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The name “natural gas” might be a puzzle. After all, how could there be such a thing as unnatural gas? The reason we call natural gas what we do has to do with history. There was a day that people made burnable gas by heating coal. The gases that came off the coal were piped around cities where they did things like light street lamps and even power cook stoves in homes. Coal gas had its down side. For one thing, it often contained carbon monoxide. And it took energy to make th...
Calling all alumni! It's that time again, when Odessa's graduates come back to visit with family, old friends and former classmates. It is always a time of much laughter, clowning around and other high-jinks. We all get to act like we are 18 again. Just bring forth the memories and ignore what your eyes are telling you. Don't see the gray hair and the wrinkles. See the handsome boys and girls we used to be. The alumni association has done its work well again this year, thanks to Debbie (Frederick) Praetorius and her...
Burgeoning rhubarb patches abound in the Odessa area this spring. Often called pie plant, it should be noted, there are many recipes calling for rhubarb that are not pie. Want to give your favorite salsa a tangy zing? Try this simple addition. Rhubarb Salsa Add-in 1 cup diced rhubarb 2-3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1 small jalapeño pepper, seeded and diced fine 12-16 ounces of your favorite mild or medium heat salsa Combine rhubarb and sugar in a small saucepan and let stand 15-20 minutes until sugar begins to dissolve and juice...
Odessa had a movie theater in 1913. The films were silent with piano accompaniment to provide the mood. There is the story of the silent movie era in Odessa when someone brought a dog into the theater. The film had reached its climax, with the villain ready to choke the heroine, when suddenly the dog barked. It practically sent the audience into a panic. The Dime was the first movie theater in Odessa. Our files don’t tell us exactly where this theater was located, but it was somewhere on the south side of First Avenue, b...
Carla Walter is the daughter of Don Walter of Odessa and Patti Johnson of Dayton, and the granddaughter of Jim and June Walter of Odessa. She graduated from Eastern Washington University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training, graduating with honors ad valorem and magna cum laude. While in the athletic training program, she was a student athletic trainer for women’s basketball and women’s tennis (2009-2010 school year) and for the football team (20...
Dr. Anthony Weber, DDS, graduated on May 17, 2013 at the top of his class from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry, magna cum laude with his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in Los Angeles, Calif. Weber received the highest honors and maintained his name on the dean’s list during his four years at USC. Prior to dental school, he attended Washington State University and recieved Bachelor of Science degrees in both neuroscience and zoology. He is a 2003 g...
The members of the Odessa and Harrington FFA chapter and agriculture courses have been very busy attending the Spokane Jr. Livestock Show, the Washington State FFA Convention, receiving visitors from Evergreen Implement, and recognizing all of their members at their annual banquet. Spokane Jr. Livestock Show From April 30 to May 5, six FFA members showed four hogs, two prospect steers and two lambs. The students received blue and purple ribbons on their SAE (Supervised Agricul...
Cade L. Weber, a senior at Odessa High School has been named a Washington Scholar from legislative District 13, along with two other students, Audrey Dasef of Wilbur Secondary School and Kailee Wood of Selah High School. Weber is the son of Larry and Kelly Weber of Odessa. He plans to major in pre-Law after graduation. The Washington Scholars program recognizes the accomplishments of four high school students in each of the state’s 49 legislative districts, three Washington S...
Odessa Golf and RV is the new name of the town’s golf course and recreational vehicle campground, now officially under new ownership. The course manager and groundskeeper is Dillon Jahns, a young man originally from Othello. Some of The Record’s readers may also know his sister Danielle and her husband Joel Hardung who farm between Odessa and Harrington. Jahns has been a fan of the game of golf since his high school days. Although his most recent work experience has been in...
The second community event to be attended by Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies will be this weekend, May 24-25, for Creston’s Community Days. The parade will be Saturday, May 25. Sheriff Wade Magers says, “We look forward to seeing you at all the local events, including the Lincoln County Fair August 21 - 24. Come out and support our communities!...
In the early morning hours of May 20, 2013, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center received a call reporting a vehicle on fire in the town of Sprague. Emergency responders arrived on scene at approximately 1:16 a.m. to find a full-sized pickup fully engulfed. Shortly after responders arrived at the scene, a second 911 call to dispatch was received reporting a second vehicle fire also within the Sprague city limits. Deputies are investigating both fires as being intentionally set and an active “arson” investigation has b...
Lincoln County has been selected by the Washington State Department of Commerce to receive a $26,880 Local Technology Planning Team grant. The proposal, a collaboration between the County, the Lincoln County EDC and Monica Babine of WSU's Digital Initiatives program, scored in the top five of 13 applications representing 14 counties and 13 tribes. The Local Technology Planning Team (LTPT) grant program awards funds to projects that best address broadband deployment or adoption. The planning grant will be used to inventory...
Cydnee Kieffer was the only member of the Odessa-Harrington girls tennis team to make it into post-season play. On May 24, she faces off against Shalyn Goodall of Omak in Game 4 of the first round of the tennis singles tournament at the Yakima Tennis Center....
