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Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, March 19: Sprague School District personnel conducted an intruder drill. Deputies and county Juvenile Services staff joined with Sprague School District personnel to deal with a truant student...
Last week's performance of the Wizard of Oz musical by Odessa students was a very successful event. Wednesday's performances, one during the school day and one in the evening, were well attended. Although the musical was scheduled for an additional Thursday performance, it was not to be, as the power failed around 1 p.m. and remained off all afternoon. Fortunately for The Record, we were able to attend the Wednesday performance, where we saw a delightful production. From the...
Harrington Public Development Authority Heather Slack, president, opened the 7 p.m. March 20 meeting of the Harrington Public Development Authority with Bunny Haugan, Paul Charlton, Jay Kane and Tim Tipton present. The announcement of the completion of the Harrington Community display sign by Baldwin Signs of Spokane was made accompanied with the news that Don Timm and Jim Knapp volunteered to go to Spokane to pick it up saving the Authority several hundred dollars on...
Improving the lives of Odessa senior citizens has been the focus of FBLA's community service project. Thanks to a $2,500 prize from Spokane Teacher's Credit Union, the Odessa FBLA chapter has been able to assist in many ways. Kelly Weber from Odessa's Physical Therapy Department leads SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) classes twice a week at the Old Town Hall for all seniors age 65 and older. The participants are very enthusiastic and thankful for the opportunity to...
Strong in her faith in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Jacqueline Y. Eide, age 86, passed away to her heavenly home on March 19, 2018 in Spokane (formerly of Odessa). A loving and kind person beloved by many, she was born on September 9, 1931 in Odessa to Roy and Lucille Haskins. She grew up in Odessa and attended school there, graduating from Odessa High School in 1949. She attended WSU and UW, and obtained her teaching degree from Whitworth College. She married Olin Eide...
Susan I. Lyons, aged 71, passed away on Friday March 16, 2018 from complications associated with dementia and the flu. Her final hours were spent at home, surrounded by family. Born in Montebello California, Susan spent most of her life in Washington State. She was a strong, passionate woman, filled with love and zest for life. In the mid-1960s Susan attended Central Washington University and was instrumental in changing the student dress code so that women were allowed to...
Last weekend's motocross racing took place south of town on sagebrush-covered land in weather more winter-like than it had been just a few weeks before. It was also windy, which brings with it the wind chill factor. But the Stumpjumpers Motorcycle Club members are a hardy bunch, and they turned out in even larger numbers than they had last year, as reported by Odessa police chief Tom Clark at last night's town council meeting. He also said there were no reported serious...
Spring runoff is in evidence with the awakening of Delzer Falls just a few miles northwest of Odessa between Pacific Lake and Bob’s Lakes, which also remained filled with water. Despite the cool and windy weather last weekend, several intrepid local photographers were out in the countryside recording the beginnings of new spring growth of both flora and fauna. Calls and messages to The Record told us that photos of Delzer Falls were available, and so they were. We also h...
Casey Schlomer is the daughter of Joe (and Gina) Schlomer and Amy (and Kevin) Schaefer. She is a 2016 graduate of Odessa High School and has now decided to join the U.S. Air Force. This past Sunday, her friends, family and former classmates held a going-away party for her at Any Occasion Banquet Hall. During the festivities, Casey's father Joe Schlomer read a tribute to his daughter that The Record would like to share with our readers. "In 1997, Amy and I cut this diamond and...
This week we have an assortment of culinary odds and ends, some with Easter dinner in mind, others, answers to recipe requests and cooking inquiries. Often it is a little trick or tip, or knowing exactly which brand to purchase, that insures exact results. Several weeks ago, Debbie Buscher brought some tasty crackers and a sweet bread for a Sunday coffee hour. Many asked for the recipes. Debbie reports, both were purchased at Costco. They looked and tasted homemade. The...
The baseball season got off to a great start for the Tigers, as their first five games brought them five straight victories. Medical Lake Against Medical Lake, a school in the 1A classification, the Tigers gave no quarter and handily defeated the Cardinals by 11-1 and 15-2 in the two games of a March 20 double-header. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E Medical Lake 0 0 0 0 1 0 x 1 5 4 Odessa 0 0 3 1 5 2 x 11 11 1 The first game saw freshman starting pitcher Jett Nelson go three innings, allowing only three hits but no runs. He struck out fi...
Monday, March 19, Fronen Steppdecker, The Odessa Quilt Club, hosted their 23rd Annual Quilt Til You Wilt, one-day retreat at the Odessa Community Center. The 90 participants came from around the state, some from as far way as Walla Walla, Seattle, Omak and Spokane, for the day of quilting demonstrations and project show and tell. The day started with sweet rolls from Grannie BarBar’s bakery and early-bird quilting demonstrations. Then a schedule of demonstrations, show-and-tell and quilting games proceeded until well after t...
Dan (Danny) Gettman passed away March 7 at his home in Bellevue. He had recently celebrated his 74th birthday and the 44th anniversary of marriage to his wife, Janet Shilliam Gettman. He is survived by his wife Jan and his two sons, Cory and wife Shawna and Chris who all live in the Seattle area and his sister and brother-in-law, Norma and Paul Olson who live in Pullman. Dan graduated from Odessa High School in 1962 and from WSU in1967 with a degree in Pharmacy. During his career he worked as a pharmacist in Seattle, an...
The first track and field meet of the season took place last Saturday in Ephrata, where schools large and small competed in the Ray Cross Invitational. Besides our own Odessa Tigers, the following teams were signed up to participate: A.C. Davis, Almira/Coulee Hartline, Chelan, Chiawana, Cle Elum/Roslyn, Connell, Easton, Ephrata, Gonzaga Prep, Harrington, Juanita, Kennewick, Lake Roosevelt, Liberty Bell, Moses Lake, North Central, Okanogan, Omak, Othello, Prosser, Quincy, Richland, River View, Royal, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Wate...
Officer Garrett Marvin, from the Spokane enforcement office of the State Liquor and Cannabis Board, will be in Odessa April 3 at 11 a.m. to give an in-service session on safe practices by alcohol servers. As we neglected to state in last week’s announcement of this event, the session will be held in the Guild Room in the basement level of the hospital. All who are interested are invited to attend....