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Articles from the August 23, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • LaMar Kenneth Heimbigner

    Updated Aug 26, 2012

    LaMar Heimbigner died August 6, 2012 in Odessa. He was born July 5, 1930 to David and Mary Heimbigner at the family home in Odessa, the youngest of their seven children. He was a life-long member and deacon of the Christ Lutheran Church, baptized February 22, 1931 and confirmed November 28, 1948. He graduated from Odessa High School in 1950, where he lettered in football, basketball and track. During high school he worked at Michaelsen's grocery store and took harvest jobs....

  • Grateful daughter-in-law shares her appreciation

    Jeanne Goetz|Updated Aug 26, 2012

    What does a person learn going through life lucky enough to have in-laws like Jim and Gerry Goetz? What does a person learn going through life with the best examples? I count it an honor to be their daughter-in-law, and I have been with them most of my life. I married their oldest son, Tom. Their other two sons, Terry and Greg, have always said they “can’t remember life without me in the family.” Jim and Gerry have taught me to love unconditionally, especially with our oldes...

  • Fest preparations get into high gear

    Updated Aug 26, 2012

    Preparations for Deutschesfest 2012 are well underway. Odessa’s royalty, Miss Odessa Kendall Todd and Princesses Koralynne Kuch and Melani Fehrer, have been visiting parades and events around the area, promoting the Fest and making sure that people wherever they go are well versed in the “Chicken Dance.” Chamber members have been busy repairing, painting and constructing tables and benches for use in the Biergarten, as well as upgrading the outdoor sound system for playi...

  • Citizens hope to refurbish historic clock

    Lise Ott|Updated Aug 26, 2012

    A group of Odessa residents, including Chamber of Commerce president Marlon Schafer and Paul Hopp, are hoping to raise interest for the refurbishment and reinstallation of the historic town clock, which has graced at least two buildings in town until its retirement. The clock, which is over six feet tall from base to cap, was originally, according to Hopp, hung on the front of the Thiel Block, outside what is now Iverson Law Office. The filled-in holes from that installation...

  • The Creative Corner

    Updated Aug 24, 2012

    Once towering cedars, fallen by stout lumberjacks. Then stripped of their bark, with a razor sharp axe. Cut seven feet long, they are roughly hand split, Then are promptly sent, to a tarry creosote pit. Along comes a farmer, needing to build a corral. Treated for days, they’re now ready to sell. Yet dripping and gooey, covered with a black muck, Lifted out of the pit, and loaded onto a truck. It’s a long rough ride, out there to the field. There’s no escaping---their fate has been sealed. A round hole is dug deep, in hard ear...

  • Love - The Odessa Record "By Your Relative"

    Updated Aug 24, 2012

    Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. In 1961, prior to graduation from Washington State College-University, Joyce and I would visit her parents, sister and brother-in-law, Robert "Bob" Monroe in Odessa and out at Batum, her brother - Gordon, his wife - Margie, their children - Mike and Vickie. Occasionally as we passed through Odessa heading out to Batum, we would notice...

  • Court Report

    Updated Aug 24, 2012

    Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Aug. 13: Sprague firefighters handled a brush fire at SR 23 and Ringwood Road. Two llamas were reported at-large on Fitness Lane near SR 28 near Davenport. A local logger's skidder was reported...

  • Hartline landmark turns ninety

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Hartline Landmark Turns NinetyHartline, WA. - Aug. 7—Whether it’s a full-blown bash with a crowd to honor an old friend, or a small family gathering for a little loved one, it’s clear that young and old alike love celebrating birthdays. For community volunteers working to rehabilitate and reuse the Hartline School, this local landmark is like an old friend - unique, irreplaceable, and still here after all these years. “What better way to honor this stately structure’s 90th year and celebrate its future in the community...

  • Call for photos

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    The Lincoln County Economic Development council has stepped up promotion of Lincoln county's hunting and fishing opportunities and nothing sells better than a good photo. If you have a favorite fish or game photo that was taken in Lincoln County and you are willing to let us use it, please send it to and we might just make you famous!...

  • Exporter vouchers available

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    If you are exporting or considering exporting a product you could qualify for a $5,000 voucher from the Dept. of Commerce and the Small Business Administration. Vouchers can be used for trade show costs, translation services, export training programs and more and do not have to be paid back. To see a full list of eligible expenses and to determine if your company qualifies, go to

  • Ritzville's First Friday events focus on area arts and letters

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    The Ritzville Art Gallery has begun featuring different artists on the first Friday of each month. On September 7, several local authors will be featured and will be signing their published works and discussing their upcoming books. Dr. Miles Athey Miles Athey, Ritzville resident, will discuss his most recent publications, a Western trilogy of historical fiction about Ritzville in 1882 called Crab Creek Chronicles. Dr. Athey spent most of his career as a technical researcher, consultant and college professor. Over the past...

  • Pacific Coast Canola expands agreement with CHS, Inc.

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Legumex Walker, Inc. has announced that its 85%-owned subsidiary, Pacific Coast Canola (PCC), has expanded its previously existing agreement with CHS, Inc., for the procurement of canola oilseed and off-take of canola meal to include the sales of canola oil products produced at the PCC canola processing facility in Warden, Wash. The facility, which is the first commercial-scale canola processing operation west of the Rocky Mountains and the largest expeller-pressed canola processing facility in North America, is scheduled to...

