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The Odessa Junior high PE class, led by teacher Sam Reed, hiked from Lake Creek Ranch back to Odessa on the Lake Creek trail. The trip took five hours and totaled 13 miles....
Sheriff’s Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, June 2: A road sign on Williams Lake Road and the Old Sprague Highway was found knocked over. A caller advised he saw a rattlesnake at the eastbound I-90 Sprague rest area. A Reardan woman r...
The first-year FFA member team from Odessa placed ninth out of 76 teams (not 45 as stated in last week’s newspaper)....
May and June anniversaries were celebrated at Christ Lutheran Church during the coffee hour after the Sunday morning worship service on June 8. Tables displayed wedding pictures with cake, coffee, and lemonade being served. Couples participating in this celebration were Dave and Joyce McClanahan (June 5, 1954) Jerry and Barb Wlater (May 25, 1955) Pat and Laura Estes (June 25, 1971) Keith and Leanna Schafer (June 2, 1973) Gunner and Merlene Smith (June 11, 1976) Scott and...
The bands at the Odessa Schools finished the year with a number of performances. On May 17, the Advanced Band traveled to Spokane and marched in the Spokane Lilac Festival Torchlight parade. The band did an excellent job, and its members were good ambassadors for the town. On Tuesday, June 3, the beginning band, intermediate band and advanced band performed their spring concert, demonstrating the skills they have been working on throughout the year. They played selections...
Odessa children were able to go into a Skylab (an inflatable planetarium) at school on June 4 and learn about the night sky. Another popular activity under the supervision of volunteer Julie Wehr was constructing paper rockets and launching them by stomping on a two-liter plastic pop bottle attached to PCV pipes. The children used paper and duct tape to make their rockets. Teacher Bruce Todd distributed decks of cards and gave directions for a fitness game for children to...
7 Odessa high school graduates; Kayla Minaker and Kimberly Nelson, Anthany Hoskins, Nik Evans, Garret Braun, Hope Marshal, Alexa Boss, Griffey Powell, McKenna Watkins, Carley Williams, Jacob DeWulf, Hannah Schmidt, Ryan Greenwalt, Nathyn Winslow, Chelsea Fisher....
Monday night’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council was led by Mayor Pro Tem Lois Hubbard in the absence of Mayor Doug Plinski. Representing the Old Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee, Lise Ott reported that a grant application requesting funds to fix the broken concrete front stairs of the building was unsuccessful. But the rummage sales and donations made to the committee have already reached a mark of $3,000. Additional items will be offered on the Odessa Virtual Yard Sale running on Facebook in order to obtain more donations...
Track/field awards went to Hannah Schmidt (Most Valuable), Jacob DeWulf (Captain), Tyler Paris (Most Inspirational), Sam Schafer (Most Valuable), Trevor King (Most Dedicated), Fee Pilger (Most Inspirational). Tennis awards went to Cydnee Kieffer (Most Valuable) and Stacia Lesser (Most Improved). Baseball awards went to Chance Messer (Coach's Award), Carsen Weber (Captain and Golden Glove Awards), Brad Johnston (Mr. Defense Award) and Dillon Dennison, not pictured (Most...
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18: Spaghetti and meat sauce, green beans, Caesar salad, peaches, garlic bread, lemon bars. THURSDAY, JUNE 19: Meatloaf, mashed potato and gravy, green beans, spinach salad, apricots, pudding. If you are not a regular attendee at senior meals and wish to participate, please call 982-2654 prior to 10 a.m. on the day of the meal. Suggested donation for a meal is $3.25 for those 60 and over. For those under age 60, lunch costs $8.00....
The President’s Honor Roll for the spring quarter at Washington State University recognizes students who stand above the rest with excellent academic performance. To be eligible for the honor roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of nine graded hours in a single term at WSU and earn a grade point average of 3.75 or earn a 3.50 cumulative GPA based on 15 cumulative hours of graded work. Two students from Odessa have met these criteria: Hannah Galloway, the daughter of Joe and Mikey Galloway of Odessa, a...
High Low Prec. S Mar. 5 60 38 .00 Mar. 6 53 43 .30 Mar. 7 57 35 .00 Mar. 8 56 33 .00 Mar. 9 62 47 .05 Mar. 10 58 41 .06 Mar. 11 56 27 .00 Yearly total to date 2.32 inches. Snow accumulation: 8.5 inches to date. Seasonal rain: September to February is 4.02 inches....
