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Springtime homecoming was last week in Titan country. During lunch hour, Harrington students played competitive games. One such game was to see how fast they could build a mummy....
Lincoln County Republicans met Sunday afternoon, April 15, at the courthouse in Davenport for the Lincoln County Convention. Unlike Spokane County, where the convention convened at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning and was still going past midnight, the Lincoln County convention provided little drama. Lincoln County has a tradition of meeting on Sunday afternoon to allow delegates to attend church in the morning and to accommodate farmers who can only be persuaded to get off the trac...
Kendall Todd was selected as Miss Odessa for 2012 at the Miss Odessa Pageant held last week Monday, April 16, at the Christ Lutheran Church. Her princesses are Melani Fehrer and Koralynne Kuch. All three girls are juniors at Odessa High School. Each of the girls was interviewed by the judges during the first 20 minutes, while guests were arriving and greeting one another. Ellen Holman, the emcee for the event, thanked everyone for coming and introduced the judges, two ladies...
Once again it’s time for Spring Fling. This time for the first year, the city of Harrington has been working with Odessa on joint advertising efforts and on their own events for the same weekend. Harrington will also have a quilt show in the Harrington Opera House, plus a car show and yard sales throughout the town. The Harrington Golf & Country Club will also be open Friday with special promotions offered. Odessa will once again open its doors, yards and garages to bargain h...
Five students from Odessa High School were inducted as new members of the National Honor Society in a ceremony held at the school on Wednesday, March 28. Members were selected by the chapter’s Faculty Council for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. Students inducted were: Chelsea Fisher, Hannah Schmidt, Kolby Crossley, Carley Williams and Lacey Nelson. They join current members Melani Fehrer, Justin Hauge, Justin Hunt, Jared King, K...
Softball The Titan girls, having difficulty with putting enough players on the field for any given game, have opted to forfeit the rest of their season, according to head coach Chris Shafer. The team will continue its regular schedule of practices, however, with a view to building a more successful program next year. Baseball Reardan, April 17 On Tuesday of last week, April 17, the Titan boys played Reardan at home in Odessa, splitting the double header with one win and one...
The major stakeholders in Odessa’s economic development welcomed two guests at their monthly meeting in March. Matt Manweller, 13th district candidate for state representative, and Lincoln County Economic Development Council executive director Margie Hall attended the meeting. The group, consisting of Mayor Doug Plinski, Hospital Administrator Gary DelForge, School Principal Ken Schutz, Odessa PDA President Steven Powell and Chamber President Marlon Schafer, meets once a m...
Sam and Jeanie Read of Odessa are pleased to announce the birth of their first grandchild, Ashlyn Marie, born on January 27, 2012. Ashlyn's parents are Matt and Kelly (Read) Hoffman. Matt and Kelly make their home in Bluffton, South Carolina....
The Ice Age is my favorite bit of Earth history, a time when mammoths, giant beavers and saber tooth tigers roamed the world. I was so impressed by the Ice Age when I was a child, reading about it in the school library, that I recognized the book I had studied decades later when I stumbled across it as an adult. Being devoted to books, I happily bought a copy and perused it immediately. Image my pleasure, then, about the recent news that an Ice Age flowering plant some 32,000...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce heard a report from Julie Henry, Regional Sales Manager for NoaNet at its regular bimonthly, meeting April 24. Henry provided a brief overview of the non-profit company, which was formed 12 years ago in response to a need for increased internet availability in rural communities throughout Washington. NoaNet was formed when 13 public utility districts banded together to bring broadband to un- and under-served communities. As previously reported...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. April 16: A non-injury collision involving a semi-truck and a deer was reported on Interstate 90 in Lincoln County. Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a caller who said he was having trouble...
Wind in the Odessa area is something everyone accepts. This past Monday, with 45 to 50-mph gusts blowing the dust around, there was some cause to take note. There was a big blow in the last week of April 1912 which was worthy of this report in The Odessa record of May 1: One of the worst wind and dust storms experienced in the Odessa country for several years struck town shortly after 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon, and over two hours the wind blew a perfect gale, filling the air so thick with dust that it was not possible t...
Asparagus is beginning to poke up spears in my garden. Asparagus is a wonderful multipurpose plant producing a succulent vegetable and looks lovely grown in flower beds. The delicate fern like foliage makes a frothy backdrop to roses or other mid-height shrubs. Approximately ten plants is enough for fresh eating. Plant more if you wish to freeze or can. Asparagus may be steamed, sautéed, roasted, or grated to add to recipes. Asparagus Fritatta Primavera is a delicious , rich...
A youth shooting program is being proposed by local members of the American Legion. A town meeting will be held May 12, a Saturday, at 6 p.m. at Heritage Church. Light refreshments will be served (coffee, cookies). Anyone interested in participating or learning more about the program is welcome to attend. Depending on the level of interest, the Legion group in Odessa hopes to begin offering a marksmanship class beginning in September of this year. According to the American Legion website, the American Legion Junior Shooting...
