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Articles from the April 19, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Holman at school and work in 8-month Disney program

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Stephanie Holman, a 2009 graduate of Odessa High School has been accepted into the Disney College Internship program and has been in Anaheim, Calif. since the first of January. More than 4,000 students applied for the internship this year, and only 350 were accepted world-wide. (Disney World in Florida has the same program, also with 4,000 students accepted.) She works in Tomorrowland and runs the Astro-Orbiter ride and also the Captain EO Theatre. She also works with crowd...

  • Local girl to compete at state gymnastics championships

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Odessa fifth-grader Tori Weishaar, the daughter of Traig and Carmen Weishaar, recently qualified to compete in the Washington State Gymnastics Championships. Tori is a Level 6 gymnast this year and competes in floor, vault, beam and bars. She says her favorite event is still bars. She has placed fourth and fifth on bars at different meets, competing as an individual. She was also a contributing member when the Level 6 team took an overall third place at a sectional...

  • BBCC sign dedicated to Floch brothers of Odessa

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Reid Jackson learned an important lesson during his Eagle Scout project – it’s difficult to do big things without partners. Jackson led a project to build a new campus entry sign for Big Bend Community College. The job was finished this spring when stainless steel letters were posted on basalt columns near the Wallenstien Theater. The project required eight dump-truck loads of dirt, several loads of gravel, four basalt columns, a concrete pour and landscaping. He needed a skil...

  • Spring sports scoreboard

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Softball The Titan girls were to have played Cusik April 3 but did not have enough players to field a team. On April 10, however, the girls joined the boys at St. Michael’s, where they also played a double header. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E St. M's 1 1 0 15 17 9 2 O-H 1 0 0 0 1 4 2 Battery: Elena Hernandez and Casey Schlomer. Getting hits for O-H were Jenna Shafer, Casey Schlomer, Alexa Boss and Katelyn Worley. Worley’s was a home run for the Titans’ only score. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E...

  • Author, illustrator bring books to Harrington school

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Kathy Taylor and Lexi Watkins, local Odessa author and illustrator, respectively, visited the Harrington Elementary pre-school to third-grade group to share their book, Rocky's Road Home, on March 30. Each family in those grades received a copy of the book autographed by both author and illustrator. The Harrington School Board awarded a grant for the purchase of the books. Kathy Taylor works for Schmidt Insurance in Odessa. This is her first book. Lexi Watkins is a college...

  • Odessa students earn top places at state science fair

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Two students from the OHS Science Department (Advanced Science Research) presented March 31, 2012 in Bremerton, WA at the annual Washington State Science and Engineering Fair. Kira Powell earned fist place in Botany for her project, “The Development of a Novel Sodium Polyacrylate Treatment,” while Griffey Powell received second place in Environmental Sciences with his project, "The Impact of Agriculture on Chemical Content of the Soil in an Ephemeral Stream." These OHS stu...

  • Tribute

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Iva A. Thrall passed away peacefully at the Odessa Memorial Healthcare Nursing Home on Saturday, April 14, 2012 at the age of 91. She was born on March 24, 1921 to Phillip and Annette Pfeifer. She was the fourth of 12 children. She attended the White Hall School north of Wilson Creek for one year and then went to the Marlin School for the next 11 years. Being from such a large family, Iva learned household duties at a young age. It was her responsibility to help with the bakin...

  • The Creative Corner

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Ruth Ann’s Mother, Marie Suhrbier A dear lady there in Wilson Creek, sweet, gentle and so kind, lost her son, her house and husband, but she never lost her mind. Sadly---out on the family farm, Marie lost her only son. Ken was in his teens, so handsome, honest, full of fun. It humbled each and everyone, in our little town, quite small. One couldn’t find a dry eye, young or old, as I recall. Then---just two very short years later, came the ‘57 flood. It filled our town with water, it covered everything with mud. Marie...

