans present. Haugan gave his final treasurer’s report with its usual keen attention to details and comparisons and gave his formal resignation as treasurer, having served for more than 22 years. Discussion was held on the status of the building committee’s projects and needs. Water was... Full story

  • Tigers 10-0 after another week of lop-sided games

    Dyanne Deering|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Tuesday, January 8, the OHS Tigers took on the Wellpinit Redskins in Odessa. The Tigers wiped out the Redskins 69 - 44, making the Tigers 10 - 0 on the season. Ryan “the machine” Moffet was at it again with 31 points in the game. Tim DeWulf had the second highest total of 15 points, followed by Marcus King with 8, Camden Weber with 7, Jett Nelson with 4 and Lane Lobe and Jaden Hunt with 2 each. The Tigers were on top of that hoop, getting a total of 38 rebounds. They had 16 assists and 17 steals. This team works hard to mak... Full story

  • Second week of trapshooting contest shows better results

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    The second week of the Spokesman-Review’s Inland Northwest Trapshoot competition was held Sunday, January 13, 2019. The Marlin and Odessa Gun Clubs participate in trap shooting from their respective locations but combine their scores to form one team that is entered into the competition. Odessa Achieving a perfect 25 at the Odessa Gun Club were Lane Lobe and Brian Wraspir. Shooting 24 were Landon Lobe, Nick Tebow, Cody Stanford and Markus Smith. Anthony Smith, Doug Tebow and Jim Smith all shot 23, while Justin Hunt, Ryan Lewi... Full story

  • New police chief sworn in Monday

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Monday night's meeting of the Odessa Town Council included the swearing in of the town's new police chief Brent Dell by Mayor Bill Crossley. The meeting was followed by a "meet and greet" session with the new chief. Dell said he was originally from Michigan but has spent his law enforcement career in the state of Washington with his first posting in Seattle. His most recent former job was in Kennewick, but prior to that he had been located in Okanogan County, nine miles from... Full story

  • Loren J. Totusek

    Updated Jan 19, 2019

    Loren J. Totusek passed away January 8, 2019, at the Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center in Odessa at the age of 82. He was born August 1, 1936 on the family farm to Frank and Ruby (Hoover) Totusek. He was a member of the Marlin Presbyterian Church. Loren was a U.S. Army veteran, a member of the Odessa American Legion post and also participated with the Odessa VFW. He was an avid player of horseshoes, also enjoyed trapshooting and was a member of the Marlin Gun Club, bowled... Full story

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