Wheatland Bank, Spokane, is proud to be recognized as a 5-Star Superior bank by the nation’s leading bank-rating and research firm, BAUERFINANCIAL, Inc. A 5-Star rating indicates that Wheatland Bank is one of the strongest banks in the nation. In fact, Wheatland Bank has earned Bauer’s highest 5-Star for five consecutive years. Among other factors, to earn this rating Wheatland Bank must not only report impressive capital levels, but also an enviable loan portfolio with negligible levels of delinquent loans. Karen L. Dor...
Odessa’s Knowledge Bowl team received an invitation last week to the National Academic Competition. With their second-place finish in state competition, they qualified to be among other top academic teams in the nation. There are three venues and dates for these competitions. The first will be in New Orleans at the end of May, and this is where Odessa’s team will head. The second and third venues are in Washington, D.C. and Chicago the following weekends, respectfully. Representing Odessa will be seniors Kira Powell, Aus...
Odessa students in grades K-5 at P.C. Jantz Elementary School will be inviting grandparents or a special senior citizen to visit school Thursday, May 3, 2012. Grandparents of K-5 students are invited to have lunch with them in the cafeteria and then attend recess activities. For lunch there will be a choice between a sandwich of BBQ chicken on a whole-wheat bun, baked beans, coleslaw, half an orange, with milk as the beverage, or the salad bar with all the condiments. The price of an adult lunch is $3.75. Reservations for...
Staff members at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center have banded together to form a team that will participate in the Lincoln County Relay for Life Walk scheduled for May 11 and 12 at Emerson Park in Wilbur. The walk starts at 6 p.m. on May 11 and ends at 9 a.m. on May 12. Relay for Life is a major fund-raiser for the American Cancer Society and is a community gathering, where anyone can participate in the fight against cancer. Teams of people camp out at local schools or parks and take turns walking or running around a track o...
4/18/12: Grain futures fell, as traders sold corn and soybeans aggressively. Wheat managed to pare its losses going into the close. Soft white prices lost a dime on the day but were down as much as 15 cents in the morning. Japan was in overnight for 700,000 bushels of western white and the CCC purchased 2.5 million bushels of soft white for donation to Bangladesh this afternoon. One would think that Egypt will show up soon, given the recent drop in wheat prices, and the U.S. ought to be very competitive, as European grain...
If President Obama is elected to a second term there is a good possibility that he will get to appoint at least three more U.S. Supreme Court Justices. We already have two anti-gun justices, Sotomayor and Kagen. If this were to happen we would have an anti-gun majority for a long time! I am very concerned about this because we have a growing number of animal rights groups and they are getting a lot of support from people who are celebrities. Those of us who purchase hunting licenses are declining in number! In 1960, 7.8% of...
A few weeks ago, I was able to attend a basketball tournament held here in Spokane to watch my grandson play. I was amazed with these young boys. I can truthfully say these boys played better than any of this age that I have seen. They moved fast, shot well and played hard.... right to the end. They never gave up. Even more important was the sportsmanship I saw. They came in second, which is something to be proud of. I never heard one complaint or saw any anger toward other players, the referees or their coach. The support th...
Recently, the EPA proposed new air quality regulations for power plants that activists say will finally kill King Coal. The rule would require all new power plants to cut emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by almost 44 percent. While natural gas plants can meet the standard, coal-fired plants cannot without expensive carbon-capture and storage technology that is not commercially available. While EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson stresses the standards will apply only to new power...
I love the movie “Four Weddings and a Funeral” and watch it whenever I find it on the TV. As long as my husband is out of the house. One wedding and one funeral were on my schedule this past weekend, and it got me thinking, about families, friends, life . . . you know, the whole ball of wax. My youngest niece got married Friday. It’s a good thing. I think. She’s only nineteen, which seems impossibly young to me. She’s also, how do you say it nicely . . . pregnant. I have been...
The official filing period for the fall elections will be held May 14 through May 18, 2012. According to the records of the Lincoln County Auditor’s Office, the positions subject to the 2012 election are shown in the box adjacent to this article. County Commissioner positions will appear on the Primary Election ballot for their respective districts and on the General Election ballot for the entire county. PUD Commissioner positions will only appear on the Primary Election ballot if more than two candidates filed. In that case...
The 21st annual Odessa Healthcare Foundation Winetasting and Auction is coming up next week Friday, May 4. The evening will include beer and wine tasting, an extensive (and substantial) selection of hors d’oeuvres and the opportunity to go home with auction items ranging from pizza gift cards to duck hunts. Or from restaurant gift certificates to a houseboat trip. The Winetasting and Auction is OHF’s premier fundraiser, and proceeds from this year’s event will help the Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center fund its conve...