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As of this week Tuesday, Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center and the Odessa Clinic have converted their record-keeping to an electronic format. The move to computer-based records was prompted in part by incentives offered by the government programs of Medicare and Medicaid, which offered incentives to medical facilities making the transition, said hospital administrator Gary DelForge. The software package alone comes at a cost of $600,000. Necessary hardware and equipment,...
Continued from last week Recently Odessa FFA Chapter members Caleb Singer, (son of Roland and Jennifer Singer of Odessa), Stacia Lesser (daughter of Tracy and Katherine Lesser of Marlin) and Alexis Burdick (daughter of Deric and Marra Schmierer of Odessa) competed in the Sub-District 9 Creed Career Development Event (CDE) at Wilson Creek. All three did an excellent job presenting the FFA Creed to a room full of spectators and judges (Odessa FFA members Max Greenwalt and...
The school musical being performed this year by Odessa youth under the direction of Craig and Ellen Holman includes students in Kindergarten through high school, as well as several home-schooled youngsters. The play is the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. The cast includes four narrators: Alyssa Woodruff, Elizabeth Larson, Stacia Lesser and Danielle Tebow. The female lead, Belle, is played by senior Charli Moffet, her father Maurice is played by sixth-grader Kiegan...
Odessa’s Old Town Hall was the designated site for Republicans of Lincoln County Commissioner District 1 to caucus on March 3. A total of 18 precents were represented at the event. This was the first time Lincoln County had held pooled caucuses by commissioner district. Norman Ott, Area Chairman for District 1, reported that 76 people participated at Old Town Hall, with 27 going for Ron Paul, 22 for Mitt Romney, 17 for Rick Santorum, 8 for Newt Gingrich and 2 undecided. R...
The Harrington Opera House Society (HOHS) is getting ready to start a new season of events with the return of the Grammy Award winners Tingstad & Rumbel on March 17. A presentation by missionaries Larry and Susan Weil is set for Sunday, March 18, the Ritzville Community Theatre will perform their original audience interactive play “Three in a Row – a Game Show” on April 21, and there will be a quilt show and performance by the Coulee Community Choir the weekend of April 28-29...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service agency has a portion of its farm loan program funds specifically allocated for minority and women producers announced Judy Olson, State Executive director. "While FSA farm loans are available to all qualified applicants, by setting aside funds specifically for minorities and women, it ensures that they will receive a portion of available funds," said Olson. Loan funds can be used to purchase farms, livestock and equipment. They may also be used to operate the farm, build or...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Feb. 27: Harrington area residents told dispatchers of problems with a third occupant of their home, from which a later report of a possible assault was received. A resident of the 32000 block of Whit...
Rochell Catherine Riehle of Wilson Creek has earned an undergraduate degree from Washington State University for the fall 2011 semester. She has received a Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences....
Each summer, eight undergradute students from across the nation will have the opportunity to study plant biology in cutting-edge labs at Washington State University. Horticultural genomics professor, Amit Dhingra, the leader of a new Research Experience for Undergraduates site funded by the national Science Foundation, said the program is accepting applications from students wanting real-world experience in plant genomics and biotechnology. Undergraduates accepted into the program receive a $5,000 stipend for the 10-week...
The 94th annual Spokesman-Review Inland Northwest Trapshoot contest officially ended as of Sunday, February 26. The combined Marlin-Odessa teams finished in second place, one point behind the Colton Gun Club and one point ahead of Garfield-St. John in Division I. The Odessa Gun Club finished out the season with an extra day of shooting March 4, including a few extra contests and individual rankings. Landon Lobe, Jim Smith and Tyler Smith all turned in perfect scores of 25. Nick Tebow and Ryan Lewis shot 24, and Randy Gies,...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. The next articles presented about relatives from the L-B-D are because if I don’t, I will be asked to leave my Spokane home permanently. I will find all my possessions out in the street. Clothes cut in pieces, computer destroyed, truck tires slashed, money source gone. I guess, I would be “homeless,” “penniless.” Therefore the next...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 3/1/12: Grain prices took a bit of a break on Thursday but that's to be expected after the run they've been on lately. The U.S. reportedly sold 120,000 metric tons of HRW to Iran overnight, which sounds strange to me given the economic sanctions that have been imposed on them. White wheat posted another strong week of export sales with 5.7 million bushels last week again leading all classes of wheat. The river system shuts down for annual lock maintenance...
It’s pretty common for us “little peanuts” to feel some envy about the wealthy and better-known citizens among us. Who, after all, wouldn’t want to be a millionaire? But recently the news carried a piece about Ed Bazinet, 68, a wealthy New Yorker who went on a wild spending spree that ran into the millions of dollars. His problem, it turns out, is the brain malady known as manic depression (or bipolar disorder). According to ABC News, Bazinet spent five days buying million...
Adversity often brings out the best in people. We find ways to pitch in and solve problems that government can’t. Since the recession began, non-profit organizations have seen a big increase in volunteerism, and as state and local governments are forced to slash public services, volunteers are coming forward to pick up the slack. For example, after the City of Las Vegas laid off half of its park maintenance staff, neighbors put together volunteer work crews to pick up t...