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The latest from Odessa schools is that a smaller group of schools is working together to plan a smaller venue prom to be held at the Northern Quest Pavilion in Airway Heights on March 14. More information will be posted as it becomes available....
PASCO - "We won!" That was the reaction from Franklin County Commissioner Clint Didier earlier today, March 12, after a King County judge vacated most of a previous injunction on Initiative 976. That injunction has prevented the $30 car tab initiative from going into effect statewide. But today, King County Superior Court Judge Marshall Ferguson vacated most of the injunction. I-976 generally limits all car license tab taxes and fees to $30 for non-commercial vehicle. On Nov....
HARRINGTON – The school district music program is hosting a fundraising performance at the Post and Office coffee shop at 2 S. Third St., Harrington, at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 7. Five students plus the Hawk Creek Acoustic Guitar Duo, Lynn Caddel and Randy Beamer, will perform together under the direction of professional guitarist turned high school music teacher Robert Vierschilling. During a rehearsal in the high school music room on Tuesday, Fe. 25, the mellow sounds o...
Over the course of the last several months Davenport High School FBLA members, and Partnership with Business Project co-chairs Macie Hopkins, Kristof Panke, and Brayden Duff have built a partnership with Haden’s Aquafaba. This brand-new, up-and-coming company started in Wilbur is the only ready-to-use liquid aquafaba on the market made with organic chickpeas! Our chapter has partnered with Haden’s Aquafaba to launch its social media marketing campaign. Through the partnership, FBLA members had the opportunity to learn fir...
Fitzsimmons, John Paul – age 83 passed away on January 31, 2020 in Odessa, WA. John was born on March 5, 1936 to John V. & Lois Fitzsimmons in Pomeroy, WA. John graduated from Pomeroy High School before attending and graduating from Washington State University in 1959 with a BS degree. The degree included a minor in Horticulture, minor in Animal Husbandry and a minor in Soils and business. While attending WSU John married his high school sweet heart Florence Burns on June 1...
DAVENPORT – Ploypailin Chetchotsak 16, has travelled a very long way to attend high school in Davenport. Ploypalin, known as "Ploy," is from Khorat, a major city in Nakhon Ratchasima Province in northeast Thailand. As a participant in the International Student Exchange program, Ploy will spend ten months in the United States and go to school at Davenport High before returning to Thailand. According to Brenda Hendrickson, ISE Regional Advisor and Student Services C...
Everywhere you look in our world you will find laws, or rules that shape the way we behave. Sometimes these rules are proactive in trying to prevent a problem that hasn’t happened yet, and sometimes they are a reaction to a problem we have already had. Either way, a law or rule really only keeps an honest person honest. For the purpose of this article, I thought it would be fun to explore some early Davenport laws to see what citizens of bygone times thought was important t...
Older adults in America are facing a crisis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 20% of adults over the age of 55 are suffering from mental health issues. These disorders include anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder. Millions more likely go undiagnosed, as the National Academy of Medicine. has found that less than 40% of older adults with mental and/or substance use disorders receive treatment. The ongoing opioid crisis has only contributed to this trend, and it is estimated that 5.7...
FORT SPOKANE – A cougar was captured, fitted with a tracking collar, and released near Fort Spokane on Thursday, February 13. Kalispel Tribe of Indians Wildlife Biologist Bart Geroge aided by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer Curt Wood and others treed and tranquilized the 112 pound female cougar. According to Officer Wood, the cougar was "not a threat to human safety and had not been a part of any livestock attacks." Wood said he has received complaints a...
Odessa vs. Oakesdale The regional playoff game against Oakesdale took place at West Valley High School in Spokane this past Saturday, Feb. 29. The Tigers had some trepidation about this matchup, said one Odessa fan. Early in the season, the two teams had met for a non-conference game, and although the Tigers won, it was quite a close contest all the way through three quarters. There was concern that the Nighthawks would be even better prepared for their second matchup. As it...
