Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
TACOMA –Reardan High School sophomore Preston Neufeld dominated his opposition to win first place in the 106-pound class at Mat Classic XXXIV Feb. 17-18. Teammates Connor Kline and Carson Durbin placed third and fifth in their weight classes to help the Screaming Eagles to an eighth-place team finish. Neufeld entered the state wrestling tournament boasting a 38-2 record in the 106-pound weight class. Neufeld received a first-round bye after placing first in the regional t...
TACOMA - One of the school's best wrestling seasons in recent history culminated in a sixth-place finish at the state Mat Classic XXXIV for Davenport. Four of the five Gorillas that competed medaled, and Davenport pulled in an academic state title to boot. No Gorillas were able to pull in a first-place title. Senior Sam Schneider came the closest in the 195-pound division with a second-place finish. Schneider pinned Rainier junior Mason Hornby in 44 seconds in the...
This page was made possible by the following sponsors: Play Hard! Art's Body Shop 509-725-2472 Good luck! Keep up the good work! Davenport Vision Source 509-725-2000 Good luck Teams! Wheatland Veterinary Clinic Dr. Todd Winzer 509-982-2541 Good luck at State! Odessa Trading Company 509-982-2661 Good luck at State! NAPA - Davenport 509-725-5101 Way to go team! Lincoln County Record-Times 509-725-0101 Good luck, go teams! Rainier Seeds Inc. 509-725-1235 Good luck teams!...
DAVENPORT — The local Senior Center temporarily closed in January and is still short on the funds required to re-open. A local group hopes that such a re-opening can happen by mid-March but needs more donations to make that happen. Vice president Jim Wilson and locals Barbara Badgley and Georgia Smith are working together toward a hopeful re-opening of the Senior Center, which provides meals and community to local senior citizens. “We could really use the help of the community to keep us viable until our funds/grants com...
Davenport Elementary students participated in Kindness Week last week. Fifth-grader Corbin Walters (middle) was the Grand Prize winner. The two runner-up prize winners were fifth-grader Emmalee Rasmussen (left) and third-grader Wyatt Abernathy (right). The kids worked on completing multiple kindness challenges each day last week. The kids also celebrated Kindness Week by dressing up throughout the week. Students earned special red pride cards during the week by doing random...
ODESSA — 100 years ago Feb. 22, 1923 The weather has modified so that it now looks like spring and everyone seems satisfied. The thermometer has ranged between four and 28 above all the past week at maximum and minimum temperatures. The snow has been melting slowly and now it looks like it is half gone, without any water running. Henry Horst Sr., a retired wheat raiser who for a number of years past has made Odessa his home, brought back from his trip to Colorado last week a bride. Mrs. Horst was formerly Mrs.Katherine F...
PULLMAN - A Davenport native is part of an 11-member meat judging team at Washington State University that has won both contests it has participated in this year. Ashley Gunning, a 2019 graduate of Davenport High School, is the lone Lincoln County native on the squad that won two meat judging contests in January and is heading to Houston for a third contest Tuesday, Feb. 28. The team won Champion Team Overall for the A-Division at the National Western Stock Show in Denver...
ODESSA — Matt Roberson will be stepping down as Chamber of Commerce president, as was announced at a regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 22. Roberson cited personal reasons for the departure, and the nominations for a new president will be accepted and voted on at their next meeting. Currently, there is no propane for the Desert 100 Stumpjumpers event. Zach Shafer has been calling to see if any can be located or brought out. Chamber members discussed the possibility of finding a few 100-gallon tanks from locals willing to loan t...
REARDAN — The school board announced the resignation of athletic director Eric Nikkola at its meeting Feb. 21. His resignation will be effective June 13. Nikkola was the head football coach here from 2004-2021 and spent 14 years as an assistant coach before that. For his day job, he teaches physical education. He has spent this school year as full-time athletic director and physical education instructor. Matt Clouse finished his first season as head football coach in the fall. Applications are being accepted to fill the s...
REARDAN - Town clerk/treasurer Megan Kamstra is resigning her position effective Feb. 28 to embark on a career as an event planner. The town hired Kamstra in 2019 to run its day-to-day operations. Her goal was "to be the next Bruce Johnson," her predecessor as clerk/treasurer. "I knew I could never fill his shoes, but I did my best," she said. She values her time working for the town and the opportunity given to hone her administrative and operational skills. "I have really...
LINCOLN - Davenport native and current Gonzaga University accounting student Gavin Boggs thought he was enjoying a somewhat slow afternoon of winter walleye fishing with his college roommate on Lake Roosevelt near the Lincoln boat launch Saturday, Feb. 11. The pair was enjoying being on the water but had only secured one fish all day. That changed when Boggs felt a heavy tug on his line. He thought he'd gotten the second walleye of the day, but what he got was much more...
DAVENPORT—A 16-year-old boy was arrested and charged after allegedly bringing a BB gun to the high school here Thursday, Feb. 16. Tristan M. Clark was transported to Martin Hall and booked on charges of possessing dangerous weapons on school facilities and harassment. Clark appeared in Superior Court Tuesday, Feb. 21 and entered a not-guilty plea on the charges, according to the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office. A fact-finding hearing was set for Tuesday, March 7. According to police records, Lincoln County Dispatch was tol...
Reardan sophomore Preston Neufeld won the Class 2B 106-pound state title Saturday, Feb. 18, at Mat Classic XXXIV in the Tacoma Dome. Neufeld pinned all his opponents, including Harrison Suzara of Kalama, pictured, in the title match. Neufeld was one of seven local wrestlers to earn medals at state. See Page 10 for more Mat Classic coverage....