  • JH FB practice to start Aug. 27

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Junior High football practice will begin August 27 at 4 p.m. Completed paperwork is required before the first practice. Players are requested to come to the first practice dressed down in cleats and running gear, according to coach Larry Weber....

  • Time to prepare for Spokane Ag Expo 2013 photo contest

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Shutterbugs of all ages…it's not too early to get those cameras out and take those photos to enter in the 2013 Spokane Ag Expo photography contest! Spokane Ag Expo, celebrating its 36th year, will again feature the popular photography contest celebrating agriculture at their 2013 show. Photographers are asked to submit entries depicting “Agriculture in the Inland Northwest” by November 30, 2012. Photographs will be displayed at Spokane Ag Expo 2013, which is held in the Spokane Convention Center Complex in the exhibit halls...

  • SCC holds special visitation day for rural-area students

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    A college school year kick-off specifically for students from rural communities who plan to attend the Community Colleges of Spokane will be held Sept. 21 at Spokane Community College. The kick-off is designed to help students from rural communities find their way around campus, get to know other students and learn about programs to support college success. Students, parents, high school counselors and others who support students in their college journey are invited to attend. The day’s activities will conclude with a s...

  • This Week in Odessa History

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    It was just about two months before the Crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression. Nobody knew what was in store for Odessa and the rest of the world when The Odessa Record rolled off the press on August 23, 1929, 84 years ago this week. Odessa seemed to be a happy, contented community. Harvest, although not one of the better ones, was over. School was to start with the largest enrollment ever expected. Oddly, the first day of school would be Labor Day, a legal holiday, and while students would enroll and receiv...

  • Letter to the Editor: Reader: Great responsibility goes with beliefs and rights

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    I am a Democrat. I believe in a person’s right to own a gun. I believe in taxes according to your income. I believe in health care for all. I believe in helping people in need. I believe in equal rights for all people. I believe in marriage between two people male or female. I believe in freedom of right to choose your own religion or a right to have no religion. I believe in a woman’s right to choose or not to choose pregnancy. I believe in a person’s right to an opinion or to change that opinion. With all beliefs and right...

  • Letter to the Editor: Families lose; wealthiest get tax breaks

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Mitt Romney's economic plan would favor the wealthiest, according to a new independent analysis by the Brookings Institution and the Tax Policy Center. The average middle class family with children would see a $2,000 tax hike, while the wealthiest five percent of Americans - including Romney - would get a tax cut of $87,000. Is this the America you want? Duane Pitts Odessa...

  • Letter to the Editor: Reader questions Obama's student loan ideas

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    It didn’t surprise me when President Obama started talking about forgiving loans that college graduates have created to earn their degrees. But, it made me angry as it is a slap in the face of every graduate who had to work to pay for their education. He has various ways that he wants to create for borrowers to avoid repayment including declaring bankruptcy. Bankruptcy should be used as a last resort after someone has had extreme misfortune! With roughly $1 trillion in outstanding student loans, close to $900 billion is f...

  • Rock Doc

    Dr E Kirsten Peters|Updated Aug 23, 2012

    The next time you have a saltshaker handy, you might want to remove a few grains. If you have a simple magnifying glass, you’ll see the salt is really tiny cubes. Salt is a mineral and each grain is a well-formed crystal that breaks into cubic shapes. Salt in your saltshaker looks like a simple solid, just another bit of sturdy matter that doesn’t flow or deform. But salt that’s under pressure is different. Salt far enough underground behaves like Silly Putty, oozing and f...

  • Advice from a small town girl

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    I have a dream. No, this isn’t another recitation of what occurs during my REM sleep cycles. This is a dream of what I think America could (and should) be. I know it’s a dream, and that there is absolutely no chance of it ever coming true, but I dream it nonetheless. I dream of a country where every employee is treated with respect by the company he or she works for. And vice versa. I dream of a country where every employee is not only happy to have a job, but realizes that every job has merit, whether it is washing windows o...

  • Ryan's budget plan is "Path to the Poorhouse"

    Wendell Potter|Updated Aug 23, 2012

    If Americans who are embracing Rep. Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” — and that now includes Mitt Romney — spent a few minutes reviewing a few recent research reports, they just might conclude that the Wisconsin Republican’s plan to reduce the deficit might better be renamed the “Path to the Poorhouse” because of what it would mean to the Medicare program and many senior citizens. Ryan’s proposal, which will get new scrutiny now that Romney has made him his running mate, would end the current Medicare program for every...

  • Stedman facing Stromberger for commissioner, Ramm out

    Updated Aug 23, 2012

    Former Odessa Town Council member Kim C. Ramm narrowly lost her bid to become a Lincoln County Commissioner. In the final vote count taken on Monday, August 20, she trailed Alan Stromberger by only six votes. She had a total of 346 votes for 32.46% of the total. Stromberger had 352 votes or 33.02% of the total, and Mark Stedman had 368 or 34.52% of the total 1,066 votes. Stromberger and Stedman will face off in the general election in November. In a separate electoral race, Ramm retained her seat as the Republican Precinct Co...

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