Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 30
SPOKANE VALLEY - To reach the promised land, a team must slay its giants. The Reardan boys basketball team finally conquered one such giant last weekend, defeating the Colfax Bulldogs 57-46 in the District 7 2B 5th/6th Place game at West Valley High School Saturday, Feb. 11. With the win, Reardan advanced to the District 6/7 Crossover and eliminated Colfax in the process. "It means a lot to us because we haven't made it out of Districts in a long time," senior Logan Flaa said....
REARDAN - Eight Screaming Eagles earned berths in the state wrestling tournament after qualifying at the WIAA 1B/2B Region 3 Tournament, Saturday, Feb. 11. The wrestlers will vie for championship medals at Mat Classic XXXIV in Tacoma Feb. 17-18. Preston Neufeld, Conner Kline and Tristin Burril went undefeated in their regional matches to win first place in their respective weight class. Neufeld pinned both of his opponents, Burril pinned all three of his, and Kline pinned two...
The Spokesman-Review’s Inland Northwest Trapshoot competition started Sunday, Jan. 8. Odessa and Marlin combine to make one team but compete from their respective locations. Both teams are listed combined. Below are Week 6’s trapshooting results. 16 Yard 25: Jared Praetorious, Randy Gies, Ryan Behrens 24: Markus Smith, Brady Gies, Doug Starkel 23: Nick Tebow, Tom Schuh, Tucker Walter, Corey Shearer, Billy James, Josh Black, Travis Sheaver, Allie Black 22: Jon Fink, Jared King, Colley Walter, Anthony Paszkeicz, Lexi Eden, Fra...
SPOKANE VALLEY - After he suffered a hip flexor injury three nights prior, the Davenport coaching staff didn't even know if their best player, Tennessee Rainwater, would be available for the District 7 Championship against Northwest Christian. After some physical therapy and painkillers, Rainwater was more than available, scoring 33 points and grabbing eight rebounds in said Championship game. Toss in a dominant 24 point and 10 rebound effort from Cash Colbert, and the...
Davenport birthdays Feb. 17: Phyllis Luiten, Sean Deane, Ana Wilkie, Taylor Morgan Feb. 18: Kaylee Leep, Doug Branch, Gary Phillips Feb. 19: Sydney Schneider, Mackenzie Fisk Feb. 20: Penny Strite, Wade Guhlke, Christopher Briggs, Brian Curtis, Jeter Sanford, Brilee Madison, Karyn Lee Feb. 21: Barbara Badgley, Caitlyn Katz, Harold Patterson † Feb. 22: Greyson Wilkie, Sadahiro Patterson, Payton Critchlow, Holly Branch Feb. 23: Jacob Furman, Thomas Furman, Jess Bartell, Joyce Nonnemacher, Todd Stiles Davenport anniversaries F...
DAVENPORT - Zackary Bruce, Ally Slahtasky and Josie Wynecoop, who are co-chairs of the local FBLA chapter's American Enterprise Project, taught local sixth graders about the basic principles of the American Enterprise System. From there, the sixth graders were split into groups and had to create their own "small business." After a few weeks of the sixth graders working a business poster and what their good or service for sale, the elementary students were able to attend the...
ODESSA — Plans for the community center renovations are in full swing, as was discussed at a town council meeting Monday, Feb. 13. As construction starts, a dry box trailer will serve as a temporary office for the clerks as renovations occur. The trailer will be placed on First Street, similar to when Deutschesfest takes place but should remain accessible. Hannah (Schmidt) Jahns asked the council about using the sewage dump at the RV park for the Stumpjumper event. The council agreed to assess the situation to see if the v...
HARRINGTON — Paul Dione from Sunshine Disposal and Recycling met with city council to discuss the solid waste disposal contract Wednesday, Feb. 8. Mayor Pro Tempore David Buddrius was curious if there was a contract and Dione produced the agreement. The council discussed rates with Dione and the possibility of not needing three sizes of garbage containers. Dione talked about the differences in rates between Sunshine versus county options and the price increase due to economic standings. “We even had to increase our stage wag...
ROCKLYN - A Florida man survived a one-vehicle crash on U.S. Highway 2 Thursday, Feb. 9. Leandro Duenas Martinez, 32, was injured and transported via helicopter to an area hospital. According to the Washington State Patrol, Martinez's Kenworth rollback tow truck was westbound on Highway 2 near Milepost 244 when it left the road, overturned and trapped him inside at approximately 9:10 a.m. Fire District No. 5 firefighter Bob Johnson said Martinez was trapped inside the truck...
DAVENPORT - If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That could describe Robert Jenkins' attempts at getting onto City Council. During a regular council meeting Wednesday, Feb. 8, Jenkins was appointed to fill a council seat vacated by Jessica Smith in December. This is the second time Jenkins put his name in the hat to fill a council vacancy. Last year, he applied for a seat Jonn Chapman was ultimately appointed to fill. "Davenport is a wonderful community, and I would...
Davenport senior Wyatt Telecky cuts off his portion of the net as the Gorillas celebrated a District 7 2B boys basketball title following a 65-49 victory over Northwest Christian at West Valley High School Saturday, Feb. 11. Read more about the game on Page B1....
ODESSA - The local school district decided to hire Dr. Robert Clark as the new interim superintendent through the end of this school year. Clark began part-time work with the district last week. The school district elected to have the ESD aid in looking at potential candidates. After interviewing two potential candidates, the school board decided on Clark. When asked what led to Clark receiving the contract over the other candidate, Board Chairman Ed Deife said it was his expe...