Four students from Odessa High School were inducted as new members of the National Honor Society in a ceremony held at the school on Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Members were selected by the chapter’s Faculty Council for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. Students inducted were Trevor King, Griffey Powell, Jenna Shafer and Carsen Weber. They join current members Chelsea Fisher, Justin Hauge, Justin Hunt, Jared King, Koralynne Kuch, Hannah Schmidt, Kendall Todd, Cade Weber and Carley W...
The Titan girls took first place at the district championships last week Friday in Chattaroy, beating their nearest competitor, Columbia High School of Hunters, by more than 30 points. Team scoring: 1. Odessa-Harrington 116 2. Columbia-Hunters 83 3. Selkirk 81 4. Valley Christian 67 5. Republic 52 6. Pomeroy 44 7. Northport 43 8. Curlew 38 9. Wilbur-Creston 35 10. Wellpinit 25 10. Cusick 25 12. Inchelium 21 The state 1B competition will be held this Friday and Saturday at Eastern Washington University in Cheney. The Titan...
Odessa-Harrington’s District 7 champion baseball team lost a heartbreaker to Colton in the first round of the state playoffs last Saturday at Old University High School in Spokane by a score of 6-5, ending their hopes for a state championship. It was their only loss of the season. Later the same day, Colton went on to be defeated by Liberty Christian, which will face Lake Quinault for the championship game this Saturday, May 25, in Ellensburg. Odessa resident Marlon Schafer attended the game and said it was a close game a...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 5/10/13: The USDA supply and demand report was not very kind to the market on Friday as prices basically lost all their gains from Thursday. The major factor was next year's corn ending stocks projected at over 2 billion bushels versus this year’s 759 million. The USDA did drop their projected yield down to 158 from 164 which was projected early on at their February outlook conference. Soybean stocks also see a large jump doubling next year's ending stocks...
This is my concern. All along the main street of town (First Avenue) there are handicapped-access curbs at each intersection. I am really glad they have them and use them, but it is hard to use them when there are people who park there and block them. I think it is real inconsiderate of people who do this. People, park further away from the handicapped access areas, even if it means you will have to walk a little farther. Carol Williams Odessa...
The UnitedHealthcare Child-ren’s Foundation (UHCCF) is seeking grant applications from families in need of financial assistance to help pay for their child’s health care treatments, services or equipment not covered, or not fully covered, by their commercial health insurance plan. Qualifying families can receive up to $5,000 per grant to help pay for medical services and equipment such as physical, occupational and speech therapy, counseling services, surgeries, prescriptions, wheelchairs, orthotics, eyeglasses and hea...
The framers of our constitution showed a great deal of wisdom! Certainly it was more than our state legislators showed when they were pressured into fully funding basic education without having a definition of basic education. That little omission has cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. I do not remember the exact year that folly took place, but I know that special levies for maintenance and operation had to be increased. The state took more money from each district so the amount of the levies had to be raised. This w...
Some more interesting news you never hear in the media. This year Earth Day was on April 22. EarthDay is when the tree huggers and environmentalist wackos get together to celebrate mother earth. Ira Einhorn is the founder of Earth Day. Ira Einhorn “beat his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux , to death and then stored her body in a locked trunk in his apartment for more than a year – about 18 months – before she was discovered by the police. He fled to Europe and was convicted 25 years later for her murder in 2002 and is servi...
I'm fresh back from International Quilt Market in Portland. Well, I don't feel particularly fresh - I'm still tired, but you know what I mean. Talk about a fish out of water. Now, in all the years I lived in Portland, I did not feel particularly bumpkin-like. I knew I wasn't a sophisticate, by any means, but I could usually hold my own in a conversation. As soon as I walked in the door at the convention center, I knew I was in over my head. Two days later, I was drowning. In...
On Thursday, May 30, Washington State University will hold a tour from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Jeff Schibel farm near Odessa. The twilight tour will feature an update about a winter canola research trial WSU established last fall to look at four winter wheat stubble management treatments, including direct-seeding winter canola into fresh winter wheat stubble. Schibel will share his experiences during 15 years of irrigated winter canola production, and Roy Andrews from Wilbur-Ellis will discuss winter canola fertilizer,...
The Odessa Trading Company and AgTech Services are sponsoring customer appreciation day Wednesday, May 29, at the Odessa Community Center starting at 5 p.m. Representatives from Case IH will be on hand to answer questions, and equipment will be on display for anyone wishing to get a close-up look at combines, tractors and various other machinery. Indoor displays will focus on automated guidance systems. Everyone who attends will receive a free cap, a ticket for door prizes and dinner, courtesy of the sponsors. The event...
The class of 2003 announced the 77th annual alumni banquet will be held at the Odessa Community Center on Saturday, June 15, 2013 with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served by the Longhorn Barbeque and a no-host bar will be provided. A dance will follow the banquet from approximately 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with the public invited. Cindy (Janke) Smith, of Smith Entertainment and the class of 1977, will be the DJ for the evening. Smith Entertainment started in 2001 offering professional vocals and...