Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
Instructor, Apryl Kuch, held the annual Spring Dance Recital on Wednesday, May 7, at the high school multipurpose room. Five groups of dancers, from pre-school through high school performed. The dance numbers ranged from classical ballet to hip hop to jazz. The musical numbers included children's songs, popular hits and country-rock....
Sheriff’s Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, May 5: Arriving in the 100 block of South Maple in Reardan, Davenport ambulance personnel and Reardan EMTs assisted a woman experiencing severe back pain. A caller's report of a tanker d...
Thorson Wehr returned from Houston, Texas, last week as he had been selected by the International Sustainable World Energy, Engineering and Environment Project Olympiad to present his science research, "Focusing Sound Waves Using a Two-Dimensional Non-linear System." Top high school researchers from all over the world displayed their innovative ideas at George R. Brown Convention Center of Houston. Over 500 participants shared their scientific ideas, experience, and knowledge...
Following are five Titan boys who played at the MeadowWood Golf Course at Liberty Lake on May 12th, and their sub-disctrict golf scores: Madison Charlton, 85; Griffey Powell, 87; William Mann, 105. The three boys, being in the top 50% overall will go to district. Eighth-graders playing were: John Tanke, 127; and Kiegan Wehr, 165....
The Titan Pride winners for April are front, AJ Reyes, Rebecca Bramer, Jose Trujillo-Zaragoza, Destiny Wiles, Nathaniel Hicks, Lily Starkel. Back, Ella Caler, Tianna Gies, Zach Claassen, Jade Maddock, Douglas Anderson....
MONDAY, May 19: Cereal, toast, fruit. Lunch: Chickenwich, hashbrown stix, fruit & veggie bar. TUESDAY, May 20: Egg patty, English muffing, fruit. Lunch: Popcorn chicken,muffin, hashbrown patty, fruit & veggie bar. WEDNESDAY, May 21: Toast, sausage, fruit. Lunch: Ham & cheese on a bun, baked beans, Jello, fruit & veggie bar. THURSDAY, May 22: Toast, fruit. Lunch: Senior BBQ, cheeseburger, chips, fruit & veggie bar. FRIDAY, May 23: Cereal, toast, fruit. Lunch: Turkey sandwich, chips, fruit & veggie bar. Wilson Creek School...
Jordyn Tanke, Chelsea Fisher, Lanessa Simon and Hannag Schmidt competed as a relay team last Saturday in an evening track meet in Davenport....
Katie DeWulf has been a great addition to the tennis team. She is a hard worker and competitive. Cydnee Kieffer has helped to keep tennis going in the Odessa-Harrington Athletic Co-Op. Without her skill and dedication, Coach Rachel Roberts is not sure the program would still be around. Cydnee will be greatly missed next year because she is a senior. Roberts appreciates both of them and their commitment to tennis. Katie's parents are Mark and Peggy DeWulf and Cydnee's parents...
Grand prize winner, Troy Hardung, raised over $300 for The Friends of the Pool Walk-a-Thon, which was held during Spring Fling....
Kim and Marla Schmidt celebrated their recent marriage with a reception Saturday, May 10, 2014, at Any Occasion Banquet Hall. Friends and family gathered for the afternoon to wish the couple much happiness. Later in the day, family members gathered once again for dinner at the same location. Barbecued chicken and carne asada (spiced beef) headed the dinner menu, complemented by salads and fruit....
As a legislator who voted for our state’s robust home-grown teacher-principal evaluation system and one of the authors of our state’s new rigorous 24-credit graduation framework, I am disappointed in the federal government’s decision to repeal our waiver. This is a tremendous moment in our nation’s history where a state that strongly supported the President in 2008 and again in 2012 soundly rejected the federal government’s demands to structure our teacher-principal evaluation system to the specific criteria establish...
Dani Bolyard, candidate for 13th Legislative District Position 1, submitted her Declaration of Candidacy Monday morning at 9:15 a.m. to the office of the Secretary of State. “This is an exciting moment for any candidate, and I’m definitely no exception!” says Bolyard. “It’s a milestone that I’ll always remember. It may not have been a life-long dream to run for office, but it’s truly a piece of the American Dream.” Other than two terms as an elected PCO in Ephrata, this is the first political office for which Bolyard has fil...
