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Odessa, Wash.-- A U.S. Navy EA-6B Prowler jet out of Whidby Island Naval Air Station has crashed into a farmer's field between Odessa and Harrington about a half a mile north of Coffee Pot Road and about a mile from where Coffee Pot intersects with Duck Lake Lamona Road. Lincoln County Sheriff Wade Magers and coroner Jeff Barkdull have confirmed that three people were on board the aircraft and that all three were deceased at the scene. The crash was followed by a fire, as the...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Feb. 25: A caller told dispatchers he was taking his 36-year-old wife to Lincoln Hospital after she experienced chest pain. After a Miles Creston Road resident reported seeing people on his...
There is hope that Odessa’s Old Town Hall might again be refurbished and restored, possibly bringing the upper floor up to code so the space could be again utilized. The art-deco style building, first known as the Community Hall and later the Odessa City Hall, was threatened with condemnation in the early 1970s. But civic effort saved it. More than $430,000 was raised through donations and the building was remodeled as the Old Town Hall. The amount for remodeling it then was more than the original cost to build it, which w...
I’ve never really thought of myself as much of a gambler. In fact, I was stunned when I moved here and found out how many people just loved getting in the car and driving a couple of hours to throw their money away. Since that time, I’ve made that trip a few times myself, usually with that same result. There are some people in the world who can’t stay away, but I’m not one of them. Actually, it’s kind of a relief to know that there’s at least one thing I’m not addicted to....
The Odessa High School FBLA chapter has been working with Odessa’s fifth- and eighth-graders on their American Enterprise Project. Chapter members have worked with the younger students to teach them about agriculture and its important role in the American Enterprise System. The students learned that agriculture is much more than just farming; it is an entire industry that affects our local, state and national economy. Students learned the five principles of the American Enterp...
Experience Quilts! held its grand opening last Friday and Saturday, with plenty of visitors on Friday taking advantage of the store’s new look to visit, enjoy refreshments and compete for door prizes. Saturday was a quieter day but still drew several folks from far and wide who were happy to see the business reopen. Partners Lise Ott and JoEllen Wollman enjoyed themselves....
“Read Across America,” a program of the National Education Association, was celebrated by the Odessa School District Monday, March 4. The celebration coincides with the birthday of Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, born March 2. Most schools celebrated the event last Friday, but Odessa schools were closed for the state basketball tournament, the local celebration was hold Monday. High school seniors read books to elementary students, and all day students wore hats to rep...
The spaghetti feed fundraiser sponsored by the Odessa High School chapter of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) for the commercial kitchen in the community center raised $1,062 Tuesday night for the purpose of buying two new commercial sinks and faucets. With the matching funds provided by the George and Dorothy Gies Foundation, the goal has almost been reached. Anyone who would still like to make a donation can drop it off at the school or mail it to OHS, P.O. Box...
The February 27 school board meeting began with high-school English teacher Dr. Duane Pitts and science teacher Seth Hodges providing a summary of their experiences as participants in TPEP (Teacher/Principal Evaluation Project). They showed the board an article they had written and submitted to the Phi Delta Kappan professional journal for educators. The board approved a request by Hodges to take 8th grade students to Zillah for a robotics challenge. The students are currently working on this project in class. Personnel The b...
Newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry (who, by the way, served in Viet Nam) said recently to a group of students in Germany, “In America you have a right to be stupid – if you want to be.” In his illustrious career it might be known as the first time that he has told the truth, as is evident of the election results we had last November. Joe Wollman Odessa...
After listening to President Obama’s State of the Union address I felt that it could have been labeled the Christmas Address. There were several things that would be nice to have but in real life sometimes people have to be told that we just can’t afford to do certain things or we can’t afford to purchase certain things. Sometimes that is difficult to do and, unfortunately, President Obama is not old enough to have experienced that in his lifetime. President Obama is a person who would have been very successful in life as a...
American manufacturing is more dependent on the metals and minerals access than ever before. Yet, we are tied with Papau, New Guinea for the time it takes to permit a new mine. Seven to ten years is the average delay period. Waiting for technology metals will severely hamper our ability to innovate our advance weapons systems that are increasingly metals intensive. The U.S. has domestic resources for 18 of those 19 metals and minerals that we now exclusively import from abroad. However, a maze of government regulations has...
I think the most memorable single day of all my years as a student was the afternoon I got to examine Moon rocks in graduate school. Rocks here on Earth are exposed to water throughout their existence, and water acts to break down mineral grains on a tiny scale. If you look at thin slices of rock under a microscope – a normal activity for geologists like me – you see this tiny breakdown at work. To use a technical term, the mineral grains appear “cruddy” because they are bre...
In 2005, Washington Policy Center honored Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn with the annual Champion of Freedom Award “for her contributions throughout her distinguished congressional career.” WPC also wanted to honor “her strong leadership, support of free-market principles and being a friend to small businesses and taxpayers on the death tax repeal and other tax reforms.” WPC continues to honor her legacy by presenting the third-annual Jennifer Dunn-Thomson Scholarship through the Jennifer Dunn-Thomson Fund for America...