Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
Everyone has a moral responsibility to report cases of sexual molestation or other severe abuse of children to authorities. Washington State Representative Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle) wants to make it a legal responsibility as well. Dickerson is proposing legislation that would require every adult in Washington to contact a law enforcement agency when they have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is being severely abused or neglected. “Children are suffering behind curtains of silence as we try to combat serial s...
The Hartline Betterment Organization recently received a $5,000 National Trust Preservation Funds grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The vital funds, allocated from the Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Fund and the Eldridge Campbell Stockton Memorial Fund for Washington, will help support architectural services needed for the next phase of the Historic Hartline School Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Project. The National Trust Preservation Fund grant, together with local matching funds, will support the...
Kramer Schutz, son of Ken and Lea Ann Schutz of Odessa, has been named to the Dean’s List at Carroll College, Helena, Mont., for the fall 2011 semester. Appointment to the Dean’s List at Carroll College requires an average of 3.5 or higher for all courses taken in a semester. Schutz was a 2010 graduate of Odessa High School....
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Feb. 20: Davenport emergency personnel assisted a 46-year-old man who suffered a seizure. A caller reported a road restriction violation by a semi-truck traveling on Sterling Valley Road. Feb. 21: A...
Soup is always in season, making it the ideal menu staple for times when we seem to have all four seasons in any given day. Soup can be as easy as opening a can and heating the contents, or involve lots of chopping, sautéing, deglazing, boning and mincing. Dan Wilcox, The Odessa Record website guru, submitted a recipe for Chicken Noodle Soup that falls in the less labor intensive category. Usually I rewrite recipes into the standard formula for recipe presentation, but Dan...
They didn’t call them chambers of commerce in those days They were commercial clubs in all but the larger cities like Spokane. One hundred and eight years ago this week, the Odessa Commercial Club, forerunner to the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, was organized. That body, made up of the town’s civic and business leaders, has been an enthusiastic booster of Odessa ever since. It was designated the Odessa Chamber of Commerce in the 1950s. Here is the report of its founding, appearing in The Odessa Record on March 11, 1904. A meeti...
Stan Wills was one of the two gentlemen who came to Reiman Park in Odessa to demonstrate Colonial era clothing and other items, including muskets and coins. Stan Wills, age 60, recently took on a summer project. Half way between Sprague and Harrington on Hwy 23 there stood an old log cabin. The roof had fallen in, and it was about to be torn down and burned. Stan approached the current land owner and asked if he could have it. The land owner agreed, and the project began....
In last week’s special issue on FFA, we ran out of room for all of the news and pictures about local FFA activities. Our FFA coverage continues: For the 2011-2012 school year, the Odessa FFA chapter has 42 members. Seniors: Ashley Buchman, Elena Hernandez, Kaitlin Estep, Alyssa Woodruff, Morgan Nelson, Kyle Tebow, Rebekah Marshall and Hailey Williams. Juniors: Nick Nelson, Jared King, Justin Hunt, Justin Hauge, Nick Tebow, Lacey Nelson and Jessie Whitaker. Sophomores: Ryan G...
Two girls from the Odessa-Harrington Titans basketball team were recognized for their playing ability by being named to the Girls Bi-County 1B All-Opponent Team. Jessie Whitaker, the daughter of Richard and LaDawna Whitaker, was named to the first team. Jessie is a junior and attends Odessa High School part timeand is home-schooled the rest of the time. Kendall Todd, also a junior at OHS, is the daughter of Odessa school teachers Bruce and Kim Todd. Kendall was given...
Both Odessa and Harrington High’s Knowledge Bowl teams qualifed at Regionals February 24 at Whitworth University to move on to statewide competition to be held March 17 at Spokane Falls Community College. Finishing first in the 1B division was Wilbur with 102 points, Valley Christian second with 95 points, Odessa third with 93 points, ACH fourth with 81 points, Garfield-Palouse fifth and Harrington sixth. Competitors were presented oral and written questions drawn from the s...
I recently had the opportunity to visit Fairchild Air Force Base again, home to more than 4,000 active duty servicemembers and their families, National Guard, Reserve and civilians, and the largest employer in Eastern Washington. Fairchild, located 10 miles southwest of Spokane, houses the 92nd and 141st Air Refueling Wings, which are responsible for supporting global military operations through air refueling, passenger and cargo airlift, and aero-medical evacuation....
Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center employee Karen Carlson had just finished an all-day CPR training session when she had the opportunity to put what she had learned into practice. While eating at a restaurant in Moses Lake, Carlson heard someone choking behind her. The man’s wife was attempting to perform the Heimlich maneuver, but the man collapsed to the floor. Carlson was able to give him chest compressions, and perform a finger sweep of his mouth, after which, she said, h...
