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Editor's note: Last week's history column included an assumption on our part that has proven erroneous. An astute reader pointed out that the yellow bell, rather than being another name for a buttercup, is another variety of very early blooming wildflower in sagebrush country. In 1966, children in the area did indeed look for the first blossoms of the yellow bell. Both the yellow bell and the buttercup are bright yellow flowers, and both are among the first to bloom in the...
FFA Advisor at OHS The Odessa High School chapter of FFA sent several students to the District 9 career development events held in Moses Lake the week of March 7. Food Science & Technology The Food Science and Technology event provides FFA members the opportunity to gain awareness of career and professional opportunities in the field of food science and technology, marketing and management occupations. Participants take an objective test, practice quality assurance...
Odessa High School FBLA has been working with the eighth grade class for their American Enterprise Project. Their topic has been benefit corporations, an emerging type of corporate business with a focus on earning profit and giving back to social and environmental causes. The students studied existing benefit corporations including Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, Tom's Shoes and Warby Parker Eyeglasses. Next, they created a mock benefit corporation, designed a unique product for...
Odessa Golf and RV will open for the 2016 season this Friday, March 25. The clubhouse will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. This weekend is also Easter weekend, and the golf course and clubhouse will remain open Sunday for those wanting to golf or enjoy a lunch or dinner out. During the season, the clubhouse and restaurant are open seven days per week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The clubhouse menu is much the same as it was last year during the season, but some new items have been...
Four students from the University of Washington's Healthcare Alternative Spring Break program came to Odessa to job-shadow members of the local medical community and learn about rural healthcare and its unique challenges. The students shadowed working professionals in either nursing, pharmacy or physical therapy or followed Dr. Linda Powell or Nanette Brokaw, ARNP during their work at the clinic and/or hospital for four days this week. On the fifth day, the students give back...
The Titan Golf team kicked off spring sports Tuesday, March 15, in Harrington. The match included the St. Georges Dragons, the Kettle Falls Bulldogs and the Tekoe-Rosalia Timberwolves. Each of the visiting teams had both boys and girls teams. Odessa-Harrington, however, has only a boys team. The individual scores for the Titan team are as follows: Derek Montgomery 72, Colt Sanford 70, John Tanke 59, William Mann 57, Caleb Behrens 69 and James Mann 72. The Titans finished with...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, March 14: A Sprague man was arrested in connection with the burglary of a residence in the 300 block of East 1st in Sprague after a woman reported food, about $200 cash, records and mov...
1 years ago The Odessa Record March 24, 1916 Union State Bank remodeling room. The work of remodeling the Union State bank is now rapidly nearing completion, and it now, both in arrangement and finish, presents a decidedly metropolitan aspect. There are plenty of larger banking rooms in Eastern Washington than the Union State, but there are none in the rural districts and very few in the larger cities that can excel its present appearance. The office proper now consists of a square 20 x 30 feet, with two cashier’s w...
A few months ago, one of many headlines was, “The race for the White House.” That was a misnomer, as marathon might have been more appropriate. As with any contentious election, this one will go down in history for its juvenile sparring and grade-school language on the bad side. This has surprised me. The Blue party is down to two candidates who have played softball in their debates. Maybe this is because Hillary has legal problems possibly facing her. The mainstream media have done their best to give certain candidates mor...
This year, I see a man who says he’s for the working poor, but all he talks about is shipping people back home and punching people in the face. Is that the kind of freedom you want? It sure was not what I was fighting for, all those long years ago now. What happens when it’s your neighbor who was born here but is of a different skin color? Will you let him send them back over the border? Are you going to stand up for that person and maybe be put in jail yourself? I’ll stand up for anyone here in town or any place else. It co...
Glen Allen died March 15, 2016 in Spokane. His home was in Odessa. He was born in Eldorao, Ill. on November 23, 1950. His family moved to Snohomish, Wash. during his childhood. He was inducted into the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam. He was a talented musician, singer, songwriter and artist. He was a member of several bands throughout the state. Glen had a one-of-a-kind sense of humor and a huge capacity to love. He was sensitive and giving to his family and friends. He is preceded in death by his parents Harold and Merle...
Continued from last week. The walk down memory lane continues in part two of the history of the Odessa Healthcare Foundation’s wine tasting and auctions. In 2000, the Healthcare Foundation’s goal was $20,000 for the 9th annual wine tasting and auction, with the money raised going toward remodeling and updating Odessa Memorial Hospital’s physical therapy department. Despite wheat selling for $2.38 a bushel, Odessa rose to the challenge, and the goal was met and surpassed. Event organizer Noreen Groh was quoted in The Odess...
Why do we get brain freezes? Asked by Hannah, 9, Monroe Elementary. Dear Hannah, You’re enjoying some ice cream, when suddenly you feel a pain in your head that hurts a whole lot. It’s like it came out of nowhere, and in a matter of seconds, it’s gone. These instant headaches, or brain freezes, often strike when we eat or drink something cold. And like you, some scientists are curious about why brain freezes happen. So they’re testing out some different ideas. That’s what I found out from my friend Bill Griesar, a brain sci...
Grand piano arrival Tuesday, March 15, two men from Big Al’s Moving arrived at the Harrington Opera House with the new Boston 7’1” grand piano by Steinway which they disassembled, wrapped and carried up the wide, old staircase (about 30 steps total) to the opera house auditorium. Should anyone really want to know what that process looked like, one observer commented that “these two men were like a well-oiled and high-powered machine, with a ‘whoof’ at each and every stair which seemingly set the cadence to the motion with...
Odessa students in preschool through 11th grade will participate in student-led conferences on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. There will be no school on this day. All preschool through 11th-grade students have been scheduled for specific conference times, and parents should receive a designated date and time slip from their child’s homeroom teacher or the office. Those who have not received notification of the date and time by the end of this week, March 25, are asked to please call Linnie Largent at 982-2603 (elementary o...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce would like to introduce the “Best Bench” competition. Many of the benches that line our downtown streets are in dire need of repair and maintenance. The “Best Bench” competition is designed not only to improve the appearance and comfort of the benches, but to allow individuals, non-profit groups and businesses the opportunity to establish and maintain a presence in the downtown area. In addition, the Chamber plans to use the bench competi...