Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
ODESSA - Eight individual athletes, two teams and one coach are among this year's inductees into the Hall of Fame. Athletes earning the honors and the year they graduated are being honored include: • Reubin Kissler - 1932 • Dan Gettman - 1962 • Carol Michaelsen Evavold - 1963 • Nancy Schauerman Glines - 1970 • Karen Nichol Christensen - 1971 • Ryan Walker - 1983 • Nicole Melcher Picicci - 1995 • Marci Smith Grall - 1996 A 1929 Deer Park graduation, Coach Harley Mooers i...
OLYMPIA — A U.S. Department of Education ruling could effect scholastic sports in Washington's middle and high schools and colleges. In a ruling Thursday, May 28, the agency found that a Connecticut policy that allows transgender athletes to compete as the opposite sex is a violation of the federal Title IX laws requiring equal opportunity for boys and girls to compete in scholastic sports. The finding threatens funding to schools and related athletic programs that allow boys who "gender identify" as girls to compete in f...
WENATCHEE — Supporters and opponents of Gov. Jay Inslee’s quarantine measures will have to wait a little longer to see if the shutdowns will remain intact. Of the at least seven lawsuits seeking to end Inslee’s orders, two could have preliminary decisions coming in the next few days. On Thursday morning, Chelan County Superior Court Judge Kristin Ferrera ended a hearing by saying she’ll take hours of arguments under consideration before determining the fate of the case, filed by multiple plaintiffs, including former state R...
Whatever happened to governance of the people, by the people and for the people? We in Washington are now under martial law (according to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr). This is tyranny. Who gave Gov. Inslee the power to keep our state in lockdown past the 30-day limit allowed by law? Or to send the National Guard out to arrest and incarcerate people? Or to force police officers to arrest citizens not complying with the governor's personal orders? Gov. Inlee has installed...
DAVENPORT- With Lincoln County firmly in Phase 2 of Gov. Jay Inslee's four-phased plan to reopen the economy, most downtown businesses have reopened their doors. Subway, Tribune Smokehouse and El Ranchito have all opened their dining rooms to reduced seating. At Subway and El Ranchito, tables have been moved to prevent seating from surpassing 50% capacity. Edna's Drive-In is a notable exception. Their management doesn't plan on opening its dining room this summer, telling The...
A group of Odessa seniors gathered earlier this month to attach banners picturing each of the senior class members to the downtown light poles. Difficulties that day prevented the project from being completed, so it was postponed until last week when senior dads Stacey Hunt and Todd King put the banners up to honor the class of 2020. Above: Joshua Clark and Camden Weber. Below: Brady Walter, Jakob Starkel, senior class advisor Megan Walter, Jaden Hunt, Dorcey Hunt, Marcus...
Birthdays for May 29: Sam Read, Brad Nolt. May 30: Amanda Behne, Richard Green, Adisyn Miller. May 31: Nicholas Glasow. June 1: Larry Weber, Carley Williams Stanford. June 2: Apryl Kuch, Apryl Wraspir, Angie Hayes, Joyce McClanahan. June 3: Casey Schlomer, Tyler Paris. June 4: Kaitlin Estep, Patrick Valverde, Roland Singer, LeAndra Gonzalez. Anniversarys for May 29: Jim & Penny Wohrie, Kyler & Brooke Lovgren. May 30: Ted & Pam Suchland. May 31: Sue & Jim Burden. June 1: Paul & Kerry Scheller, James & Vivianne Poe. June 2:...
ODESSA — Graduating senior Camden Weber is one of eight students to receive a $1,000 Smart Choices Scholarship awarded by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, the Dairy Farmers of Washington and Les Schwab Tires. He plans to attend Eastern Washington University in Cheney next fall....
1 years ago May 28, 1920 The plans and specifications complete, together with the blueprints for the new Community Hall, were received this week by H.W. Rieke, who says the architect’s estimate of the cost is $26,000, lower than once thought because concrete work and labor would cost less here than in a city. Advertising for bids will begin immediately, and it is expected that the successful bidder can begin construction within three weeks. Con H. Eckhart is an Odessa bidder who has been doing contract work in this are for...
Bonita 'Bonnie' Jeanette Burroughs passed away peacefully at her sister's home in Spokane, Wash., in the early hours of Wednesday, May 13, 2020, surrounded by family. She was born Nov. 2, 1938, in Cottonwood, Idaho to Albert and Elma (Bryant) Uhlenkott. The family lived in Ferdinand, Idaho, until Bonnie was 4 years old. The family then moved to Spokane, so her father could follow his dream of becoming an engineer for the Great Northern Railroad. She had fond memories of riding...
