Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
Christ Lutheran and Heritage Church youth groups are planning a trip to the Spokane Arean on Sunday, March 3 for a concert. They will leave Heritage Church at 1:15 p.m. March 3, and be back in Odessa around 11 p.m. Seating will be first come first serve. The cost is $10 for the concert and $5 for transportation. They will stop for an evening meal, so bring money for food. Permission slips and liability slips are required and are available by contacting Deanna Nelson at the church office, 982-2411. Pastor Jon Hayashi at...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Feb. 11: Emergency personnel assisted an 18-year-old girl who apparently suffered an alcohol-related seizure in the Reardan area. County road signs were reported stolen from Riffe, Bergeron...
One hundred and ten years ago this week, there were great expectations about a new town in southwestern Lincoln county – Irby. It had been reported that the Great Northern Railway was about to put in a siding about midway between Odessa and Krupp, and that a flour mill, store and a bank were in the works. In the 1903 issue of The Odessa Record, the following dispatch from the Spokane Spokesman-Review appeared: The Irby Ranch, one of the oldest and best known properties in Lincoln County, has just been acquired by the B...
"Sequestration" is not the term that I consider to be the best to describe what President Obama is trying to do to our nation, but as we are seeing, he plans to do whatever he wants to do! His budget request for 2013 was to retire 300 airplanes while buying 54 new ones. The deletion is after retiring 700 more airplanes than it purchased. At the founding of the U.S. Air Force in 1947, we had 12,300 planes we have 5,200 today. The last time the U.S. bought so few aircraft was 1915 for the aviation section of the U.S. Army...
Over the years, I finally made peace with myself, and God, when He called Tom and I into the ministry. You see, I never, ever wanted to be a "pastor's wife". In the back of my mind, I knew if we were to go into the ministry, taht would lead us to the mission field and I never, ever wanted to go to some place like "Africa". I hadn't heard of missionaries being sent to exotic places, like Hawaii. Between college and seminary, Tom and I were asked to fill in for short term missions. Missionaries who needed to come home to rest...
Lincoln County Treasurer, Linda Fisher, has completed the 2013 tax roll for collection and is providing notification the Treasurer's Office shall now accept payment and issue receipts for the 2013 taxes as required by RCW 84.56.020. 2013 Lincoln County Tax statements are scheduled to be mailed the third week of February 2013. Taxpayers who do not receive their statement need to contact the County Treasurer's Office, 450 Logan, Davenport, WA or (509) 725-5061 or Also, tax information may be...
Having your team gel and reach its peak at the end of the season is every coach’s dream. The Odessa-Harrington Titans boys basketball team has been making their coaches very happy with nothing but wins all the way through the post-season thus far. O-H vs. Cusick On February 9, the Odessa/Harrington Titans defeated Cusick, 60-52, at the District 7 playoffs at Deer Park High School, putting them into the championship game on February 16 also at Deer Park High School. Cade W...
On February 12, two seniors from Odessa High School, accompanied by OHS principal Ken Schutz, traveled to Olympia in hopes of testifying before state representatives on House Bill 1412 before the House Education Committee. Kendall Todd and Koralynne Kuch made the trip and, after an hour and a half wait, were called upon to speak. The two students spoke against the proposed legislation, which would have made community service a graduation requirement in the state of...
Experience Quilts! has now opened in the space formerly occupied by The Quilt Crossing. Lise Ott and business partner JoEllen Wollman have been cleaning, rearranging, buying new stock and setting up ever since former owner Ardis Wraspir closed her doors in mid-December. A grand opening is planned for March 1 and 2, and visitors will be treated to demonstrations, prizes and plenty of new stock to look at. As of this past Monday, however, quilters have already been able to have...
Erich T. Bueschke, son of Theodore “Ted” Bueschke and Mollie Maureen Wolf, died at Central Washington Hospital on January 29, 2013 on his 48th birthday. Erich graduated from Curtis High School in University Place Wash. He worked in the aerospace industry for many years. He leaves behind two children, Krysta and Nikolaus, of Denver, North Carolina, and his brother, Kurt, of Camano Island, Wash. The family has many fond memories of Erich and he will be missed. Memorial don...
Distracted driving is any activity that draws a driver’s attention away from the task at hand. In a split second the consequences of distracted driving can be devastating and take the lives of many innocent people. In 2010, 3,267 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, according to, and an additional 416,000 people were injured. These incidents made up 18% of all injury crashes in the US. Cell phone use is one of the worst offenders because, according to Carnegie Mellon University, i...
Scott Richard Strang of Odessa, a senior at the University of Washington, has been named to the Dean’s List for the autumn quarter. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction when they receive their grades for the quarter....
February 24, 2013, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM is the fourth annual Bold Women's Day at Christ Lutheran Church. All women are invited to come and see a sample of what Christ Lutheran Church Women do for Lutheran World Relief, making quilts and assembling various kits. They also furnish quilts and some children's clothing to Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery in Spokane. Natasha and Jessica Heimbigner will share highlights from their recent mission trip to Kiria, Kenya, and local business owner, LoriLynn White, will share how she...
