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The Odessa School District held its Spring Break last week, so there were no sports events to include in this week's paper. The state FBLA conference was held in Bellevue, and Odessa members of that organization gave up a part of their break to attend. The 31 students who attended did very well and came away with many awards. Many also qualified for the national leadership conference which will be held in Baltimore in July. The full report on the events in which students...
July 17, 1932 – March 22, 2018 Sieverkropp, Wayne Allen (85) joined our Lord and Savior on March 22, 2018, Wayne was born July 17, 1932 in Puyallup, Washington, to Herman and Millie Sieverkropp. He was number five out of six children. Wayne is preceded in death by his wife Dorothy in 2009. He is survived by his daughters Debbie (Steve) Lytle of Otis Orchards, Linda (John) Faure of Ritzville, Barbara Barry (Tim Petty) of Spokane and Patty (Gary) Stanley of Spokane and his g...
For competitors and spectators at the 48th annual Desert 100 endurance race put on by the Stumpjumpers Motorcycle Club based in Mountlake Terrace, Wash., it was an exciting weekend. Race organizers opened the campsite at noon on Thursday, April 5, a day earlier than in previous years. Once again, the line to get in formed prior to the opening time as the early birds vied for the prime camping spots. Recreational vehicles and tents of all types and sizes converged at the...
1 years ago The Odessa Record April 5, 1918 Schnase comes to grief: In the presence of a large but orderly crowd, A. Schnase, a very well known character who visits this section several times a year selling medicines and other wares, came to grief at his home town, Sprague, last Thursday when found in possession of rabid pro-German literature. The event took place on the main street after he was caught with “the goods.” Schnase was forced to kiss the American flag and give three cheers for the United States government. The...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, April 2: Responding to the 100 block of Main Street, Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 63-year-old man with breathing problems. Four girls were discovered “exploring” the Lincoln...
Spring keeps tempting us with bits of sunshine between bouts of April downpours. The ground is too soggy to do much garden preparation, so it is a good time to clean out your freezer. Those who purchase a whole beef and have it cut to order, may find an oxtail among the end of season packages. Oxtail Stew is a rich, savory dish, but it requires some long, slow, cooking times. Using a slow-cooker to prepare this dish makes the process manageable. The key to a good mild flavor...
To the Editor: I recently spent a rainy but wonderful Wednesday campaigning in Odessa for representative position #2 in the 13th District. Since my husband and I have attended Odessa’s Deutschesfest for years, I was looking forward to the visit. The people were open, friendly and clearly proud of their community, as they should be. Voters shared a variety ideas and concerns. One common concern was a feeling that Odessa, as well as eastern Washington in general, did not get the attention, understanding and respect it d...
To the Editor: Don’t pick up strangers. Yes, but are there exceptions? In Odessa, if I see a friend walking, I will pull over and ask if they are just walking or need a ride, especially if I see a woman carrying grocery bags. I pull over and offer her a ride even if I don’t know her. None of my men friends ever said yes to a ride. What about off the highway? If I see a car parked on the side of the road and then see someone walking, yes I am going to stop and ask if they need help. If I see one bicyclist or one motorcyclist,...
To the Editor: Spring is here, the grass is starting to grow and people are beginning to emerge from their winter shells to begin the never-ending lawn maintenance chores of summer. This also means that cemetery maintenance will be in full swing as well. Unless I am misunderstood, the community taxpayers provide the funds for the maintenance and equipment of the cemetery to care for the marked plots of dirt and grass that community taxpayers have purchased as the final resting place for their loved ones. People have many...
Lyons, Neb. - A major wave of consolidation that kicked off in 2016 continues to move forward with the U.S. Department of Justice allowing chemical producer Bayer to acquire the U.S. based seed company Monsanto, reported yesterday. “As giant transnational corporations increase their power over the market, independent farmers are left with fewer options and suffer from less competition among input providers,” said Center for Rural Affairs Policy Associate Anna Johnson. For nearly two years, this proposal has worked its way...
The Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office would like to remind all Lincoln County taxpayers that first-half 2018 taxes and assessments are due April 30, 2018. Interest/ penalties are due if payment is not received or postmarked by April 30, 2018. The Treasurer’s office is located at the Courthouse, 450 Logan St., Davenport. The mailing address and phone number are: Lincoln County Treasurer, P.O. Box 370, Davenport WA 99122, 509-725-5061. Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tax information can also be obtained on the web...
The official filing period for the fall elections will be held May 14 through May 18, 2018. All offices are subject to both Primary and General Elections. If more than two candidates file for a position, the Primary Election would narrow the field to the top two candidates who would then appear on the General Election ballot. The filing fee of one percent of the annual salary shall accompany the Declaration of Candidacy. There is no fee if the office sought is without a fixed salary. Anyone wishing to file may do so at the Li...
Chamber meeting The Harrington Chamber of Commerce met at 6 p.m. on April 4 at The Post & Office with Tim Tipton, Paula Pike, Karen Robertson, Dave Michaelson, Bunny Haugan and Cherie MacClellan present. After the reading of the minutes and treasurer’s report, the Chamber took up unfinished business, predominantly Cruizin’ Harrington, the newsletter and mailer and working with the Huckleberry Press. Discussion was held to assemble the next Chamber mailer using volunteers on April 16. Chamber purchased new banners for the Cru...
The Odessa School District, in cooperation with Educational Service District #101, will be providing a Child Find Screening clinic on Thursday, April 19, 2018. The screening will be offered at no cost to children of concern ages three through five. By identifying children at an early age, we can better prepare for their future educational needs. The screening will take at P.C. Jantz Elementary School. The screening itself takes about an hour to complete. During this time, a screening test will be administered to assess the ch...
Soap Lake - The suspenseful thriller that promises to have audiences on the edge of their seats, Wait Until Dark, opens April 13 at the Masquers Theater. Directed by Nick Mahaney and Heather Rhoades, this white-knuckle thriller will have audiences sleeping with their lights on. A sinister con man, Roat, played by Adam Zaleski, and two ex-convicts (Darryl Pheasant and Jesse Huntwork) meet their match when they trace a mysterious doll to the apartment of Sam Hendrix, played by Justin Rowland, and his blind wife Susy, played by...