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Articles from the November 24, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 13 of 13

  • Harrington news

    Marjorie Womach|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Public Library Tues., Thurs. and books Harrington Public Library opened its doors early Tuesday afternoon on November 15 to allow the pre-K, Kindergarten, first-graders and second-graders to browse the library, make inquiries and select a book to check out. Applications for library cards had been filled out and signed by parents, but the check-out process involved a flurry of activity with 29 youngsters needing to sign their names individually and get the date to return their...

  • FFA potato judging held at Columbia Basin Tech

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    The Odessa FFA chapter participated in the state potato judging competition in Moses Lake at Columbia Basin Tech on Wednesday, November 16. Pilot Weishaar, Colton Messer, Jordan Clark, Kiegan Wehr, Alyssa Iverson, Mya Boss, Katreace Boss and Maddie Scrupps competed. Their teams took 16th and 19th in this statewide competition....

  • Meet your neighbors

    Vivianne Poe|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    As I contemplate writing this "Meet Your Neighbors" column, my thoughts go back six months to when my husband James and I first moved to Odessa and how we felt, and still feel, the warmth and love of the way all you Odessa people welcomed us with open arms. We are all still in awe of this marvelous place and all the people who make it what it is. Thank you, Odessa! And now I would like to introduce you to Kathy Ashe, a recent transplant from Salisbury, Mo. She was born in...

  • Odessa sends 24 to area yearly academic contest

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Odessa students in grades three through eight represented the Town of Odessa very well in Ritzville at the 2016 Bi-County Academic Contest held November 16. The contest was attended by eight other Bi-County schools. The topics covered were Spelling, Math, Speeches and Geography. Of the 24 Odessa students who went on the trip, 14 placed in the top six of their category at the competition. 5th grade Dakota Steward took second place in Impromptu Speech. Hayden Schuh placed fifth...

  • FFA trap shooting teams do well at area contests

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    It is that time of the season when the leaves start falling and the clay pigeons start flying. It is the season for the local Odessa FFA Trapshooting team to start shooting. The first FFA Trap Shoot was held at the Odessa Gun Club and pitted Odessa against Warden on October 1, 2016. The Odessa FFA trapshooters dominated with Pilot Weishaar, Lane Lobe, Aaron Gies and Kiegan Wehr winning first place as a team. At the same time, Aaron Gies won the High Male award and Rochelle...

  • Turkey Carnival crowd down but raffle winners happy

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    The 75th annual Turkey Carnival put on by the Odessa Lions Club drew a smaller than normal crowd last Saturday, as quite a large number of townspeople opted to attend the quarterfinal football game in Spokane between Odessa-Harrington and Almira/Coulee-Hartline (won by the Titans, see article on sports page). The Odessa Community Center opened at 2 p.m. to begin serving hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, soft drinks, water and pie by the slice. The coffee was free. The club had...

  • Court Report

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Nov. 14: Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted a 76-year-old man experiencing low oxygen levels. Wilbur and Creston ambulance personnel assisted a 25-year-old woman who lost consciousness and hi...

  • Titans one step closer to championship game

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Playing on a neutral field at Gonzaga Prep in Spokane last Saturday, the O-H Titans continued their trek toward the Tacoma Dome and the championship game in eight-man 1B football by defeating and eliminating Almira/Coulee-Hartline. The Titans prevailed, 60-28. After a rocky first quarter in which ACH had the Titans down by eight points, the O-H team buckled down, shutting out the Warriors during the next two quarters. Coach Jeff Nelson named Lukas Marshall the Athlete of the Week. Defensively, Marshall shut down ACH’s running...

  • Death notice

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Cary M. “Mike” Kuchenbuch (70) of Wilbur passed away Tuesday, November 15, 2016 in Spokane. A Celebration of Mike’s life will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, November 28, at the Wilbur Lutheran Church, 306 SE Trinity Ave. in Wilbur. Burial of his urn will follow in the Wilbur Cemetery. Cremation has taken place at his request. A complete obituary will follow in next week’s Odessa Record. Please sign Mike’s online register book at Strate Funeral Home of Wilbur is caring for Mike’s family....

  • USDA funding for dairies, animal feeding operations

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    SPOKANE, Wash. (November 22, 2016) – USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Washington state has announced that it will make financial assistance available for animal feeding operations and confined animal feeding operations (AFO/CAFOs) through their popular Environmental Quality Incentives Program. EQIP is a voluntary Farm Bill program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to plan and implement conservation practices that improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and related nat...

  • Letter to the Editor: On giving thanks

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    My wife and I would like to give thanks to the pastors and their families here in Odessa. They are on call 24-7. They give up personal and family time to help us in our hour of need. They ask for so little in return. Happy holidays to all. Pat and Mary Gamache Odessa...

  • Letter to the Editor: Flavored beers appeal too much to the young

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    Each time I go to the store I am amazed at the increase in the number of craft beers and the number of flavored beers. I have seen orange, lemon, apple and even iced tea. The latest one I saw was rootbeer with an unhealthy amount of alcohol. Do you think, as I do, that this is a ploy to attract ladies and younger people to try something new that is less harsh than plain beer? There is a very old history to beer as the workers (or slaves) that built the pyramids were paid by allotments of beer. If they worked really hard,...

  • Chamber election soon

    Updated Nov 23, 2016

    The Odessa Chamber of Commerce met November 8 at Any Occasion Banquet Hall, called to order at noon by President Zach Schafer. Treasurer Larissa Zeiler was not present but left a report with Schafer who reported that as of November 4 the Chamber has a total in the bank of $62,608.39. Year-to-date income is $94,944.91, and expenses are $101,216.95, for a net loss of $6,272.04 to date this year. Fest income was $63,049 and Fest expenses were $56,266 for a Fest net income of $7,583. A question about how the donated tips, which...

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