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Harrington School District Superintendent Mike Perry sent a letter to all parents and staff Wednesday, June 6, on the subject of potential pertussis (whooping cough) exposure by students of the school district. On June 5, he received notification that there was a confirmed diagnosis of pertussis (whooping cough) within the Harrington School District and, therefore, the potential for exposure of other students. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness, and Washington State is currently experiencing a statewide...
Good morning, and welcome to the Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2012, those good-looking people to my right. We are privileged to have you here with us today. I’m certainly glad I’m going first, for I have a fully awake audience to work with; however, I can make no promises on that condition when I’m done, apologies, Austin, Mr. Schutz, Mrs. White. Joking aside, we would never have gotten to this point without many of you – our families, our friends, our teacher...
On May 24, nine schools from the Bi-County joined Odessa for the Third Annual Bi-County Science Challenge. Odessa, Wilbur, Davenport, Liberty, Lind, Sprague, Reardan, Ritzville and Harrington arrived at the Odessa Gym at 9 a.m. to compete in the third ever science-based “Junkyard Wars.” Each school brought a team of six students to vie against the other schools for the traveling trophy. Team Odessa consisted of Kira Powell, Markus Smith, Justin Hauge, Griffey Powell, Tho...
Today is the day we have been waiting years and years to finally come – that last step into our future. However, this is not merely a day of reflection; it is a day of celebration. These past twelve years in high school have all led up to this moment. On behalf of the class of 2012, I welcome all of you to our graduation ceremony. Our class motto is “Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever.” We have had our “ups...
During the first week of May, a Columbia Basin Development League delegation visited Washington, D.C. to provide briefings on the current status of the Odessa Subarea Special Study and solicit continued support from Washington’s Congressional delegation. Participating in the trip were CBDL past chairman Clark Kagele, Odessa; CBDL trustee and East Irrigation District Director Bernie Erickson; Chris Voigt, Washington Potato Commission Executive Director; Derek Sandison, D...
Harry Tracy of Odessa died May 24 in Spokane. He was born to Harry E. Tracy and Carrie Heilman Tracy on April 9, 1935 in Hellmer, Idaho. Harry was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Wayne and Floyd Tracy; and his son, Harry William Tracy (called Billy). He is survived by his wife Margaret M. (Peggy) Tracy in Odessa; his twin brother, Larry Gale Tracy; two daughters, Laura Dale Dodd (Steve) and Carrie Ann Cordes (Kurt); and his grandchildren. Harry was a Vietnam...
Odessa High School’s class of 2012 was represented by 15 bright and eager faces last Saturday morning during the annual commencement exercises. The class won many awards, including recognition for community service that fully 80 percent of the graduates was qualified to receive. Elena Hernandez led the way with the most volunteer hours. Citizenship awards were presented to Kolby Crossley and Kira Powell. Scholarships Odessa principal Ken Schutz announced that the following s...
The claims The movement for national standards and tests is based on these claims: (1) Our educational system is broken, as revealed by US students’ scores on international tests; (2) We must improve education to improve the economy; (3) The way to improve education is to have national standards and national tests that enforce the standards, and rate teachers on the basis of student performance (value-added measures). Each of these claims is unfounded. Not true (1) Our schools are not broken. The problem is poverty. Test s...
Graduating seniors in the Quincy School District who have been working since middle school to prepare for college, will be among the first students eligible to receive financial assistance through the state’s College Bound Scholarship Program. The College Bound program provides an opportunity for students, who might not otherwise consider attending Washington state colleges because of the cost. The first of more than 100,000 students who signed up for the program since its launch in 2007 will graduate high school this s...
Cool spring weather benefits spring vegetables. Spinach, leaf lettuce and peas flourish in cooler temperatures, as do herbs of many varieties. Dill can become a weed this time of year as it reseeds readily and sprouts prolifically. Though it won’t form heads desirable for pickling until later in the summer, the delicate fern like foliage is a wonderful addition to salads, soups and dressings. Take advantage of this flavorful bounty. A row of intentionally planted dill will ben...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. May 28: A collision involving a vehicle and a deer took place on I-90 near Sprague. An extremely loud black motorcycle without a muffler was observed going through the Northridge area of Davenport at...
Aron Mills, a 2011 graduate of Odessa High School, was one of the faculty’s picks for top students of Big Bend Community College during the 2011-12 academic year, as announced at the ASB Spring Fling and Awards Barbecue on May 23. Mills’ award was for Automotive Technology. Bryce Todd, currently of Ephrata and a former student in the Odessa School District (and the nephew of Kim and Bruce Todd of Odessa) received the Pitcher of the Year award from the coach of the baseball team. Outstanding students were recognized by col...
It’s the same old song. “Second verse same as the first; a little bit louder and a little bit worse!” I had to shop for bigger clothes last week, because I have regained all but 2 of the 20 pounds I lost last year. And still I don’t stop eating as if all food may vanish from the planet tomorrow. My feet hurt. My right knee seems to have decided to punish me for all the years of abuse. My cholesterol just topped out at 234. It’s hard to get moving. It’s hard to keep moving...
There comes a time when enough is enough. No more excuses, no more delays. In 1986, hospitals, local governments, schools, small businesses and doctors were fed up with the high cost of personal injury lawsuits and liability insurance. They successfully lobbied for tort reform legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Booth Gardner. Fast forward to 2012 and you see that same tipping point with our public schools. Taxpayers are tired of hearing, “Just give us more money a...
The 96th annual Washington State University Lind Field Day will be held Thursday, June 14, at the University’s Dryland Research Station north of Lind. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with the field tour starting at 9 a.m. A complimentary lunch and program will follow the field tour. Research presentations will include an on-site demonstration and discussion of advances in development of new deep-furrow drill prototypes, winter wheat, club wheat and spring wheat breeding, camelina-oil processing, timing of primary spring t...
The 76th annual Odessa High School Alumni Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, June 16 at the Community Center. Social hour will begin at 5:30, and dinner will be served at 6:30. Honored classes will be those of 1952 (60 years), 1962 (50 years), 1972 (40 years) and 1987 (25 years). The class of 2002 will host the event. As of June 5, Reservations have been received from the following: 1936: Wayne Geissler 1937: Carol (Walter) Evavold 1942: Alice (Stroh) Schmierer, Laverna (Lesser) Dormaier 1943: Bob Deife 1947: Louella (Iltz) P...