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The latest cash grain market here shows Soft White Wheat down at $6.06. Hard Red Winter is down at $5.98. DNS is down at $8.03. Barley is down at 153.00....
Birthdays for March 19: April Strebeck, Ken Melcher. March 20: Jayne Arnson, Amber Zagelow, Gunner Smith, Katy Ryan, Marge Tebow, Dave Rardin. March 21: Brady Gies, Greg Haase, Vera Brooke Wolsborn. March 22: Lauren Crosby, Lacey Zwieg, Andrea Largent. March 23: Teresa Iksic, Sophia Squire. March 24: Amber Clark, Colley Walter, Claudia Iverson, Tenecia Chavez. March 25: Earl Allen, Dave Edens, Mark Squire, Chase Kissler. Anniversaries for March 19: Daniel and Jessica Pitts. March 20: Matt and Katie Douglas. March 21: Lorus...
High Low Prec. S Mar. 12 62 42 .00 Mar. 13 65 34 .00 Mar. 14 69 36 .02 Mar. 15 62 46 .35 Mar. 16 62 31 .60 Mar. 17 57 32 .00 Mar. 18 50 35 .04 Yearly total to date 4.79 inches. Snow accumulation: .93 inches to date....
Premera/Blue Cross has announced it has been the target of a major data breach. The breach affected Premera Blue Cross, Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska and its affiliated companies, Vivacity and Connexion Insurance Solutions, Inc. It impacts millions of individuals in Washington, Oregon and Alaska. It is unclear at this time what information was taken, but it may have included Social Security numbers, dates of birth, mailing and email addresses, telephone numbers, member identification numbers, bank account...
Odessa students in grades 3 through 8 represented their town at the 2015 Bi-County Academic Contest held March 12 this year in Wilbur. The contest was attended by eight other Bi-County schools, with students competing in Spelling, Math, Speech and Geography. Of the 29 Odessa students attending the competition, 16 placed in the top six of their category. Third-grader Jacob Scrupps took a sixth place in Spelling. Fourth-grader Grace Nelson also took a sixth place in Spelling. Four fifth-graders placed in the top six: Nathan...
Fifth Congressional Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers will join Lincoln County Republicans at their annual Lincoln Day luncheon planned for Saturday, March 28. Keynote speaker will be Lt. Col. Allen B. West (U.S. Army, Retired), a former Congressman from Florida and a frequent commentator on Fox News. “This is the most ambitious Lincoln Day we’ve ever planned,” said Sue Lani Madsen, Chairman of the Lincoln County Republicans. “We are fortunate to have both a nationally recognized speaker, as well as our current Congres...
To the Editor: Following the lead of Mercedes Schneider, I suggest the following approach be used for the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act as well as for education reform in this state: We can just rank states and schools therein by the parents’ income. We already know that the higher the parents’ income, the higher the student’s standardized test scores. We’ve known this for decades. Problem solved. Again, no need for SBAC or PARCC tests, no loss of teacher jobs, no loss of state funds for massive testing costs, no...
Folks from Odessa and outlying areas gathered at the Odessa Community Center last Friday for an evening of shopping and visiting. Vendors of homemade crafts and home-party-based items plied their wares, offered raffle tickets for gift items and provided snacks and/or samples of their products for customers to try....
The 911 call on March 8, 2015 to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office reporting an attempted child abduction at the city park in Sprague has led to the arrest on March 11 of a 15-year-old Sprague resident. The suspect was reported to have begun a conversation with a 10-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl before grabbing a 22-month-old child from a stroller and fleeing on foot. Dispatchers informed Lincoln County Deputies and troopers of the Washington State Patrol. A search of the area ensued without locating the suspect. D...
The annual kickoff event for the Lincoln County Relay for Life will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Chambers. The kickoff is an opportunity for relay teams to register early for $75 instead of the regular $100 fee. As a commencement to Relay for Life, during which teams from all over Lincoln County will meet at the Davenport track on June 12 and 13 in honor of those who are fighting or have survived cancer and their caregivers, the kickoff is also an o...
Stacey Rasmussen, manager for the Odessa Public Development Authority, didn’t know what she was in for when she met with people from the federal Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Ecology last week for a “routine inspection” of Odessa’s mothballed biodiesel plant. As she reported Monday, March 16, at the regular monthly meeting of the OPDA board, the initial inspection quickly set off alarm bells among the DOE representatives present. EPA representation was also expected, but no one from that organiz...
Westward Whoa! This fast-paced musical comedy is filled with a stable of goofy characters: Our hero Chuck Wagon, our sweet heroine Candy Cane and the villainous Smiling Slade. When the wagon train breaks down outside of the town of Vinegar Bottle, it gets robbed by the mysterious outlaw known as “The Snake.” Through this crazy twist, poor Chuck is accused of being the culprit! Proving his innocence may not be easy, but it sure is hilarious! This show is filled with fun roles and a saucy musical score. A host of other cha...
Nearly 690 Avista customers in the town of Odessa will experience a power outage from 10 p.m. Thursday, March 26, until 6 a.m. Friday, March 27. The outage is required for Avista crews to upgrade equipment in the substation at First Street and Duck Lake Road that serves the town. During the outage, additional crews will be performing maintenance on power lines and equipment in Odessa. Both projects will improve the safety and reliability of Avista’s system, as well as help provide for growth in customer demand. “We apo...
Make time now to improve your community’s future by joining us in Odessa on April 17 for an economic development conference focused on rural regions just like ours. In an information packed six hours you will learn how to identify, encourage and support new entrepreneurs; how you can create jobs by helping your existing businesses to scale up; and how to determine what assets and programs need to be developed to support your local businesses. “Every community in Lincoln County has the desire to bring more businesses to tow...