The Concordia University Chicago Concert Choir, Kapelle, will perform in Odessa on March 9 while on its annual spring concert tour. The Kapelle is conducted by Dr. Charles P. Brown, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Concordia University Chicago. The choir will perform at Zion-Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 4279 State Route 21N, Odessa, on Saturday, March 9, at 7 p.m. Kapelle is the premier choral ensemble of the University. Chosen by audition, the choir members prepare a variety of music for local...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 2/8/13: The only real surprise in the supply-and-demand report today was that wheat carryovers were reduced instead of getting an increase. Total wheat ending stocks were down 25 million bushels, and soft white stocks were cut by 10 million bushels. Wheat exports were left unchanged despite their tepid pace to date, but feed use was upped by 25 million, which was the reason for the cut to ending stocks. Corn ending stocks were increased by 30 million...
Odessa Shooting 25 was Nick Tebow. Shooting 24 were Landon Lobe and Traig Weishaar. Jon Fink, Colley Walter and Hunter Bramer all shot 23. Shooting 22 were Jim Smith, Nick Nelson, Bill Weber, William Mann and Mike Nichols, Sr. Tyler Smith, Doug Tebow, Randy Gies, Markham Nichols, Wyatt Haase, Garrett Braun, Lane Lobe and Joel Hardung shot 21. Shooting 20 and under were Tom Schuh, Ryan Lewis, Brandon Larmer, Mike Nichols, Jr., Jenny Larmer, Halie Walter, Danielle Tebow, Rochelle Schuh, Pilot Weishaar, Alex Null, Drew Hardung,...
USDA Risk Management Agency The Farm to School Grant Program (CDFA #: 10.575) was announced by the USDA on February 6. Additional details are available on-line at: For all questions pertaining to the USDA Farm to School Grant Program, please e-mail In this funding round, the USDA is soliciting applications for three types of grants: 1. Planning grants are intended for school districts or schools just starting to incorporate farm to school...
Registration for spring quarter classes at Big Bend Community College starts February 25 for currently enrolled students, followed by registration for former students, transfer students and new students. Spring quarter classes begin April 1. Students should register as early as they can to get the classes they need. The spring quarter class schedule is posted on BBCC’s web site ( Current students should check the registration information for dates and times that apply to their student status. Open r...
The following Wilson Creek Junior/Senior High School students made the honor roll this semester (first semester, 2012-2013): High Honors (GPA 3.50-4.00) Student name is followed by grade level in parentheses. Mariyesenia S. Alvarez (12), Tyler A. Bise (8), Dylan Cannon-Enger (8), Colten S. Crane (9), Lane C. Engelhardt (12), Maggie E. Friend (7), Maria A. Garay (10), Chance A. Garrett (8), Cassandra M. Hansen (7), Samuel D. Hochstatter (8), Sophie J. Hochstatter (10), Jamie N. Kaupp (8), Caleb S. McMillan (9), Colton A....
Otillia, “Tillie” E. Wenz, 97, of Salem, Ore., formerly of Odessa, Wash. passed away on February 13 of natural causes. Tillie was born in Plevna, Mont. on April 29, 1915. She graduated from the Plevna schools and received a teaching degree from Eastern Montana Normal School in Billings. Tillie taught at the Ehret School in Fallon County, Mont. Tillie was married to William Wenz on June 26, 1938; they were married 54 years. Shortly after their marriage Bill and Tillie moved to Odessa where she enjoyed being a homemaker, wor...
There’s a hole in my living room today. Not an actual hole, mind you. It’s just the space where my piano once sat. You see, I gave my piano away this weekend. My piano was just about the first major purchase I ever made. It cost $750 back in the late 1970’s, when I was a single working woman living in Yakima. It wasn’t a fancy name brand. But it was pretty. For the first few years, anyway. It was moved twice in Yakima, and then from Yakima to Portland. In Portland, it was mov...
Eighty years ago my mother was in grade school where schoolroom paste was made by mixing a little flour and water together. Memories of that simple glue came back to her when she and I recently stood in my kitchen, mixing two small batches of flour and water. First I mixed regular “better for bread” flour with water in a little dish, then I did the same with special test flour made from soft durum wheat. The first mixture was a pasty, lightest-of-light-tan color, the second ha...
Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee last week approved two bills that would reduce the restraints on landowners and county legislative authorities from lethally removing a wolf posing an immediate threat to livestock and/or domestic animals. Both bills have been sent to the Rules Committee for floor-vote consideration. Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5187 would allow livestock-owners, their family members and employees to trap or kill gray wolves without a permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) if their...
The Odessa High School chapter of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) formed a partnership with the AgriBusiness Council of Spokane in December of 2012. The goal was to work with the council to support and promote a strong, active and viable agriculture community in the Inland Northwest. To learn more about the AgriBusiness Council, FBLA students met with Jay Allert, President of Aslin Finch Company and the committee chair of the AgriBusiness Council. Allert shared that agriculture is a 38-billion-dollar industry in...