DAVENPORT — The Lincoln County Commissioners approved a motion sunsetting a local declaration of a State of Emergency regarding COVID-19 at the Commissioners regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 21. The motion came after the county realized it still technically had a State of Emergency in place. Gov. Jay Inslee ended the statewide State of Emergency effective Nov. 1, 2022. Most virus-related mandates and recommendations statewide were eased in March 2022. Other business conducted by the Commissioners Tuesday included an agreement t...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Feb. 13 Traffic stops: 3 An abandoned vehicle was reported in Wilbur. A vehicle lockout was reported at Davenport Family Foods. A Reardan man reported a dog running loose around his house. A Reardan woman said her...
INVITATION TO BID LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY CERB FTTX ALMIRA, CRESTON & HARRINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, Washington that sealed bids will be received until 12:00 p.m., Thursday, March 16th 2023 at one of the following locations: By Mail: Board of Lincoln County Commissioners P.O. Box 28 Davenport, WA 99122-0028 Or In Person: Office of the Board of County Commissioners Clerk of the Board’s Desk 450 Logan Street County Courthouse, Lower Level Davenport, WA It shall b...
LINCOLN COUNTY NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL BOARD BOARD MEMBER POSITION OPENING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the laws of the state of Washington, RCW 17:10:050; that effective immediately, there is a Board Member position opening for District #1, which includes the southwestern portion of the county. This is a non-paid position, with a 4-year term of office. For more in depth district boundary lines, please call our office. Interested persons residing in this district must make a written application that includes the...
NOTICE OF CALL FOR BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, Washington, will accept sealed bids for providing the printing for Lincoln County, Washington, for the term of one (1) year, beginning on July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. Said bids to be filed with the undersigned Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners not later than Friday, March 24, 2023, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. (bidder shall take into consideration the mailing time process to assure the 2:00 p.m. receipt...
NOTICE OF HEARING PROPOSED SALE OF USED and SURPLUS EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County in compliance with RCW 36.34., the purpose of said hearing to declare as used and surplus with the intent to sell, trade or dispose of certain Lincoln County equipment and/or real property. A list of the used surplus equipment can be obtained from the Lincoln County Commissioners’ Office. Date of said hearing is to be Monday, March 6, 2023 at 9:00 a...
NOTICE OF STATE’S INTENT TO NEGOTIATE LEASE Department of Natural Resources will begin negotiation of an expiring lease with existing lessee on the following parcels. All leases are subject to third party bids by interested parties. Lease terms and bidding information is available by calling the Southeast Region at 1-800-527-3305 or by appointment at the Region Office at 713 Bowers Road, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. The leases expire July 31, 2023. Grazing Lease All/Part Sec Twp Rge 10-089922 Part 24 20 38.0E Part 36 11 3...
Patricia Ann Titus May 16, 1940 – Feb. 2, 2023 Patricia Ann Titus, 82, departed her loving family peacefully on the evening of Feb. 2, 2023, in the comfort of her own home on Third Street in Cle Elum, surrounded by her daughter and granddaughters. Patricia was born in Wenatchee on May 16, 1940 to Leona Lydia (nee’ Heimbigner) and Herman John Schorzman. Of proud Volga German heritage, she was raised in Odessa, Wash. at the Heimbigner family dairy farm. This is where her lif...
Hugh Arvid Hurlburt Jul. 4, 1930 – Feb. 13, 2023 Hugh Arvid Hurlburt went to be with the Lord on Feb. 13, 2023, after suffering a stroke. He was born on Jul. 4, 1930 in Akron, Colo. to Bernard Basil and Nellie Rae (Barton) Hurlburt. He was the youngest of three, brother, Harlan Barton, and sister, Donna Maureen Dingman, who preceded him in death. He married his sweetheart, Naomi (Julie) Newton on Oct. 22, 1950. They were married for 72 years before she passed in Nov. 2022. T...
Growing up on the farm, I heard grandma’s sage advice in just about every situation imaginable. “A trouble shared is a trouble halved.” “This isn’t my first rodeo.” “Many hands make light work.” When hearing about Kaiser Permanente’s change in how its customers could get their prescriptions refilled, what came to mind was this: “It doesn’t cut the mustard.” Last summer, the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) voted to allow K...
Davenport birthdays Feb. 24: Gene Stuckle, Bob Johnson Feb. 25: Jim Buchanan, Weston Sharer, Jarrett Jacobsen Feb. 26: Grant Harper, Karissa Stedman, Tyson Lacy, Karissa Taylor Feb. 27: Melissa Quisano Feb. 28: Hailey Arland, Hailey Stiles, Carey Guhlke, Christy Emery, Danielle Telford, Anthony Bambino March 1: Jeremy Sewall March 2: Jersey Sanford, Donna Gauch Davenport anniversaries Feb. 24: Tom and Tanya Scharff Reardan birthdays Feb. 27: Jenny Sobotta March 1: Krissi Bell Odessa birthdays Feb.27: Lakley Null Feb. 29:...
Who says Congress is so gridlocked that nothing is accomplished? Consider what happened last December when the U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation streamlining regulations for projects reducing wildfire risk, restoring healthy forests, and removing diseased and dead trees. The Senate passed the “Root and Stem Project Authorization Act.” It is co-sponsored by Steve Daines (R-MT) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA) who often disagree on key issues. Feinstein is a former San Fra...