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Articles from the December 22, 2016 edition

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  • FBLA fills boxes with food for winter break

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    Donated food filled 25 boxes that were packed and delivered so that 53 children attending the Odessa schools would have plenty of food to eat over Christmas break. The boxes were filled with donations from school children, with the sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth grades bringing in the most food. In addition, community members provided money to purchase extra food, with Odessa resident Nancy Kramer delivering chocolate candy canes for each child. Other residents also once...

  • Tribute

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    Robert D. Schlimmer passed away December 7, 2016, in Davenport at the age of 77. He was born to Robert and Esther Schlimmer on October 1, 1939, in Spokane. He was a member of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers and the Odessa Trading Company and was named a past Lincoln County Conservation farmer of the year. Robert enjoyed fishing, loved his Chihuahua dogs, and loved to farm. He was a graduate of Odessa High School. He is survived by his wife, Valerie (Vaughan)...

  • Titan girls get first win of basketball season

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    Valley Christian The Titan girls basketball varsity lost to Valley Christian in a game played in Harrington Friday, December 16. The final score was 45-20 in favor of VC. O-H 5 11 4 0 20 VC 19 9 11 6 45 Freshman Maddy Wagner had seven points to the team's scoring effort. Tash Sheldon added five points, Brenna Carstensen, Maleah Davison and McKennah Davison had two points each and Amber Smith and Caitlyn Schuh had one point each for the Titan offense. Wagner also led the...

  • Basketball varsity boys lose one, then win two

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Jan 6, 2017

    ACH The boys varsity basketball team lost their first game of the season to Almira/Coulee-Hartline on December 13 by a score of 45-72. O-H 8 13 7 17 45 ACH 16 23 18 15 72 Many of the team players had just finished a football season that went all the way to the championship game. Perhaps the team had a difficult time getting into the right mindset for basketball. For whatever reason, the play was certainly not up to the abilities these young athletes are known for. Freshman...

  • School ag program gets small engines to work on

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    Through the Honda Vo-Tech program and Scotsco Inc., the Odessa High School agriculture program has just received 27 new Honda engines. This program gets new engines into the hands of students so that they can learn how they work, dismantle them and then put them back together. Honda and Scotsco, Inc. are huge supporters of vocational programs, and they understand the value of students learning these skills. With their generosity, Odessa ag teacher HaLee Walter was able to get...

  • Celebrating 25 years as member of Grange

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    The Cannawai Grange celebrated Ned Phillips for his 25 continuous years of membership. The group provided cake in his honor which also served as the dessert at the Senior Meals lunch last Thursday at the Old Town Hall....

  • US Bank awards grant to Opera House Society

    Karen Robertson|Updated Jan 6, 2017

    The US Bank recently awarded the Harrington Opera House Society a $1,000 grant to support The Art Room's music and art education programs. In addition to becoming a regional venue for a variety of entertainment events, from music concerts to topical presentations, as well as for private activities such as weddings and meetings, the Society also provides music and art education for area residents. In her fourth year as piano teacher for the HOHS, Heather Safe travels from...

  • More snow forecast for Christmas

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Jan 6, 2017

    The weather in Odessa has left our community with more snow than we have seen in several years. Forecasts for the next week or so vary from whatever weather outlet one chooses to consult but seem to agree that we will have more snow from Friday into Saturday. On Tuesday, town crews cleared much of the slush that followed the warm temperatures on Monday from the main streets and as many side streets as they could manage. Police chief Tom Clark kept vehicles from interfering...

  • Court Report

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Dec. 12: Responding to Quail Court, Odessa ambulance personnel transported an 84-year-old woman to the local hospital for treatment for possible internal bleeding. Sprague ambulance per...

  • School board

    Updated Jan 6, 2017

    The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library Wednesday, December 14, 2016. Board chair Ed Deife, members Chris Crossley and Janie Steward, superintendent Dan Read, principal Jamie Nelson and business manager Juli Weishaar were present. Heather Valverde and Roland Singer were absent. Also present were facilities director Justin Parr, athletic director Bruce Todd, parent Travis Wagner, staff member Danielle Vesneske and parent/coach Chris Shafer. The board voted to table the board...

  • EDC makes bid for tourism promotion

    Updated Jan 3, 2017

    (Davenport, WA December 19, 2016.) Tourism opportunities in Lincoln County need a stronger online presence. That was the message from Margie Hall, director of the Lincoln County Economic Development Council, during the December 5 meeting of the county commissioners. The EDC, which contracts with the county to act on their behalf as the Lincoln County Visitor & Convention Bureau, presented a 2017 tourism promotion proposal that includes utilizing $4,000 to roll out a new Internet and social media tourism program. It is becomin...

  • Harrington news

    Marjorie Womach|Updated Jan 3, 2017

    City Council The Harrington City Council met Wednesday, December 14, from 7:30 p.m. to 11:40 p.m. with all council members present (Davenport, Slack, Schenk, Cronrath and Becker), clerk Bunny Haugan and two visitors, Cherie MacClellan and Marge Womach. Schenk left at 11 p.m. for work. Minutes were approved for the December 5 budget hearing as well as the November 9 council meeting. Mayor Dillon Haas reported on maintenance, as Scott McGowan was on vacation. While McGowan was gone, Mike Herron assisted Keith Stai, as Herron...

  • Death notice

    Updated Dec 21, 2016

    Richard W. Voise died December 12, 2016, in Odessa. A memorial service will be held some time after January 1, 2017, although no date has yet been set. A full obituary will be published later on, prior to the date of the memorial service....

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