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June 1, 2016. Due to the elevator installation, ADA access construction and other building rehabilitation projects, the Harrington Opera House Society is starting off their 2016 event season a little later than usual this year. The good news is that the elevator is in! Unfortunately, it won't be inspected for public use in time for the Bridges Home Concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Those who want to come to the concert and see the progress of work on the 1904 building can...
The Titan track and field team spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Eastern Washington University for State 1B competition. Both the Titan boys and girls excelled individually. For the girls Lanessa Simon was on fire and nothing could put it out, taking first place in the Triple Jump with a distance of 32-11.75 and also first place in Pole Vault with a vault of 9'9". Once again she broke her previous school record of 9'6" set at regionals just a week earlier. Simon took...
November 28, 1950 - May 26, 2016 Patsy Hoefel was born in Odessa on November 28, 1950 to Harold and Emogene Hoefel. She passed away in Seattle on May 26, 2016. Patsy is survived by her sister Karen and good friends Patrick and Margie Leach and numerous cousins and friends. Patsy is preceded in death by her parents, Harold and Emogene. Patsy grew up in Odessa, attended school there and graduated at Odessa High School in 1969. At that time she pursued her passion for teaching an...
Odessa High School graduates 13 students Saturday morning at 11 a.m. in the school gymnasium. In addition to the awarding of diplomas, the program will include a song dedicated to the graduates composed and performed by two of their teachers, Larry Moffet and Jeff Wehr. The students themselves have compiled a video retrospective of their own lives that will also be shown. As in years past, the students will give flowers to members of the audience who have guided them on their...
For the second year in a row, the Odessa High School Chapter of FBLA has been selected as one of the six top winners in the nationwide Lead2Feed program. The Odessa community is invited to join a celebration of the students' achievement this Friday, June 3, from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. in the school multipurpose room. The student-led leadership projects resulted in awards of $275,000 in grant prizes for U.S. non-profits and $170,000 in technology packages for winning schools. Six s...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, May 23: Dispatchers took another report of an IRS scam incident from a Davenport resident. Executing a search warrant at a residence in the 1000 block of Thirteenth Street in Davenport, dep...
As the 80th alumni banquet nears, you’re about to honor 20 of Odessa’s most talented athletes! As a member of the class of ‘67, I’m compelled to write about the “intense” bullying a group of us endured by a few members of the class of ‘66! The constant bullying started in the sixth grade [and continued] through high school, PE and sports events! It left me with lasting scars and a struggle to attain a positive self-image. You know who you are bullies. An apology to me and the others would be nice! I understand that anti-bul...
The 2016 FFA Awards were given out at the awards night May 26, 2016 at school. Membership degrees were awarded as follows: Discovery degrees for junior high membership went to Jakob Starkel, Kaitlyn Zagelow and Ben Melgren, with Starkel receiving the outstanding discovery degree pin. Greenhand degrees for first-year membership at the high school level went to Isabelle Talancon, Maleah Davison, Garrett Gross, Rochelle Schuh, Anna-Renee Bockman, Theron Schlomer and Lane Lobe. Schuh received the outstanding greenhand pin....
If you’ve lived in Odessa for any length of time, then you know who Paul Hopp is. I’ve never heard anyone utter as much as one cross word about Paul. To know him is to love him, and if you don’t love him, you don’t know him. With a passion for woodwork, Paul is normally covered in wood chips or blanketed in sawdust. He is also the kind of guy with a hand to lend, a grin on his face and a genuine smile for everybody. He will also readily hand out a good teasing and fully e...
The 2016 alumni banquet has already seen a number of folks submitting their dues and their intention to attend. Those who have signed on thus far are listed below: 1942: Alice (Stroh) Schmierer 1946: Wilma (Lenhart) Schmidt 1949: George Rodeck, Al Fink 1950: Ardyce (Kissler) Kahler 1951: Coleen (Luiten) Janke 1953: Melba (Mills) Evans, Dorothy (Kremsritter) Frederick, Edwin Jasman, Paula (Haug) Kramer, Barbara (Heimbigner) Van Zanten 1955: Gale Salo 1956 (60-year honorees): Joy (Klima) Erickson, Jerry Schafer, JP Luiten,...