Sorted by date Results 26 - 31 of 31
DAVENPORT--Northeast 2B athletic directors elected today to push back the start of most fall sports to Feb. 15, a two-week delay from the previously planned Feb.1, after COVID-19 numbers in the East region failed to indicate that the region would be in "Phase 2" of Gov. Jay Inslee's state re-opening plan. Football will "hopefully" start five days earlier, on Feb. 10, Reardan co-athletic director Eric Nikkola said, as 10 football practices must occur before games can begin. Other league fall sports are cross country,...
DAVENPORT – Lincoln County Health Public Administrator Ed Dzedzy and other county health staff often receive calls from residents asking when they can receive the Moderna vaccine aimed at preventing COVID-19 infection. Giving those callers a clear answer is difficult, however, because the department now is not sure how many doses the county will receive from the state on a weekly basis until the Friday prior. This has created a frustrating situation for Dzedzy and his staff, he shared with the Lincoln County Commissioners a...
DAVENPORT – A few hundred yards north of the baseball fields off McInnis Road on the northeast side of town lie four sewer lagoons on premises the city uses as spray irrigation for sewer lagoon water. The lagoons are staggered in elevation. Chemicals are put in the top lagoon, and the water flows from one to the other. The roughly 75-acre area now needs a new farmer to partner with the city through a public contract to maintain and farm the land in exchange for the ability t...
HARRINGTON – The city’s wastewater plant modification project application is third on a ranked list of 121 proposed clean water projects that could receive various funding, pending approval, in a list published by the Department of Ecology Jan. 14. “The project develops plans and specifications and constructs the recommendations of the 2020 Facilities Plan Update,” a summary of the project on the list, accessible on the DOE’s website, reads. “The modifications will eliminate leaks from treatment lagoons that contaminate...
DAVENPORT – The Lincoln County Commissioners heard a proposal for administering a tourism tax in 2021 from Margie Hall, director of the Economic Development Council, at the commissioner’s Jan. 19 meeting. The tax, which the county has partnered with the EDC in some form for the last 10 years to administer, would be aimed at increasing tourism in town in 2021. Traditionally and theoretically, 2% of the 8% sales tax the county receives from tourism activities is used for tourism, commissioner Scott Hutsell said. Hall gave a d...
DAVENPORT-The school district here is one of 12 districts statewide participating in a COVID-19 rapid testing pilot program, where staff members voluntarily test themselves using a swab and receive results within 24 hours of the swabs arriving at a lab. The process involves a few coughs and the ability to summon saliva. "Our district is one of 12 school districts that have been recently selected by the Washington State Department of Health to participate in a state-funded COVI...