Sorted by date Results 1 - 19 of 19
Davenport Theatrical will hold auditions for the musical “Big Fish” on March 18 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Davenport High School Auditorium. Adults of all ages (16+) and genders are needed to fill 10 roles. Auditionees will be taught a song by music director Karen Brewster and a dance by choreographer Lindsey Van Buren and will be asked to read selections from the script. Those auditioning should plan to stay for the entire 90-minute window. No experience is necessary, and the company hopes to offer roles to volunteers fro...
Now in its 10th year, the Washington Aerospace Scholars program is pleased to announce that Cole Kissler from Odessa High School is participating in Phase One of the 2015-16 program cycle. The program is designed to connect high school juniors with educational and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through independent learning, hands-on interaction, professional guidance and site-based tours. Kissler applied in the fall of 2015, along with 266 student applicants from 103 different...
Harrington Historic Preservation Commission The Harrington Historic Preservation Commission met March 1 with members Celeste Miller, Karen Allen, Aileen Sweet, Lindsey Hutsell and Anita Harman, as well as Margie Hall of the Economic Development Council and visitors Amy Foley and Marge Womach. The group held elections, with Celeste Miller reelected as chair, Lindsey Hutsell co-chair (replacing Karen Allen, who had served for several years). Several local citizens have been appr...
Many requests have come in for several cookie recipes. Peanut Butter Chocolate Toffee Crunch, brought by Shelly Hauge to a recent potluck, is a super sweet treat, especially appealing to young folks. It is easy to make, bakes quickly, but does require an hour of chilling time. Peanut Butter Chocolate Toffee Crunch 4 1/2 cups Reese’s Puffs cereal 1 cup butter 1 cup packed light brown sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla 1 bag (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips, melted 1/2 cup creamy p...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Feb. 29: A Reardan woman requested a county deputy’s help with allegations of vehicle theft and drug use. A Davenport caller reported speeding vehicles on Sixth Street as it becomes McInn...
On Friday, March 4, Odessa High School's Knowledge Bowl team traveled to Whitworth University in Spokane to compete in this year's regional Knowledge Bowl tournament. The team placed fourth, which gives the Odessa students a spot at the state tournament on March 19 in Arlington, Wash. This year's varsity team in the competition comprises Cole Kissler, Molly Schafer, Elizabeth Larson, Kiegan Wehr, Stacia Lesser and Johnathon Brightwell. The team's coach is Ellen Holman. The...
I live in Gloucester, England and am researching my family, one of whom emigrated to the U.S. back in the 1890s. His name was George Cox. I have traced his American descendents to among other places, Odessa, and wonder if there are any around this area today. They were George’s great grandson, E.J. COX, and E.J. COX, Jr., believed to be son of E.J. Please email any information to Jeannette Thornell Gloucester, England...
Track and field head coach Travis Schuh said the Odessa-Harrington Titan team has had a great first week of practice. The assistant coach this year is Lanae Carper. The team consists of Lanessa Simon, Casey Schlomer, John DeWulf, Shelbey Watkins, Bailey Kuch, Aaron Gies, Cole Kissler, Colby Sooy, Colton Melgren, Amber Smith, Gaven Elder, Sarina Goetz and William Steed....
Now is the time to apply for financial aid if you plan to attend Big Bend Community College. The BBCC financial aid priority funding date is April 15, 2016 for students who want to attend BBCC this summer or fall. The 2016-2017 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or WASFA for DREAMer students, a BBCC data sheet and all other requested documents must be received by the priority funding date to ensure determination of eligibility prior to the tuition due dates for summer and fall quarters. The FAFSA can be...
The Voluntary Stewardship Program is a new approach approved and funded by the state legislature to protect critical areas on agricultural lands within the state of Washington. Lincoln County is one of the 28 counties across the state that has opted to participate in the process. Instead of enacting further critical areas regulation on agricultural lands, the program would allow Lincoln County to work closely with landowners and stakeholders to develop voluntary, site-specific stewardship plans. Lincoln County has requested...
The Panhandle Polecats bluegrass band will return to Christ Lutheran Church in Odessa on March 12 at 2 p.m. for an encore performance. There is no charge to attend the performance, and the entire community is invited. The band has toured throughout the inland northwest, performing everywhere from cow pastures, barns, garages and parking lots to television studios, bluegrass festivals, college campuses, county fairs and auditoriums. The quintet is made up of five siblings, two brothers and three sisters, who have established...
Once again, our local elected representatives gathered under the great marble dome of the Capitol in Olympia and once again they were greeted by dozens of lobbyists from public agencies or the nonprofit lobby groups for public agencies, all of them ultimately funded by your tax or rate dollars. The Public Disclosure Commission reports that of the $4.8 million spent in the last 12 months on lobbying, the leading topical category on which money is spent is “Government,” at $609,000. Consistently among the top spenders on lob...
The income survey sent out to every household in the Town of Odessa recently is to be turned in to the Lincoln County Economic Development Council by next Tuesday’s deadline. The importance of providing this information confidentially to the council cannot be overemphasized. The lack of such a survey has led to seven of the eight municipalities in Lincoln County to become ineligible for grants to help pay for infrastructure projects such as the recent Fourth and Fifth Avenue street and sidewalk replacement work that was c...
Steve Siegel of Odessa has established a Democratic caucus site in Odessa for the March 26 statewide Democratic caucuses. Even without a local county Democratic party organization, Democrats in Lincoln County can have their voices heard by the state. Anyone who would like to attend but will be unable to do so may qualify to submit a proxy/surrogate affidavit which can be obtained by visiting the website at The two-page proxy must be received by the state party before March 18. The address is on...
At its most recent meeting, the Odessa Town Council ratified the composition of the standing committees recommended by Mayor Lois Hubbard. The committees are used to enhance communication and coordination of issues before they are presented to the council as a whole, and they meet and report as necessary. The finance/administration committee consists of Terry Goetz and Kelly Watkins. Goetz and Watkins also comprise the personnel committee. On the police committee are Landon Lobe and Bill Crossley, while the fire department...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce is seeking community help in setting up and manning the hospitality tent at the site of the Desert 100 which will soon be upon us. This year the race will be held the first weekend in April, with poker runs and youth races on Saturday, April 2, and the huge endurance race, the Desert 100, on Sunday, April 3. There has been concern among some Chamber members because participation in this event by Odessa food vendors has declined in the past couple of years. The weather can often be chilly and...
The Odessa Friends of the Library are sponsoring a workshop on “Autism: Transitioning into Adulthood” by Dr. Steve Becker on Saturday, March 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Odessa Public Library, 21 E First Ave. Some of the subtopics covered are: • How should a parent prepare a teenager for living on his/her own? • What changes happen to parents as their children grow up into adulthood? • How can parents create a safety net to prevent young adults from “crashing and burning” (getting overwhelmed, failing...
On Friday, March 11, the Odessa Friends of the Pool will hold their ninth annual Ladies Night Out at the community center from 6 to 9 p.m. The event features primarily home-based businesses and independent contractors selling products. Vendors present include Thirty One, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, Velata, Miche, Plexus, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Premier Designs Jewelry, Girl Scouts, Doterra, Dove Chocolate Discoveries, Perfectly Posh, Norwex, Jamberry, LuLaRoe, Pink Zebra and Usborn Books. The event not only provides vendors with...