Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
Whitworth University held its 122nd commencement on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at the Spokane Arena. Matthew Jacob Zeiler graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. He will reside in Odessa and plans to be part of the family farming operation. Matthew is a 2008 graduate of Odessa High School and is the son of Bob and Debbie Zeiler....
Kenna Schutz graduated from Gonzaga University on Mother’s Day 2012 with a double major in finance and accounting. She spent a semester studying abroad at Gonzaga in Florence, Italy. She has been hired by Quantum Corporation in Bellevue and will be working as a financial analyst, beginning May 29. She is a member of Beta Alpha Psi. She is a 2008 Odessa High School graduate, and her parents are Ken and Lea Ann Schutz....
Sara Laurece Fink of Odessa and Adam Jay Dirks of Ritzville will be united in marriage July 14, 2012, at the Heritage Church in Odessa with Pastor Tim Hauge officiating. Sara is the daughter of Neil and Lecia Fink of Odessa and the granddaughter of Marvin and Marilyn Fink of Odessa, and the late Laurence and Shirley Libsack. Adam is the son of Don and Sheryl Dirks of Ritzville and the grandson of Lloyd and Marjorie Tebow of Odessa, and the late Clarence and Greta Dirks. Sara...
LaMarr and Susan Larmer of Harrington are announcing the engagement of their daughter Jamie to Terry Kissler Jr., son of Terry and Rose Kissler and Melba Gorham, all of Sprague. Jamie is a 2007 graduate of Harrington High School and is currently working on her Master’s degree in communication disorders at Eastern Washington University. Terry is a 2008 graduate of Sprague High School and will receive his BA in accounting also from Eastern Washington University in June. He is c...
Golf Our story last week on District 7 golf was incomplete. We have since learned that defending 1B girls champion Kira Powell did not compete in the district meet. After scoring 80 in the sub-district meet, she was able to take her score of 79 from the all-league meet in Colville and apply it to qualify for state competition. Golfers with a school-related conflict during either the subdistrict or district meets were allowed this option, and Powell was in Pittsburg grabbing a...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. May 14: Dispatchers were advised by the state Fish and Wildlife Department of its helicopter looking for bighorn sheep in the Lincoln area. A county Public Works vehicle was involved in a collision...
Barbeque season traditionally begins during Memorial Day weekend. Weather is usually conducive to outdoor dining by then, and an extra day off from work or school gives many folks time to prepare for a summer of al fresco meals. Start by making sure the grill is ready to use. Follow the manufactures instructions for cleaning and fueling your unit. Then you will be set to grill your favorite foods, as well as trying some new recipes. My favorite steak marinade is Great Steaks...
Graduation is near at hand for Odessa High School’s class of 2012. As the community observes the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Town of Odessa, we look back at the first high school graduation exercises, which took place 103 years ago this week. There was one graduate, Ella Williams. She must indeed have felt honored, as 300 persons came to see her receive her diploma. Even though the Class of 1909 had only one member, it nevertheless had a class motto, a class flower and class colors. Presumably, Miss Williams made...
As many of our readers already know, Odessa’s very successful high school science teacher Jeff Wehr and his wife Julie, along with their two children Thorsen and Kiegan, are leaving Odessa at the end of the school year. The family is moving to Duvall, Wash., located in King County south of Monroe, where Jeff is taking a position at Cedarcrest High School. The Record asked him how it all came about, and he responded as follows: “It actually is a wacky story! We were not loo...
Continuing her Advanced Science Research (for-credit class of independent study in the sciences), Odessa High School student Kira Powell returns from Pittsburgh, Penn. and the 2012 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a fourth-place award in the Plant Sciences category. Thousands of students from more than 50 different countries attended, 10 of the projects from Washington state alone. The competition was very demanding, and only one other project from Washing...
Every once in a while, a reader will ask me where I get my ideas for this column. That question implies that I actually go looking for ideas. What most of you don’t realize is that the inside of my head is like a pinball machine. And that most pinball machines were manufactured around 1970. Shiny ideas bounce around, catching my attention for a moment or two. If I’m lucky, the flippers in my brain keep at least one of them in sight long enough for my memory to capture it. The more times an idea bounces off a bumper, set...
There will be a special three (3)-day filing period held Wednesday, May 30, 2012, through Friday, June 1, 2012, for the purpose of declaring candidacy for the following elective positions that were not previously filed for during the regular filing period. PUD District 1 Commissioner: 2-year unexpired term PUD District 2 Commissioner: 6-year term Declaration of Candidacy forms are to be filed with the Lincoln County Auditor’s Office at the Courthouse in Davenport between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the above stated d...
