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DISTRICT COURT Dan B. Johnson, Judge Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper. Marcella V. Buter, Colville, speeding (20 mph over limit), $187 penalty; no valid operator’s license, $140 penalty. Mark Sergey Manzhura, Brush Prairie, Wash., speeding (17 over), $166. Joseph Lawrence McCrea, Wellpinit, speeding (11 over), $136; operating motor vehicle without liability insurance, $190. Nathan William Mills, Veradale, spe... Full story
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, May 27: Responding to the 400 block of South Division, Odessa ambulance personnel transported a 79-year-old woman with breathing problems to a Spokane hospital. Seven cows were observed loose on SR 25 nea...
State Representative Tom Dent has provided a summary of the end of the latest legislative session: On April 28, the last day of the regular session, the Legislature passed a new two-year operating budget. The $52.5 billion spending plan increases spending by $7.8 billion or 17.5 percent. I did not vote for the operating budget. It is unsustainable. We have increased spending substantially over the last decade. In fact, since 2013 when Gov. Inslee came into office, spending has increased 70 percent. If we have any kind of... Full story
Soup is a good choice for feeding a crowd any time of year, especially when made in a slow-cooker. The ease of putting everything in the crock early in the day, makes hospitality and meal time entertaining stress free. is a website and blog I follow. The tips for easy cleaning and household organization are useful, and recipes for hearty meals on a budget are some of the best offered. Flylady Crockpot Soup is designed to be made from ingredients on hand, so is adju...
Odessa High School will graduate 14 seniors this year on Saturday, June 8, in the school gymnasium beginning at 11 a.m. (special graduation page in this issue). Tori Weishaar is this year's valedictorian, and Megan Shafer is the salutatorian. The other graduates are Justin Reninger, Destiny German, Lane Lobe, Sarina Goetz, Ariana German, Evan Gonzales, Brenna Carstensen, Ryan McKinney, Kassidy Crossley, Jordyn Cooper, Theron Schlomer and Jordan Larmer.... Full story
To the Editor: As I grow older, I have learned to enjoy every second of every minute of life left, more than ever! The day is what you make of it! Listening to children with terminal illnesses can teach you a lot. Being a six-year survivor of liver disease, every day is a good day, some are just better then others! Nothing is hopeless! Never give up! Even when your chance for survival in 90 days is .06 percent of one percent. So if you just keep smiling, even though life sucks, it’s contagious, and you can make others s... Full story
Bob Dylan and Patsy Cline Tribute The 7 p.m. Bob Dylan and Patsy Cline Tribute at the Harrington Opera House began with Buck Stierle giving a few words about Patsy Cline beginning her career in 1956 and that Bob Dylan was booed off the stage in 1965. The music began before an audience of about 60. Elizabeth Stierle looked the part, in knee-high white boots, white blouse and a sea-blue flashy skirt. Singing "Come on In" (and Sit Down and Make Your Selves at Home) brought a... Full story
Is vaping prevalent with our youth? Have a conversation with your local schools and you will find that this is one of the fastest growing trends with our late elementary, middle and high school students. For those of you who don’t know, vaping is the inhaling of a vapor created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other vaping device. Some e-cigarettes are designed to resemble regular cigarettes, while others look more like pens, flash drives, highlighters and key fobs. These devices operate by heating a liquid solutio... Full story
Farmers can learn about the newest wheat and pea varieties, soil health and improved practices for Washington’s drylands at Washington State University’s 103rd annual Lind Field Day, Thursday, June 13. Hosting a tour of the Lind Dryland Research Station, WSU and U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers will share updates on useful soil assessments for farmers; winter, club, and spring wheat breeding; winter pea varieties; and the use of biosolids for soil microbes and wheat agronomy. Leaders from the College of Agr...
The following people have sent in their reservations for the 2019 alumni reunion to be held in the Odessa Community Center on June 15. 1949 Al Fink, George Rodeck 1951 Coleen (Luiten) Janke 1956 Jerry Schafer 1958 Jim Walter 1959 (60-yr honored class) Robert Kissler, Jan (Kramer) Branting, Bob Martin, Kathy (Davies) Wigen, Jay Birge, Norma (Gettman) Olson, Judy (McIrvin) Richarson, Sandra Lee (Sackmann) Moody, Ann Bates 1960 Jim Richardson, Jim Zagelow, Lorus Scrupps 1962 Albert Kissler, Stan Dammel, Jon Evavold, Mike... Full story