Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
PASCO — Gov. Jay Inslee's time has expired, at least in Franklin County. Five minutes into the county commissioners’ 9 a.m. meeting today, April 21, commissioners voted unanimously to reject provisions under Gov. Jay Inslee’s stay-home quarantine order. Commissioner Clint Didier moved to reopen the county; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Brad Peck. “I move that Franklin County end recognition of the governor’s stay-at-home emergency proclamation that is now deemed un...
RICHLAND — Under the watchful eye of a city park ranger, hundreds of protesters from across Eastern Washington launched boats and filled Columbia Point Park today calling on Gov. Jay Inslee to end the ban on boating and fishing. Statewide, fishing, boating, camping and some hunting were shut down by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife until at least May 4, in accordance with the governor's quarantine due to the coronavirus outbreak. More than 100 boats were visible on t...
WENATCHEE — The Governor’s Office general counsel has chastised both Douglas and Chelan counties for allowing previously permitted home construction. In letters written Friday, April 17, on behalf of Gov. Jay Inslee, attorney Kathryn Leathers ordered Douglas County to “comply” with the governor’s quarantine orders and ordered Chelan County to “immediately retract” its resolution allowing construction. In addition to the two letters, Leathers sent both counties copies of guidelines on real estate and mortgage and construct...
DAVENPORT -- Lincoln County is getting an emergency helipad, thanks to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6248. Gov. Jay Islee signed the measure April 3; It allocates $75,000 in capital budget funds for the state Department of Transportation to construct an emergency-use helicopter landing pad at the Telford rest area. State officials said the rest area is already used an average of four times monthy as a “makeshift medical transer point.” Following a crash or a medical eme...
OLYMPIA – Gov. Jay Inslee and Department of Corrections Secretary Stephen Sinclair have announced plans to release up to 950 state inmates from facilities who are part of population vulnerable to COVID-19, including nonviolent individuals due to be released within the coming weeks and months. The move comes after a state Supreme Court ruling April 10 instructing the Department “to take all necessary steps to protect the health and safety” of incarcerated individuals in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and submit a repor... Full story
OLYMPIA -- Beginning this Sunday, Washingtonians currently ineligible to receive unemployment benefits may get a chance to receive financial help. In a press conference this afternoon with Gov. Jay Inslee, Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine said the state will begin to implement provisions of the federal C.A.R.E.S Act expanding unemployment benefits to independent contractors and others who typically don't qualify for benefits – including those who don't have the usually required 680 hours. Other a... Full story
RICHLAND — Cracks are growing in Gov. Jay Inslee’s “stay home, stay safe” quarantine east of the Cascades. And the Tri-City area — the second most populous area east in Eastern Washington— is at the center of the uprising to lift “unconstitutional” mandates that restrict the ability to assemble, practice religion, access publicly owned lands and water, and more. The governor has ordered Washington state residents to "stay home" until at least May 4 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Richland resident Lisa Thomas has star... Full story
CHENEY -- Eastern Washington University President Dr. Mary Cullinan has announced that the university's June13 commencement will be switching from an in-person ceremony to an online format as part of protective measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 disease. “This year, unfortunately, the global pandemic has forced us all to reset gatherings, celebrations, and holidays,” Cullinan said in an April 15 news release announcing the change. “We can’t hold a traditional Commencement ceremony this spring.” The ceremony... Full story
RITZVILLE — Hospitals statewide are taking a financial hit with Gov. Jay Inslee's order to suspend any non-essential services, and East Adams Rural Healthcare is doing their best to weather the storm. “We are still providing our swing bed, inpatient and emergency services, but our rehabilitation therapy and outpatient clinic services are very minimal right now, because folks should be staying at home unless they need care to prevent them from really having a detrimental effect to their health,” Chief Executive Officer Corey... Full story
DAVENPORT - The community celebrated the Class of 2020 on April 10 with a new take on 'Friday Night Lights." Instead of a football game, students, families and area residents parked vehicles and honked horns at Davenport High School's football field. High school stadium lights were turned on for 20 minutes. Lincoln County Fire Department trucks joined in the celebration, blaring horns, too. "That was part of a national movement, all across the country at 20:20 military time,...