Monday, May 28, 2012, the Odessa Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7395 and the Odessa American Legion Post #105 will present their annual Memorial Day services at Odessa Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Facility at 10:00 a.m. and at the Odessa Cemetery at 11:00 a.m. Flags will be dedicated for Kenny Allum and Dean Iltz during the service at the cemetery. Reverend Jon Hayashi of Heritage Church will be the guest speaker. The Odessa and Bohemian cemeteries combined contain the graves of 215 veterans, and each grave will be...
A $1,000 grand prize is being offered to the last poet standing in a contst sponsored by Rainbow Poets. Poems of 21 lines or fewer on any subject and in any style will be judged by the contest director Dr. Michael Thomas. “We love encouraging poetry, the Cinderella of the Arts,” he ways. “We trust this contest will result in many happy surprises!” The contest is free to enter and open to everyone. Fifty prizes totaling more thatn $5,000 will be awarded. Send one poem only by June 18 deadline to: Free Poetry Contest, P.O. Bo...
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7395 elected their officers for the 2012-2013 year at their April meeting. Officers elected are: President, Leora Nixon; Vice President, Kathy Ratkowski; Secretary, Shelly Dillard; Treasurer, Cassandra Nixon; Guard, Delores Cook; Conductress, Sally Siegel; Chaplain, Dee Litzinger; Patriotic Instructor, Cassandra Nixon; Trustees, Sally Siegel, Dee Litzinger and Lyndsay Reyes. As Odessa has the only auxiliary in the district, these officers will serve as District 13...
Energy is the lifeblood of modern economies and there’s no more amazingly useful form of energy than electricity. That’s why I was initially startled to read the recent news that the last of Japan’s 54 nuclear power plants has been shut down, a turn of events that makes Japan the first major economy of this century to run without operating any such reactors. The news impressed me because prior to the mega-quake and tsunami of 2011, Japan powered 30 percent of its elect...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 5/18/12: It’s certainly been quite a week in the wheat markets as Chicago futures rallied nearly a dollar per bushel since Tuesday. New-crop soft white prices benefited much more than old crop but both enjoyed nice gains, although not nearly what futures were able to do. Basically the pressure of speculative liquidation from the past two weeks finally lifted, and then concerns over world weather for new-crop wheat started to pop up. Dry weather developing i...
Band students from fifth grade through high school will present a concert on Thursday, May 24, beginning at 7 p.m. in the school multi-purpose room. The public is invited to attend and, as always, admission is free. Groups will include the fifth-grade beginning band demonstrating the musical talents they have gained in their second performance of the year. They first performed with the elementary groups during the winter concert in December. The sixth-grade intermediate band, showing the difference a year of training will...
Well, Congress is talking about reducing the food stamp program for the poor from around $1.48 a meal per person to somewhere between 98 cents to $1.23 a meal per person. So, here’s a two-step challenge for your readers: First step: Eat three well-balanced meals a day, each meal for $1.48. Try this for a day, for three days, for a week, for as long as you can manage. Second step: Eat three well-balanced meals a day, each meal for $1.23. Try this for a day, for three days, for a week, for as long as you can manage. Of c...
Grant County will be starting culvert replacement on Road T NE on May 29, 2012. The scheduled completion date is June 14, 2012. During construction, County Road T NE will be closed to all traffic between County Road 6 NE and 7 NE. For the duration of the construction local traffic will need to use County Roads S NE or U NE as a detour route. Work hours during construction are Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m....
In a brief meeting May 22, members of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce voted to approve extending the Heimbigner addition to the community center from the existing outside kitchen wall north to the end of the building. The portion of the extension that will not be used for the current kitchen remodel will be framed in to be available for future expansion. It was also reported at the meeting that two individuals, whose names have not been released, have agreed to act as Biergarten co-chairmen for 2012. Justin Parr will continue...
The Odessa Museum will open for the season on Memorial weekend Sunday and Monday from 1 to 3 p.m. On the following weekends throughout the summer and into September, it will be open on Sundays from 1 to 3 p.m. A video of a slide program put together by Dr. John Gahringer is available for viewing on YouTube. The 30-minute program is titled "The Way We Were" and shows the early history and settlement of Odessa, along with the establishment of the museum. To view the show, go to the YouTube website and type in "Odessa...