Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
K-12 student led conferences will be held on Monday, April 29 and Tuesday, April 30. There will be no school on these days. All K-12 students have been scheduled for a specific conference time and parents should receive a designated date and time slip this week from your child's homeroom teacher. If you have received a date and time slip by the end of this week, please call Linnie at 982-2603 or Chris at 982-2111....
The Odessa Friends of the Library are sponsoring a workshop at the library on Saturday morning, May 11 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The featured speaker Dr. Steve Becker. Autism and Aspergers spectrum has become widespread in our society and there are many questions being asked and research involved in finding a solution. One in 88 children now fall into the autism/aspergers spectrum. Many parents and teachers are searching for answers in coping with behaviors and vocational aspects of children in the home and school setting. Dr....
The Odessa Community Vacation Bible School is scheduled for the week of June 10 - 14 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Odessa Foursquare Chuch, 111 E First Ave. The first planning meeting for this years VBS will be on Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m. at the Foursquare church. Anyone interested in participating in VBS is encouraged to attend this meeting. Fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese/crackers can be delivered to the Foursquare Church that week during VBS. Also, any non-perishable food donations can be brought to Christ...
The Lincoln County Treasurer's office would like to remind all Lincoln County Taxpayers that first half-2013 taxes and assessments are due April 30, 2013. Interest/penalties are due if payment is not received or postmarked by April 30, 2013. The Treasurer's office is located at the Courthouse, 450 Logan, Davenport. The mailing address and phone number is: PO Box Davenport, WA 99122, 1-509-725-5061. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also, tax information can be obtained on the website at:
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, April 8: Someone illegally dumped garbage in a dumpster at Davenport High School. After contact with a deputy, the suspect agreed to pay for the school's disposal charges. Deputies...
Last Sunday, April 14, Old Time Farm Days was held for the second time at the farm of Leanna and Keith Schafer, located five miles west of Odessa on S.R. 28. The Bohnet family of Wilson Creek had put on an old-fashioned plowing event for 27 years up until two years ago. At that time Pete Nelson of Odessa and Jon and Michelle Overmyer of Davenport did not want to see the event discontinued. So they asked the Schafers if there was a place on their land where plowing...
Davenport league meet The Northeast 1B/2B Track and Field League Meet was held in Davenport Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The 1/B teams participating were Mansfield, Odessa-Harrington, Wellpinit and Wilbur-Creston. Individual Results, Boys 100 meters: Sam Schafer was fourth in a time of 11.77. 400 meters: Garret Braun was 12th at 1:02.43. 800 meters: Steven Braun took 8th in 2:26.33, Jacob DeWulf was 14th in 2:33.25, Tyler Paris 15th in 2:34.89 and Trevor King 16th in 2:39.85. 1600...
Odessa’s water supply was quite low and gasoline was hard to come by during the second week of May 1920. The water was scarce because the town’s north side well was no longer putting out at full capacity. Gasoline was in short supply because of an unprecedented demand by an ever-increasing number of motorists throughout the country. The Odessa Record carried this front-page story on May 14, 1920, describing the shortages: Odessa’s water supply promises to run hand in hand with gasoline for the next six weeks. Three excep...
“I was happy to sponsor the girls and I hope they enjoyed their time in Olympia,” said 13th District Representative Judy Warnick of Moses Lake. “The page program is a great way for students to gain hands-on insight into their state government, and I’m glad they took the opportunity.” The two students attended page school every day during their time in Olympia to better understand the operations and actions of the legislature. At the end of the week they wrote and promoted...
On April 13, the Odessa-Harrington Titans traveled to Curlew for a double-header against the Cougars. The Titans won the first game, 6 - 1. Justin Hunt and Stetson Sanford made up the O-H battery, with Hunt getting the win. Doubles were hit by Cade Weber and Jared King. The second game was also won by the Titans, 10 - 0. King was the winning pitcher for the second game of the double-header, with Sanford again at catcher. Nick Tebow and Weber had doubles for the Titans. On...
Shari Wilson was spotted at the Quilt 'Til You Wilt Event at Heritage Church on Monday, March 18. She said she was working on a seventy-year old UFO (unfinished object). She said she had found a set of beautiful flowers appliqued on oval pieces of muslin in a cigar box in her mother's house. Wilson's mother lived in Colorado during the Dust Bowl years and when pressing the applique pieces, Sheri said she could smell the dust still in the fabric. She said her mother quit...