  • Letter to the Editor: We in wheat country must overcome apathy

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Dear friends, I am writing you today about a challenge ahead of farming communities throughout Eastern Washington. The challenge is real, and it affects more than those involved in advocacy groups and organizations. Our challenge is apathy and ignorance. Not just apathy within our own communities and governments, but apathy outside our circles. As farmers, we have been silent about the obstacles we’ve overcome and the importance of our work. I used to think it was “someone else’s job” to tell the story of farm life and agr...

  • Love - The Odessa Record "By Your Relative"

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Hi, here I am again. Continued from last week – the Kiesz Children. Joyce remembers the following about living in the L-B-D: (30.) There was usually no room in the kitchen’s “cool box” for pies and other bakery goods so goods were kept on the kitchen counter. I’m sure today a person would keep them in the refrigerator. In the old days, no one got sick …. after all, when the items came out of the oven it didn’t take long for them to be eaten, like within two seconds. (31.) That during harvest time, the Kiesz family would...

  • Fallen-rider memorial seeks permanent site

    Terrie Schmidt Crosby|Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Last weekend was filled with activity both in town and outside of town. Motorcycle riders by the dozens came to Odessa and neighboring Wilson Creek last Friday and Saturday for a program and fundraiser regarding a proposed permanent memorial to fallen riders in the Northwest. We first wrote about this event in our April 5, 2012 edition. Riders began arriving in Wilson Creek on Friday evening. The Harvest Moon Tavern there welcomed them, making food and drink available. A...

  • OHF continues to evolve

    Carol Schott|Updated Apr 20, 2012

    Time Marches On The Odessa Healthcare Foundation (OHF) was formed in 1988, according to its By Laws, to "identify the areas for improving the health care needs of Lincoln County Public Hospital District No. 1 and assist in obtaining and providing funds for same." It received 501(c) 3 status in 1989. With five (and soon six) board members, plus the assistance of many more community residents, it began the task of fulfilling that purpose. Early-on a community decision-making...

  • Draft animal "field day" pulls to the past

    Lise Ott |Updated Apr 20, 2012

    The action west of Odessa was just a bit different this past weekend, as compared to two weeks ago, when thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts encamped at the corner of Irby Road and Highway 28. It wasn’t just improved weather – no rain, mostly sunny skies and only a slight breeze, that made the difference. The events of April 14 and 15 were smaller, quieter, and had an entirely different fragrance. Draft horse and mule enthusiasts convened at Keith Schafer’s farm about 5 miles...

  • Columbia Basin NARFE cancels April meeting

    Updated Apr 20, 2012

    The Columbia Basin Chapter #856 of the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees will not have a regular chapter meeting for the month of April. All active and retired federal employees who are interested in the work of the only organization concerned with their earned benefits are invited to attend chapter meetings. Those interested in learning more about NARFE, may call Eula Pritchard at 754-2931. All chapter members have been invited by the chapter presidents to attend the Federation Districts I/V...

  • Court Report

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. April 9: A male juvenile was taken into custody after a deputy responded to Davenport High School, from which a possible sex offense/inappropriate conduct report was received. Safeway store personnel...

  • Wilson Creek Jr./Sr. HS third quarter academic honors

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    Listed below are the Wilson Creek Junior-Senior High School students named to the third-quarter honor roll, for the period from January 21 to March 27. Achieving high honors, with a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.5 or better were: Mari Alvarez, Tyler Bise, Colten Crane, Lane Engelhardt, Angel Garay (4.0), Chance Garrett, Clarissa Hansen, Sam Hochstatter, Emmet James , Wade Kane, Jamie Kaupp, Caleb McMillan and Colton Minoletti. Achieving honor roll status, with a grade-point average between 3.0 and 3.49 were: Jordyn...

  • Student-led conferences April 26 and 27 at school

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    K-12 student-led conferences will be held Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April 27. There will be no school on these days. All K-12 students have been scheduled for a specific conference time and parents should receive a designated date and time slip this week from their child’s homeroom teacher. Those who have not received a date and time slip by the end of the week are asked to call Linnie at 982-2603 or Chris at 982-2111 at the Odessa School District....