DAVENPORT — All seven levy propositions placed before Lincoln County voters in a special election Tuesday, Feb. 14 were passing as of press time, most by comfortable margins. A Sprague School District proposition for a replacement educational programs and operations levy with an estimated levy rate of $1.51 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2024 and $1.43 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2025 was passing 127-49. $215,000 will be collected from taxpayers both years. The first of three levies run by the Odessa S...
ORDINANCE 1187 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DMC TITLE 8.04. DOGS IN ORDER TO UPDATE THE CHAPTER TO BETTER DEFINE THE PUBLIC NUISANCE CREATED BY BARKING DOGS IN THE CITY, AS FOLLOWS: SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION This ordinance better defines the nuisance created by barking dogs. Copies of the full text of the ordinance may be obtained from the undersigned at the Davenport City Hall, 411 Morgan Street, Davenport, WA 99122. Published this16th day of February 2023.David M. Leath Clerk/Treasurer City of Davenport Published Feb. 16,...
INVITATION FOR BIDS Odessa Community Center Renovation Town of Odessa, WA Sealed bids will be received by the Town of Odessa, located at 21 E 1st Ave, Odessa, WA 99159, until 12:30 pm, on Thursday, March 2, 2023, for the general contract for the renovation of the Odessa Community Center in Odessa, WA. Bids will thereafter be publicly opened and read aloud at 12: 45 pm. The public may attend the opening virtually, via a video/tele-conferencing link. The conference information will automatically be sent to all registered...
AMENDED NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That Terry and Donna Johnson of Davenport, WA on March 21. 1997 under Application No. S3-30024, filed permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from an unnamed spring, in the amount of .004 cubic foot per second, each year, for continuous single domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is to be located within the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 6, T. 27 N., R. 36 E.W.M., Lincoln...
LINCOLN COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) (RCW 43.21C) SEPA RULES (WAC 197-11) FILE NO. SEPA-01-23 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Fiber-to-the-Home to serve all premises in Davenport and Wilbur and approximately 23 mid-miles of fiber from Harrington to Sprague, located in rural Lincoln County. The aerial construction will be done according to the utility pole owner’s specifications and permitted through a pole attachment process. Where underground c...
Rex Allen Smith Feb. 7, 2023 Rex Allen Smith, a nineteen-year resident of the Colville, Wash. area passed away unexpectedly on Feb. 7, 2023 at the age of 72. Rex was born in Odessa, Wash. the son of Benjamin Louis and Betty Jean (Decker) Smith. He was raised in Odessa, Wash. where he graduated as a 12-year graduate from Odessa High School in 1969. Rex was an accomplished athlete in school both in football and basketball nearly bringing home a first-place title at state. His...
Yvaughn Grace (White) Carstensen Oct. 21, 1927 – Jan. 28, 2023 Yvaughn Grace "Yvaughnie" Carstensen, (95), of Almira, Wash. passed away on Jan. 28, 2023. Yvaughn a lifelong resident of Almira, Wash. was born in Wenatchee, Wash. on Oct. 21, 1927. The only daughter of Vaughn and Mary (Krause) White. She graduated from Almira Public School in 1945 and attended Eastern Washington State College graduating in 1949 with a teaching degree. Her first teaching job was in Colfax, W...
Springtime means mid-week soup suppers for many area folks. Some cooks have a signature soup they bring to every soup meal, while others like to try a new recipe each time. Soups range in flavors from savory to spicy, with a few having sweet/sour overtones. Some are thick with vegetables or a cream base broth; others are meat or vegetable broth-based with plenty of liquid for sopping up with some toasted bread or crackers. French Chicken Stew is a combination of both styles....
America is where liberty and freedom are guarded by jealously, which is required by a “patriot” that defends it with their last breath. In today’s America, very few people think this way. But the few that do are painted as extremists, simply because mainstream America has fallen away from the understanding on why this country was founded by patriotic free men and women who fought and died for what we have today. Not only did they die, they spent their last coin to fund the American Revolution that was never repaid by the n...
If we are to meet our soaring demand for electricity and produce it without coal and natural gas, we must double down on nuclear power. Today, U.S. nuclear plants generated enough electricity to power more than 70 million homes. It’s the most reliable source of electricity operating at full capacity over 90 percent of the time. It is “greenhouse gas” free, yet many activists are pushing to close, not build, nuclear power plants. If President Biden and Gov. Inslee conti...
With avian flu spreading among mammals and experts concerned it could make the jump to humans, our political leaders should support increased federal funding for cultivated-meat research. For those who don’t know, cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter. Since animals are removed from the process, this new protein would dramatically reduce our pandemic risk. Though the Food and Drug Administration recently approved the first cultivated-meat product, and it should hit the market soon, more g...
A key issue needing legislative action during this year’s session is public safety – and for good reason. In recent years, Washington has seen an alarming increase in crime, some of it the result of recent laws passed by the Democratic majority in the Legislature that soften penalties for criminal behavior or makes it more difficult for law-enforcement officers to do their jobs to protect our communities. The issue of vehicle pursuits by police is exhibit A. Democrats in the...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Feb. 6 Traffic stops: 3 A caller said he saw a tanker slide off Highway 174 at Bodeau Road while hauling unknown chemicals and fuel. A Reardan woman said her family had $370,000 in their safe that belonged to som...