Jacqueline Eide has lived in the former Palace Hotel for most of her life. Her parents, Roy and Lucille (Hardung) Haskins, were living there and operating the hotel in the early 1960s when she and her two young daughters returned to Odessa to live. Eide was able to get hired on to the Odessa School District teaching staff and taught many of Odessa’s schoolchildren at P.C. Jantz Elementary School over the years until her retirement. The Haskins family ran the hotel from 1946 un...
Herbert V. Zimbelman has lived in the Odessa area all of his life. The third youngest of 10 children born to Gus and Emma Zimbelman in rural Lincoln County, Herb lived independently and pursued his interests and hobbies despite being profoundly deaf. Until only a couple of years ago, Herb owned his own home, where his basement workshop offered activities that kept him well occupied. Woodcarving was long a favorite hobby. He has created carved animals, airplanes, stagecoaches...
The Odessa-Harrington girls tennis team lost to Davenport by a score of 3 - 1. In the #1 singles game, Cydnee Kieffer defeated Williamson of Davenport, 6-1, 6-2. In the double match, Guhlke and Brown of Davenport defeated Phillips and Johnson, 6-0, 6-3. The Davenport boys team won its two matches by forfeit....
This morning I was nearly witness to an accident at the intersection of Highways 21 and 28. A large black tractor-trailer rig nearly T-boned a white SUV. It appeared to me that the accident was avoided by mere inches. The SUV had the right-of-way, but I don't know if the truck had stopped initially or if the driver just blew the stop sign. The thought of being run into by a semi is mind-boggling. I think it’s really pretty amazing that there aren’t more accidents at that inter...
When I was young my family ate a lot of Red Delicious apples. Some came out of my trusty lunchbox at school, some were straight from the refrigerator at home. The apples were big and eye-catching, but in my opinion they left something to be desired in their eating qualities. Still, they gave us a reasonably economical and convenient fruit choice, and we were glad to have them. These days there are lots of options in the stores when it comes to apples, from the traditional vari...
After reading the letter last week from the person from Spokane, it reminded me of what Martin Niemoller wrote about the Nazis in Germany. “First they came for the socialists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.” There is not that much difference now as it was then, for if...
According to our government’s 2012 survey, we have almost 700,000 government employees. Barely a third believe that promotions are based on merit. Less than that said steps are taken to deal with poor performance and just one-fifth said that pay raises are linked to good performance. The Budget Control Act of 2011, that was bi-partisan, suggests that we need to: 1) collect the $786 billion that Americans already owe in delinquent loans, fines and penalties, 2) collect the $300 billion that Americans already owe in back t...
The O-H Titan boys golf team competed in Wilbur on April 11 in a nine-hole match against Wilbur/Creston (W/C), Lind/Ritzville-Sprague (LRS) and Inchelium. The day produced fairly nice weather, with the temperature at 55 degrees and breezy. Team scoring: LRS 233 O-H 236 W/C 259 Inchelium 263 “The top four O-H players continue to play steady golf,” said coach Sam Read, “(but) we are still in need of a couple of our younger players to step up and fill the fifth and sixth spots.” Individual scores for the O-H boys were: Madison...
The Odessa School District has two STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) activities lined up for youngsters in the fourth and fifth grades. Two professors from Eastern Washington University will visit Odessa on two separate days next month. On May 10, the fifth-grade science class will meet in the junior-high science room from 12:30 to 3 p.m. to construct and test wind machines using different blade designs. On May 24, the fourth-grade science class will meet in the junion-high science room from 8:10-11: 45 a.m. to...
(Editor’s note: Last week’s column did not run, so it is included in this week’s Grain Report.) Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 4/3/13: Big rally in Chicago wheat futures today, which has so far continued into the evening session, as it was rumored that China was in buying a bunch of U.S. SRW. Unfortunately, for the first time in several months, soft white prices have broken their link to Chicago futures and have refused to budge, up only five cents from yesterday, while Chicago has g...
Named to the winter 2013 President’s List atBig Bend Community College in Moses Lake, having completed 12 or more graded credits with grade-point average (GPA) of 3.75 and above, were Mackenze Bemis, Natalie Fish, Aron Mills and Theodore Noble, all of Odessa, as well as Natalie Garrett of Wilson Creek. Named to the winter 2013 Vice President's List at BBCC, having completed 12 or more graded credits with a GPA of 3.33 to 3.74, was James Price of Wilson Creek....