  • Ladies Auxiliary supports programs both near and far

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars is having a bake sale on Saturday, April 28 in front of New Image Beauty Salon. The money from this sale is used to support programs for the coming year. The Auxiliary sponsors a number of programs on an annual basis. They are: 1) Americanism – This program is intended to promote patriotism. 2) Veterans and Family Support – This program includes anything we do for our veterans, military personnel and their families. It also includes supporting the National Home and the Bud...

  • Bio-fuels or bio-weeds? "Growing Risk"

    Chris Thomas|Updated Apr 19, 2012

    The term “spring planting” takes on a whole new meaning when the crop is a biofuel. While it may finally put some types of weeds to a productive use, a report from the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) cites the need for careful selection and monitoring of the crops being grown for energy production. In states with warmer climates, it says some are overtaking native species. It hasn’t happened in the Northwest, although the fast-growing giant reed has been planted for biofuel use in the Columbia Gorge near Boardman, Ore....

  • Investigation of shooting by Reardan police chief closed

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    The Lincoln County Prosecutor has received the complete and comprehensive report from the Spokane Investigative Regional Response Team regarding the officer-involved shooting in Reardan on December 19, 2011. The report indicates that on that date Reardan Police Department Chief Gary Redmond, while on-duty, made a routine check of the Reardan Memorial Cemetery following a weekend. Upon driving into the cemetery’s east entrance, Redmond observed a vehicle parked at the southern end of the vehicle path inside the cemetery. R...

  • This Week in Odessa History

    Updated Apr 19, 2012

    Baseball was king in Odessa in 1914 and for many years before and after that. Odessa was a member of the Big Bend League, which included such other contenders as Krupp (Marlin), Wilson Creek, Ritzville and Ephrata. The whole town turned out for the games. In fact, almost the whole town went along to the other towns to cheer the team. A special Great Northern train would be chartered to take them there. April 5 was the opening day of league play in 1914, with Odessa playing Wilson Creek in Odessa. The Odessa Record gave this...

  • Ritzville Community Theatre to be at Opera House April 21

    Karen Robertson|Updated Apr 19, 2012

    The Ritzville Community Theatre (RCT) will reprise their December 2011 production as a fundraiser for the Harrington Opera House this Saturday, April 21 at 7:00 pm. Three In A Row---A Game Show was written by Miles Athey and Harry Schafer of Ritzville. Harry is also the director. It is an audience-participation take-off of the old TV show Hollywood Squares. Seven "stars" in squares are lined up in a row. The M.C. and the hostess select two participants from the audience. The participants select a "star" and the "star" is aske...

  • Advice from a small town girl

    Lise Ott|Updated Apr 19, 2012

    We all know that person. Sometimes we are that person. He or she is the one who always sees things in the black and white of an old photograph negative. And usually they see the dark side. They are the person I frequently try to avoid, as encounters tend to be unpleasant. I always come away from conversations with this person feeling as though I’m not good enough. And it tends to be the kind of not good enough that doesn’t inspire me to be better. It tends to be the kind of...

  • Now biomass is the environment's enemy?

    Don C Brunell|Updated Apr 19, 2012

    When environmental organizations pushed Washington voters to approve their renewable energy Initiative 937, they touted biomass energy — incinerated wood waste — as one of their preferred alternatives to fossil fuel. They reasoned that biomass energy plants would help clear forests of flammable wood debris from dead and diseased timber, put idled loggers and millworkers back to work and produce cleaner, more affordable energy. But since voters narrowly approved the ini...

  • Odessa among best small towns

    Patti Jarschke|Updated Apr 19, 2012

    While residents may consider Odessa’s most distinguishing attribute to be its founding by Germans from Russia, it also has a strong ranching presence, which has now been recognized by a national publication. The April/May 2012 issue of American Cowboy magazine features a cover article naming “The 20 Best Rural Towns in the West.” The towns are categorized by region: The Rockies; California/Nevada; Northwest; Southwest; Texas/Oklahoma; and The Great Plains. The Northwest categ...

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