The Knowledge Bowl team that placed fourth in the regional competition is headed to the state tournament. Jett Nelson, Pilot Weishaar, Eric Johnston, Colton Messer, Ryan Moffet and Camden Weber make up the team. The state tournament will be held March 21, 2020 at West Valley High School, located at 9800 Zier Road in Yakima. The entire Knowledge Bowl Team (JV and varsity for 2019-2020 consists of Eric Johnston, Ryan Moffet, Makayla Nelson, Camden Weber, Kaya Kuchenbuch, Chase...
Sheriff and Jail INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Feb. 24 A wandering dog was found in Harrington. A medical clinic requested a welfare check for a person who had suffered a stroke. A caller from the Schwartz Rd. area of Davenport reported a man on...
The Harrington City Council met Feb. 12, with council member Justin Slack chairing the meeting. Present were council members Nathan Luck, Peter Davenport and Levi Schenk, Clerk Janice Cepeda, Maintenance Supervisor Scott McGowan, Treasurer Mike Cronrath, Casie Monge and visitors Denisa Holling, Dave Buddrius, Billie Herron, Carol, Lorraine Gilliland, Tim Tipton, Marge Womach, Jay Gossett, Jill Barth and Lincoln County Undersheriff Kelly Watkins. Cherie MacClellan’s resignation from the position of mayor pro tem and from t...
The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library February 26, preceded by a workshop in the district office at which Superintendent Dan Read presented several school calendar options for next year for board discussion and input. Present were board members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar; Read; Principal Jamie Nelson and Business Manager Juli Weishaar. Also present were Facilities Director Justin Parr, Athletic Director Bruce Todd, senior class advisor Meg...
One of the Odessa Lions Club’s latest projects, says long-time member Clark Kagele, is to replace the picnic tables used at Reiman Park and at Deutschesfest each September with a more durable and longer lasting type of table. The wood-topped tables on an iron framework that have been in use for the past several years have been refurbished, repainted and repaired by club members on a regular basis, but recent inspections have shown that the metal structure of the tables is rusting and rotting away. Last year the club p...
During a recent Democratic Party debate, candidate Pete Buttigieg made a comment that just about floored me. He said, “The American Dream is alive and well – In Denmark!” Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobachar both nodded in agreement before Bernie Sanders picked up the torch. He touted the advantages of Democratic Socialism claiming life in Denmark to be far superior to here in the good old USA. Joe Biden stood there wondering what was going on, and Mike Bloomberg began bragging about the economic and environmental virtu...
Washington and Oregon lawmakers want to end their legislative sessions; however, accounting for the costs of carbon emissions is a major road block. In Salem, rural Republican senators are boycottingsession and thereby denying majority Democrats a quorum to vote on a “cap and trade” bill. The measure calls for an 80 percent state reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2050. The system would be similar to existing programs in California and some Canadian provinces. The state would set a cap on total GHG emissions. Ore...
As of this morning (Monday), in the United States there are now 99 confirmed Covid-19 (Coronavirus) cases and there have been nine deaths. That number is up by four from the five reported deaths I read about two hours prior. Coronaviruses are not anything new. In fact, Coronavirus is responsible for some of the most common types of viruses. The common cold, for example, is a Coronavirus as is the seasonal flu. Covid-19 is a new strain of Coronavirus which originated in Wuhan, China and is continuing to spread worldwide withou...
The Marlin/Odessa Gun Club, competing in Division I of the Spokesman-Review Inland Northwest Trapshoot, placed second overall after the eight-week session's final shoot on Feb. 23. Marlin/Odessa was only four targets off the pace set by first-place Yakima Valley Sportsmen. In the women's division, M/O finished week 8 with a flourish, getting their best score of the season and moving up from sixth place to fourth in the final standings. The top individual scorers for the team...
The 10th annual Firemen's Consignment Auction organized by Odessa's volunteer fire department was a success again this year, with not one leftover item remaining to be sold at the end of the day. The 282 registered bidders who attended last Saturday's sale in Odessa cleaned out the whole area that had been filled with vehicles, farm equipment, office equipment, brand new hardware items in their original packaging, fruit trees and shrubs, and just about everything imaginable....