Last Wednesday’s severe windstorm raised havoc from one end of town to another. Those of us watching from the safety of our downtown businesses saw hordes of tumbleweeds blowing along First Avenue, with some then swirling down intersecting streets as suction created small whirlwinds off to the side. Garbage cans, their lids and all manner of other debris were swept into other people’s yards, Crab Creek and the surrounding countryside. Two homes on Fourth Avenue lost pine trees...
Resist those urges! Please use self control and birth control. We can’t afford to have people producing children when they can’t afford to care for them. 49 percent of Spokane County births were paid for by Medicaid in 2010. That is a 49 percent increase over 2000. This is a higher percentage than the state. This should not surprise us as our welfare system rewards women who have additional children. Statistics show us that these children continue to be a burden to the tax payers in preschool and public school. Parents sho...
A Mystical Late Winter Sky A chinook from the south, brings warmth to the breeze Naked limbs whip gently, on thin skeletal trees Like a dagger of crystal, a jagged icicle thaws As Mother Nature obeys, her own unwritten laws The earth has lain dormant, for a season or so Now hear the faint trickle---of cold melting snow Like veins in a leaf, miniature rivers are formed Carving canyons minute, in wheat fields, sun warmed Soon the dry gulch runs swollen, with turbulent waters of mud I examine the wild bush---and see it’s s...
Going into Week 8 of the annual Spokesman Review Trapshoot, Marlin-Odessa still sat in second place, one point behind the Colton Gun Club and one point ahead of Garfield-St. John. Marlin Changeable weather still saw large numbers of trapshooters at the Marlin Gun Club February 26 when 62 shooters turned out in 39 squads. The only 25 was shot by Alex Ames. Shooting 24 were Dave Lang, Bill James, Mark Iksic, Doug Starkel, Mike Christ, Camden Eckhart and Kurt Moore. Scott Mortimer, Ken Thompson, Mark Edwins and Donna Thrall all...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 2/23/12: White wheat prices held steady even as Chicago futures prices closed lower on Thursday. The value of the dollar was down on the day but that didn’t help grain prices today. Export sales are delayed until tomorrow due to the holiday on Monday but are expected to show good totals for both corn and wheat last week. Spain reportedly bought some more U.S. SRW for feed and there were sales of 4 million bushels to unknown destinations as well recently. L...
Farmers and ranchers interested in the Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) can sign up March 12 through April 6. CRP has a 25-year legacy of successfully protecting the nation’s natural resources through voluntary participation, while providing significant economic and environmental benefits to rural communities across Washington state, explained FSA County Executive Director. CRP allows agricultural producers to enroll land in 10- to 15-year contracts that help preserve environmentally sensitive la...
I am, at worst, somewhat neurotic. At best, I’m conflicted. Sometimes I can’t believe how much time (and energy) I spend just trying to decide what’s important to me. There’s the (for want of a better term) American in me. She’s the one who thinks that because it’s there, it must be good, and it’s there just for me. Never mind that Americans are the 5 percent of the world’s population that consumes 25% of the available energy. She’s the one who wants to step up to the plate an...
The Odessa Record has been doing a great job keeping us up to date on the March 3 Republican Caucuses. One last reminder – there will be NO PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY in 2012. The caucus is your only chance to express a preference for the 2012 Republican Presidential nominee. If you don’t like the straw poll results when they are reported Saturday night on the news, no complaining if you didn’t take time to participate Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to noon. Here is the key: You can only participate if you go to the correct caucus l...
What’s that old saying? “One step forward, two steps back.” Just as our economy is starting to move again, rising gas prices threaten to put the brakes on the recovery. Gasoline is at the highest price ever for this time of year. AAA reports the average price in Washington on Feb. 22 was $3.68 a gallon. That’s up 14 cents in a week and 21 cents in a month. Analysts say gas could hit $4.25 a gallon or higher by late April. Rising prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in...
The final discussion at Tuesday’s Chamber of Commerce meeting was about the current condition s of the float and the representatives needed to ride it. “I would pay to have my kid not ride on that float!” was reported as the reaction from many parents. This is not the first time this topic has arisen at Chamber meetings, which has been responsible for funding the float for the past few years. In previous years, young women of the junior class were encouraged to visit downtown businesses to help offset not only the cost of th...
At the February 23, 2012, meeting of the Odessa School Board, board members and administrators heard the concerns of several parents of 5th-grade students. Odessa 5th-graders this year do not have just one 5th-grade teacher in a single classroom. Instead, they have lockers and go to different classrooms for different subjects taught under different teachers, just as junior-high students do. After second-grade teacher Bev Scherr retired a year ago, the administration opted not to hire a replacement and shifted the other...
Town Marshal Mike Wren, who has worked for the Town of Odessa for the past five years, resigned Monday morning, a move that left town officials as well as the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office scrambling to cover the town’s law enforcement needs. In a letter of resignation read to the councilmembers by Mayor Doug Plinski, Wren stated that after 23 years in law enforcement, the last 5 of them in Odessa, he felt it was “time to move on,” and gave February 27 as the effective date for his resignation. Police report Deputy Marshal...