ODESSA — All meals are currently available for pick-up, only unless previous arrangements for home delivery are made by calling 509-982-2654 prior to 10 a.m. on the day of the meal. Monday, June 1 — Tuna casserole, peas and carrots, garden salad, tropical fruit, whole wheat roll, dessert. Wednesday, June 3 — .Chicken enchiladas, refried beans, Spanish rice, Mexi corn, lettuce tomato salad, pears, dessert. Thursday, June 4 — Deluxe cheeseburger, coleslaw, apple celery salad, dessert. Suggested donation for ages 60 and older;...
OLYMPIA — More counties have been approved to move on to Phase 2 of Gov. Jay Inslee’s plan to reopen the Washington economy. Kittitas, Thurston and Walla Walla counties are the latest to join Phase 2. As of press time, 22 counties are in Phase 2: Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Cowlitz, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kittitas, Lewis, Lincoln, Mason, Pacific, Pend Orielle, San Juan, Skamania, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla and Whitman. Clallam, Kitsap, and Klickitat counties are eli...
Courtesy of Brian Buck Date H L May 20 62 48 0.7 May 21 55 38 0.91 May 22 58 34 May 23 54 37 0.05 May 24 63 38 May 25 68 43 May 26 60 46 May total moisture: 2.25...
DAVENPORT - About a month after asking some employees to accept volunteer standby unemployment due to reduced income during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lincoln Hospital has recalled all its employees back to work. No mandatory layoffs or furloughs took place at the hospital. The move comes near the same time the hospital reopened its surgery practice and Gov. Jay Inslee announced reduced restrictions on health care facilities. Hospitals had been barred from performing non-urgent...
DAVENPORT — Davenport High School alumnus Ian Hunton graduated May 18 from University of Pennsylvania with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics. Hunton was a 2016 co-valedictorian in Davenport and received a full scholarship to University of Pennsylvania....
DAVENPORT — This year’s FBLA State Business Leadership Conference looked very different than in years past for Davenport High School FBLA. Instead of being a four-day conference in Spokane during Spring Break in April, it was a month long virtual conference A total of 14 members chose to continue to compete in the virtual state conference. The Davenport chapter once again was named a Gold Level Champion Chapter. The chapter was also awarded the Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit, an award Davenport High School FBLA has rec...
Due to the coronavirus, there are a lot of questions on what school will look like next fall. On social media, a number of memes suggest public schools will be very different. They often cite new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. There’s no doubt public education will be very different in the fall. But at this point, the center’s guidelines are only guidelines. As such, there is no force of law behind them. What are some of the things the CDC is pushing? Rather than accept memes as gospel, I wen...
TVW recently interviewed the top budget writers in the Senate about the state’s outlook and the possibility of a special session. In one interview, Sen. John Braun (ranking member of Senate Ways and Means Committee) said the governor needs to re-open state employee contracts to cancel the 3% pay raises due July 1. In the other interview, Sen. Christine Rolfes (Senate Ways and Means Committee chairwoman) was asked if an income tax would be on the agenda for a special s...
Ty has continued his learning from home. He is working online and been joining his class meetings. Keep up the good work!...
Jenae has been doing an excellent job communicating and asking questions through our virtual classroom. She continues to put forth great effort, even through distance learning. We are very proud of her! Her parents are Joshua and Lisa Tanninen....
MEDICAL LAKE — A local veterans group has submitted a proposal to rename State Route 902 through Medical Lake as the “Gold Star Memorial Highway.” The Eastern Washington Veterans Task Force has submitted the proposal to rename the 12.36-mile route that runs from Interstate 90 exit 272 through Medical Lake and returns to I-90 at exit 264 to the Washington State Transportation Commission. The commission is schedule to take up the proposal once it reconvenes as COVID-19 phase restrictions allow, according to a May 12 news relea...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. May 18 A caller reported a collision by Creston. The caller hung up, but a ambulance was dispatched. A caller reported a pickup truck with a load not loaded properly. An employee for the Wilbur School District reported that someone filed an unemployment claim in his name. An employee for Lincoln County Public Works reported that someone filed an unemployment claim in his name. An employee f...
COLFAX – Stay home orders have prompted people to pursue a variety of activities they may not have otherwise. For Dylan Nails, 20, Colfax, that includes running for Washington State Governor. "I think the youth are really underrepresented in politics," said Nails, a 2018 Colfax High School graduate. Nails is running to show that youth have something to bring to the table of politics and to promote youth involvement in government. "I definitely want to be a voice for Eastern W...