Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
At the Ezra Gordon Invite held in Colville Saturday, the Titan boys from Odessa-Harrington finished in seventh place with a team score of 44.83. The Titan girls placed sixth, and their team score was 37.66. This track and field meet included teams from 1B through 3A schools. Cheney, the only 2A entry, won both the boys' and girls' titles. A total of 1,642 athletes participated, including 867 boys and 775 girls. Boys' results In the boys' 100-meter sprint, Sam Schafer was...
Harrington junior Lanessa Simon is leading the state in the 1B classification in three events for track and field: high jump (4'10"), long jump (15'5"), triple jump (32'1.75"), and is third in the pole vault (7'6"). Coaches Travis and Maria Schuh say she is improving every track meet, setting her goals high for state and breaking some school records. Her parents are Marie and Jack Brooks of Harrington....
Two students from the Odessa High School Science Department/Advanced STEM Research Laboratory presented their projects March 28 at the 58th annual Washington State Science and Engineering Fair held in Bremerton, earning awards for their independent research. Thorsen Wehr, competing in the Computer Science category, presented a project designated "The Design and Analysis of a Quaternary Data Storage System." He was awarded the first-place trophy in computer sciences...
In tennis action Saturday, March 28, in Harrington, the Titan girls defeated the Lind-Ritzville/Sprague girls 3-2 after LRS had to forfeit its doubles matches. In the #1 singles match, Katie DeWulf was defeated by Rose Melville by scores of 6-4 and 6-0. The #2 singles match saw Danielle Tebow defeated by Emily Boutain by scores of 6-1 and 6-1. Zoe Clark of the Titans defeated Megan Buriak in a close match, 6-4 and 7-5, in the #3 spot. Since LRS had no doubles teams, they had to forfeit those matches to the Titans, giving...
On Tuesday, the Titans played a single non-league game against Pateros at home in Odessa, winning 11-1. The Titans got off to a good start, scoring four runs in the first inning and building on their lead from there. Pateros got their one run in the fifth and final inning. Chance Messer went all five innings and was the winning pitcher. Brad Johnston was the catcher. 1 2 3 4 5 R H E Pateros 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 4 O-H 4 2 0 1 4 11 7 3 Johnston and Carsen Weber each got a home run in the game....
Kory and Whitney Kolterman of Spokane welcomed Kamry Ann Kolterman at 5:06 p.m. on March 9, 2015. She weighed six pounds, 12 ounces and measured 19 inches long. The maternal grandparents are Dave and Brenda Frederick of Spokane, and the paternal grandparents are Keith and Becky Kolterman of Odessa. Great grandparents are Punch and Sherrie Pfeifer and Wayne Frederick, all of Odessa, Jeremy and Colleen Titcomb of Winthrop, Wash. and Grace Kolterman of Billings, Mont....
Seven students from Odessa High School were inducted as new members of the National Honor Society in a ceremony held at the school on Wednesday, March 25. Members were selected by the chapter’s Faculty Council (consisting of Ellen Holman, Terri King, Travis Schuh, and Jeff Wehr) for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. Students inducted were Casey Schlomer, Elizabeth Larson, Zoe Clark, Colby Sooy, Molly Schafer, Rebecca Fortner and John DeWulf. They join current members Alexis Burdick, K...
Meeting March 25, the members of the Odessa School Board accepted the resignation of bus driver Mandy Smith and approved overnight travel for FFA trapshooting in Wenatchee and for the state science fair in Bremerton. On second reading, the board approved policies dealing with Co-curricular Programs (2150), Interscholastic Athletics (2151), Student Conduct (3240), Students and Telecommunication Devices (3245), Automated External Defibrillators /AEDs (3412), Medication at School (3416), Response to Student Injury or Illness...
“Everyone who raises livestock knows the drill. You are faced with a bummer calf or kid or lamb. It’s been rejected or weak, and you start bottle feeding it. Why? Because where there’s life, there’s hope. It’s just what we do when we are responsible for a new life,” said Sue Lani Madsen, treasurer for the Livestock Producers Cooperative Association that owns the meat processing plant located in the Odessa Industrial Park. Madsen said she thought of this kind of attitude when Margie Hall, director of the Lincoln County Econ...
Low-interest farm loans remain available for women, minority and beginning farmers and ranchers through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency. Loan funds are available to buy farms, livestock and equipment. Funds may also be used to operate farms, build or repair farm buildings, pay for soil and water conservation practices, and in some cases refinance debts. FSA offers both direct and guaranteed loans. Direct loans to buy a farm may carry the current April interest rate of 3.375 percent over 40 years, a...
A good transportation system is essential to Central Washington’s quality of life and economic prosperity. At four open houses in April, community members are invited to learn about a four-county regional transportation planning effort and share their ideas about what transportation improvements should be considered. The counties of Adams, Grant, Kittitas and Lincoln – and the cities and towns within them – make up a Regional Transportation Planning Organization called QUADCO. QUADCO supports the region’s communities in main...
Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this my mama said… Although, music lyrics are often quoted out of context, this one always seemed to pop into my mind whenever something difficult or bad happened. It carries the sense of acceptance and recognition that the bad things in life happen to everybody. As much as we might accept that line of thinking, there are some things that challenge that blasé approach to things. Some things in life are more dramatic and/or more difficult to accept. Some tragedies ar...
What is Osteoarthritis? More commonly known as "wear and tear," it is a condition where the natural cushioning between joints (the cartilage) wears away, causing the bones of joints to rub, and with less cartilage, the rubbing results in pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased mobility, and even sometimes bone spurs. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis according to Webmd and the Arthritis Foundation; more than 27 million people in the U.S. have osteoarthritis, with the knee being one of the most commonly...
MONDAY, April 06: Breakfast round, fruit, juice. Lunch: Taco, refried beans, carrots, fruit. TUESDAY, April 07: Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice. Lunch: Fishwich, fries, fruit, veggies and dip. WEDNESDAY, April 08: Cereal bowl, yogurt cup, fruit. Lunch: Turkey deli sandwich, vegetable soup, cucumbers, melon. THURSDAY, April 09: Oatmeal with cranberries, fruit, juice. Lunch: Chicken and noodles, salad, fruit. FRIDAY, April 10: Pancakes, berries, juice. Lunch: Pizza, salad, fruit. Harrington and Odessa on Spring...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up. Hi, here I am again. This week, I’m going to tell you about a grandmother whose birth place was Eigenheim, Bessarabia, South Russia, whose birth date was 1861. Her name is Christina Yess/Jess who married Jacob Raugust, 11/26/1880 in Eigenheim, Bessarabia, South Russia. In Eigenheim they had ten children, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1888, 1889, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1...
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 08: Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, Trio Vegetables, Caesar Salad, Peaches, Garlic Bread, Ice Crean. THURSDAY, APRIL 09: Pot Roast, Potatoes, Green Beans, Tossed Green Salad, Apricots, Wheat Bread, Tapioca. If you are not a regular attendee at senior meals and wish to participate, please call 982-2654 prior to 10 a.m. on the day of the meal. Suggested donation for a meal is $3.25 for those 60 and over. For those under age 60, lunch costs $8.00....
The latest cash grain market here shows Soft White Wheat down at $6.08. Hard Red Winter is down at $6.19. DNS is down at $8.23. Barley is down at 148.00. Senior Menu...
Birthdays for April 02: Paul Sheldon, Chris Ryan, Amy Hunt. April 03: Mandy Smith, Lance Kissler, Jason Schumacher. April 04: Caitlyn Schuh, James Frick, Kim Lovvik, Irene Carnes, Desiree Ferderer. April 05: Kathy Jantz, Deanna Nelson. April 06: Noah Steilstra, Sherry Watkins, Alberto Reyes Sr., Warren Reeves, Troy Kissler. April 07: Suzie Deife, Randy Schorzman, Orrin Burroughs. April 08: Kris Buchman, Alice Schmierer, Izaak Schmierer. Anniversaries for April 03: Larry and Kelly Weber. April 04: Chuck and Irene Carnes,...
4/2 Prime-timers, 12:30 p.m. @ Old Town Hall. OTHRS Meeting 6:30 p.m. @ Old Town Hall. Twelve Step Program-Odessa group meeting @ Heritage Church basement, 7-8 p.m., Odessa Community Closet @ Zion Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Titan tennis @ 3:30 p.m. in Harrington. The Swinging Boots, country swing dance at The Shop 210 N. Birch St. 7-9 p.m., $10 per person. 4/4 Easter egg hunt, 10 a.m. Titan track (Deer Park Invite) 12 p.m. in Deer Park. 4/3- The Ritz Theater presents 4 “Kingsman” @ 7 p.m. 4/4 Titan bas...
High Low Prec. S Mar. 26 50 41 .07 Mar. 27 64 42 .00 Mar. 28 71 43 .08 Mar. 29 61 42 .00 Mar. 30 63 36 .00 Mar. 31 67 37 .00 Apr. 01 59 35 .00 Yearly total to date 8.29 inches. Snow accumulation: .93 inches to date....
Part 3 of the continuing series of the adventures of Gerald and Barbara Greenwalt seeing Paris by riverboat tour. Day three in Paris: A trip to Giverny for the history of Monet.Monet was born in Paris on November 14, 1840, to a grocer father and singer mother. Monet was mentored in oil painting and painting outdoors. Monet moved to England in 1870 and married Camille Doncieus. They had two children, but she died of tuberculosis aged just 32. He was 43 when he came to Giverny in 1883 with Alice Hosched, her six children and...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, March 23: A female county jail inmate expressed what corrections deputies described as “suicidal statements” including the sentiment of “wanting to put herself out of her misery” and was transferred...