DAVENPORT — Here are dissolutions recently filed in Lincoln County Superior Court : March 30 Wilhelm, Dion L. and Wilhelm Tina Marie Poling, Alisha Sullivan and Poling, Jeremy Arden Bloom, Andrew James and Bloom, Susan Lorraine Chantha, Oulaiphont Vandee and Chantha, Laorng Nuon Carter, Tanya Marie and Carter, Joshua Wayne Lowery, Lorna Jaducana and Lowery, Steven Michael Lorch, Kayra Eva and Lorch, David Eric Coffman, Ethan Doyle and Snowden-Coffman, Lian Canas Jones, Brent Stephen and Jones, Kandida Rae Farris, Jonathan W...
The Davenport Times publishes letters to the editor of civic nature relating to area, state and national issues and politics. Letters should be limited to 250 words, and cited facts should be attributed to the source of information. Letters may not contain personal attacks, profanity or cite other media. Please keep letters to a single subject. We do not publish “thank you” letters; contact our advertising staff. Writers will be limited to one letter per month. No chain letters — either written by one person and signed by mo...
Government overreach needs to be reined in Gov. Jay Inslee’s house-arrest order for the populace, Proclamation 20-25, is in conflict with the Bill of Rights. Our rights of the free exercise of religion, of the people to peaceably assemble, of due process of law, as well as our Ninth Amendment rights to pursue happiness by earning a living and to travel freely outside of our homes are sacred. These individual rights are enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. Under the Supremacy Clause, the Constitution p...
One of the positives to come out of the current coronavirus crisis is that people are realizing what the most important and essential things are. When you only have time or resources for the top priorities, those priorities have to be more defined. As the model for schooling has drastically changed, the curriculum has been stripped bare, reminding us the true purpose of schools — teaching the so-callled “3 Rs” reading, writing and arithmetic. Remember the uproar over the s...
DAVENPORT — Lincoln Hospital District No. 3 commissioners will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday, April 16. The meeting is set for Davenport Memorial Hall. An agenda was not available before press time....
DAVENPORT — The annual May Tour and Dinner has been canceled. The event, hosted every year by Lincoln County Conservation District, canceled the event in response to the coronavirus “stay home” quarantine ordered by Gov. Jay Inslee, which is set to expire May 4....
DAVENPORT — A Spokane man was arrested on fourth-degree assault on April 6. Tyson Jerred Heath, 30 of Spokane, was arrested by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and booked into the county jail. In addition to fourth-degree assault, he was being held on a U.S. Marshall detainer for harassment....
DAVENPORT — First half-2020 taxes and assessments are due in the Lincoln County terarsuer’s Office or postmarked by April 30. The office is currently closed to public access due to the coronavirus shutdown. Tax payments may be mailed to Lincoln County Treasurer, P.O. Box 370, Davenport, WA 99122, or paid online at
DAVENPORT — The state Department of Natural Resources has banned burning on agency-protected lands in Eastern Washington. The ban includes several “fire danger rating areas” including the highlands, Kaniksu and lower and upper basin areas in the region, the agency said. Dry conditions and expected windy conditions prompted the burn ban, the agency said....
ODESSA — Wheat-land Bank is reassuring depositors that their money is safe and readily available during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Funds are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., bank officials said last week. “Wheatland Bank has been serving the communities of Eastern Washington for the past 40 years, and managed through the turbulent times of the Great Recession, without ever losing its profitability, sound financial position or its 5-Star Superior Rating,” CEO Susan M. Horton said. “Due to the advance...
DAVENPORT — Avista Corp. ratepayers affected by the coronavirus pandemic may have a temporary reprieve on utility bills. Last week, the state Utilities and Transportation Commission approved temporary changes to Avista’s rate assistance program for ratepayers who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus. Natural gas and electric customers having trouble paying their bills will be able to apply for hardship grants of up to $350 and, Avista officials said. To apply for a grant, call 800-227-9187....