Heritage Church 302 S. First Street, Odessa, WA 99159 Office: 509-982-2951 Rev. Jon Hayashi Sun.: 9 a.m. Sunday school- Adult and Youth 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 2p.m. Nursing home service Mon.: 7 p.m. Men’s Meeting Tue.: 10:30 a.m. Prayer Christ Lutheran Church 602 E. Amende Dr., Odessa, WA 99159 Office: 509-982-2411 Rev. Tim Hauge Sun.:9:15 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, Communion, Baptism Wed.: 6:45 a.m. Men’s prayer group 6:15 p.m. Mar. 25 Soup and bread supper 7 p.m. Ser...
The Washington Department of Health has recognized that Washington's future is dependent on the health of our children. Governor Jay Inslee launched the "Healthiest Next Generation Initiative" to help make our next generation the healthiest ever. The Healthiest Next Generation Initiative is about helping our children maintain a healthy weight, enjoy active lives and eat well. States that are making progress in improving the health of children have not found one solution; rather it is taking many solutions, by many people, in...
The new lighting in the Community Center installed by the Chamber of Commerce, worked perfectly for quilting. About 100 people attending had ample space to spread out their projects, learn new techniques at the short workshops held throughout the day and have potluck lunch and dinner. Quilters are free to come as early as 7:30 a.m. until they "wilt." After dinner there were still about 35 people sewing. Attendees came from all over Lincoln and Grant counties as well as Seattle, Omak, Yakima and Wenatchee....
Part 2 of the continuing series of the adventures of Gerald and Barbara Greenwalt seeing Paris by riverboat tour. Day two in Paris: After another wonderful breakfast with Gerald having the buffet, of course, and me, the puff pancakes with powdered sugar and fresh fruit. The coffee was stout, so we had no need for an espresso. The service was again impeccable, with Bridgette, the ship's concierge, and Gilliano, the program director, often checking in to see if there was anything else we needed for the day. The second day's...
Editors note: Due to corrections supplied by the family after printing on March 5, 2015, we are printing this again. Leroy Kuest died Saturday, February 21, 2015, at Rockwood at Hawthorne care center. Born in Odessa on August 25, 1918, he was the last of seven children of Julius and Rosena Kuest, who had homesteaded in the area before 1900. Leroy graduated from Odessa High School, worked for the local Richfield service station and in 1942 joined the Army Air Corps. Throughout World War II, he was stationed in England near...
1 years ago From The Odessa Record March 18, 1915 Mayor Kemp designated two days as the annual clean up days for Odessa, when all residents are asked to clean up all rubbish about their residences and business places and deposit it in receptacles to be carted away by the city to the dump. The most important happening of the war during the week was the sinking of two British battleships and one French battleship while engaged in operations against the Turkish forts defending the Dardanelles. The allies attribute the loss to...
Westward Whoa! This fast paced musical/comedy is filled with a stable of goofy characters: Our hero, Chuck Wagon, our sweet heroine, Candy Cane and the villainous Smiling Slade. When the wagon train breaks down outside of the town of Vinegar Bottle, it gets robbed by the mysterious outlaw known as “The Snake.” Through this crazy twist, poor Chuck is accused of being the culprit! Proving his innocence may not be easy, but it sure is hilarious! This show is filled with fun roles and a saucy music score. A host of other cha...
Dear Dr. Universe: Where does dirt come from? - Brian, student from Pullman, Wash. In just a word, the story of soil goes something like this: “CLORPT!” It’s fun to say, and it helps explain how tough rock turns into the soft soil farmers need to grow food and feed the world. Jim Harsh is a scientist at Washington State University and an expert on soil. He said a soil scientist, Hans Jenny, came up with five actors in the soil story: CLimate, Organisms, Relief, Parent material, and Time. The texture, smell, and color of so...
At Christ Lutheran Church on Mar. 25, the soup and bread supper will be at 6:15 p.m. with service to follow at 7 p.m. The service will be titled “Forgiving.” Palm Sunday Service, Mar. 29 will be at 10:30 a.m. On Apr. 2, Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion Service will be at 7 p.m. On Apr. 3, Good Friday Service will be at 7 p.m. On Apr. 5, Easter Sunday Service will be at 10:30 a.m. The Holy Week and Easter schedule for St. Joseph Catholic Church is as follows: Holy Thursday, April 2, Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:30...
Harrington City Council met on March 11, at 7:30 p.m. at city hall with four councilmen present: Peter Davenport, Mike Cronrath, Rick Becker and Levi Schenk. Mayor Paul Gilliland opened the meeting. Others in attendance included Bunny Haugan, Scott McGowan, Ken Kennedy, Kathy Hoob, Sharon Schultz, Paul Charlton, Justin Slack, Marge Womach, Jay Gossett. Also attending were five high school students: Isabelle Phillips, Vanessa Larson, Jordan Tanke, Samantha Nighswonger and Jacob Montgomery. The council tabled the discussion on...
Neil N. Lobe was born on March 20, 1950 in Ritzville to Leo and Viola Lobe. He grew up in Odessa and graduated from Odessa High School in 1968; he then attended college and graduated with a degree in mechanics. Neil married Colleen Haase on September 3, 1970 in Odessa. The couple raised their two children Penny and Landon on the family farm. They farmed for 44 years west of Odessa. Neil passed away on March 9, 2015 at his home in Odessa. He is survived by his wife Colleen at the home, son Landon (and Deanna) Lobe and...