Angela Tanis, Alberto and Lyndsay Reyes have become business partners in taking over the old Alder St. Fitness in Odessa. They will be doing a face lift and some minor repairs and will be opening soon. More information will be coming later....
The Odessa FFA Chapter and Agriculture course students have been very busy attending the Spokane Jr. Livestock Show, gearing up for the Washington State FFA Convention, and preparing for their annual banquet. Sixteen FFA members from Odessa and Harrington exhibited their animals in the Market Quality and Fitting and Showing classes at The Spokane Jr. Livestock Show, May 6 –11. The students received purple, blue and red ribbons on their Supervised Agriculture Experience p...
I really do not know how people go through grief without the Lord. People always say there are many stages of grief and there are. It depends on what kind of day I’m having as to which stage I’m going through. The pain only tells me the depth of love that Tom and I had for each other. Grief hits me without a warning sometimes – for example, while shopping at Walmart, I broke down and sobbed. Some stranger came up to me and gave me a hug and walked away. That blessed me. It is hard to say the words, “I’m a widow,” but I am, a...
On April 24, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan yanked Washington state’s waiver, making the Evergreen State the first to lose the Obama administration’s flexibility from many of the mandates of the outdated No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. But, in an important twist, the state will not be returning to an accountability system that’s exactly like the one it had under NCLB, particularly when it comes to intervening in low-performing schools. Specifically, like other waiver states, Washington will still single out “prio...
Farmers and ranchers who suffered 2012 crop losses caused by natural disasters occurring through September 30, 2011 can now apply for financial relief through the Farm Service Agency (FSA). The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) program has been extended to provide one final period of disaster relief eligibility for crops intended for 2012 harvest. "This signup period is for those producers who suffered crop losses for 2012 crops before September, 30, 2011," said Greg Anderson, County Executive Director. "While...
It's official. The kitchen in the Odessa Community Center is now a USDA-certified commercial kitchen thanks to a year-long community effort spearheaded by Lindsy Starkel overseeing the project funded in part by the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, grant monies and individual donations. At its noon meeting Tuesday, the Odessa Chamber members present were informed of the kitchen's new status. Chamber president Marcus Horak said there were some minor fixes still to be completed on various pieces of equipment in the kitchen, but that...
The latest cash grain market here showed Soft White Wheat down at $6.98. Hard Red Winter is down at $8.41. DNS is down at $8.35. Barley remains...
Birthdays for May 15: Sam Mullins. May 16: Daisy Hardung, Kelly Hoffman, Axtyn Miller, Crystal Austin and Jewel Floch. May 17: Jamie Schorzman and Parker Ryan Kramer. May 18: Joe Wollman. May 19: Carey Mae Jasman. May 20: Marla Mills. May 21: Patricia Nelson, Stacey Hunt, Chuck Carnes, Maxine Ferderer and Francis Weishaar. Anniversaries for May 16: Natasha & Justin Parr. May 17: Alan & Diane Voise. May 18: Doug & Joanne Tebow. May 20: Ryan & Mandy Lewis. May 21: Robin & Juli Weishaar. Birthdays and Anniversaries are taken...
Tuesday, May 6, the Titans baseball team played Wilbur-Creston in a game that went into extra innings with the Titans losing by one, 6-7. Chance Messer was the starting pitcher, going into the eighth inning before switching places with catcher Brad Johnston. Messer allowed 6 runs on 8 hits and had 3 errors; he struck out 4 and had no walks. He threw a total of 93 pitches (72 strikes). In relief, Johnston allowed 2 hits on one run and an error and threw 8 pitches (5 strikes). On offense, Johnston got one hit and struck out...
Years ago I was a light smoker. Back in the day I thought nicotine did good things for my ability to think and learn. I was a serious student at the time, studying intensively seven days a week, so a powerful complement to black coffee was welcome in my life. I both sympathize and empathize with smokers around me today. But I'm awfully glad I quit long ago, and I know many other former smokers who feel the same way. Quitting is worth all the short-term distress it can entail....