Harrington Opera House Society President Mark Stedman called the meeting to order Monday, June 2, at 7 p.m. in the Opera House Art Room. Those present were Linda Wagner, Bonnie Hardy, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Sheryl Stedman, Carol, Karen Robertson, Jen Mallery and daughter, and Marge Womach. A review of the present status of the building projects was addressed. Billie Herron had spoken with Royal Upholstery regarding the Eastern Washington University curtains and gave a report....
Birthdays for June 12: Ken Schutz and Troy Eldgridge. June 13: Joan Myers, Drew Nelson and Jared Praetorius. June 14: Edwin Jasman, Shirley Groh, Troy Grall and Tony Weber. June 15: Carol A. Williams, Grady Estep, Jayd Jennings and Ron Ferderer. June 16: Amanda Iksic, Adam Dirks, Carsen Weber and Sally Siegel. June 17: Melloney Deife and Wayne Frederick. June 18: Jacob DeWulf, Taylor Smith and Lynn Allen. Anniversaries for June 12: Don and April Strebeck. June 13: Todd and Terri King and Ken and Bev Scherr. June 14: Scott...
The latest cash grain market here shows Soft White Wheat down at $6.43. Hard Red Winter is up at $7.35. DNS is up at $7.53. Barley remains at 178.00....
The class of 2014 move their tassels to the "graduate" position. Front row: Kimberly Nelson, Kayla Minaker, Nik Evans, Anthany Hoskinson, Garret Braun, Hope Marshall, McKenna Watkins, Griffey Powell. Back row: Alexa Boss, Jacob DeWulf, Carley Williams, Ryan Greenwalt, Hannah Schmidt, Nathyn Winslow, Chelsea Fisher....
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced that farmers, ranchers and landowners committed to protecting and conserving environmentally sensitive land may now sign up for the Conservation Reserve Program or CRP. The Secretary also announced that retiring farmers enrolled in the program could receive incentives to transfer a portion of their land to beginning, disadvantaged or veteran farmers through the Transition Incentives Program. “CRP is one of the largest voluntary conservation programs in the c...
1 years ago From The Odessa Record June 12, 1914 There are no 100-year items this week, due to lack of a file. 75 years ago From The Odessa Record June 15, 1939 Anna Pavliska, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pavliska was recently awarded the emblem of the International Honor Society for business education at Kinman Business University in Spokane. Pavliska was awarded a pin for being able to take shorthand at 120 words per minute. The Tony Nichol’s crew of county road employees, assisted by local laborers from Irby, are b...
I arrived at the immaculate farm of Ed and Doris Jasman on a gorgeous spring day. They have lived there for 58 years, and Ed still farms a section of ground there. After they married, they basically had no furniture for the first six months. The exception was Ed's TV, a possession that ranks high in importance, he told me. After that, they relied on gifts or hand- me-downs to furnish their home when they were first starting out. Fast forward to present day, their home today...
The Michael Crichton book "Jurassic Park" and the movie based on the best-seller presented what might happen if scientists were able to clone extinct dinosaurs, bringing them back to life. While nothing like that is possible at this time, a good thing when you recall the mayhem the dinos caused in the world Crichton conjured up ; sometimes scientists surprise themselves in breathing new life into old organisms. One example of some success in what's sometimes called "resurrecti...
An updated list of winter oilseed supply (canola and rapeseed) from seed dealers and retail outlets in the PNW is now available at Note the wide selection of conventional and herbicide-tolerant varieties to address specific rotation and field situations. Again, as noted below, be sure to purchase certified seed, and to use seed treatment to reduce the chance of blackleg. BLACKLEG alert! An outbreak of blackleg has occurred in a diversity of crucifer/brassica crops across the Willamette Valley of...
Thanks to the generosity of the Odessa Historical Society and many local individuals, the rummage sales held at Old Town Hall during the last two Spring Fling events, as well as some cash donations, have resulted in a bank balance of just over $3,000, which is enough to kick off plans for an exterior facelift. Phase I of the project consists of repairs to the front steps, which have deteriorated to the point of being a safety hazard. The Old Town Hall Rejuvenation Society (OTHRS) has received permission from the Odessa Town...
Good morning! Thank you for attending the graduation ceremony for the class of 2014. We are the first class to spend all four years as a Titan and we are glad you are here. Today is the start of a new beginning, a milestone or as Carley would say "a limestone" for all of us. It is also the end for many moments like class fights, winging speeches and trying to distract our teachers so we could get out of an assignment. Our class motto is "due tomorrow, do tomorrow," just...
Good morning, and welcome to the graduation ceremony of the class of 2014. It is incredible to think that today, 12 long years have passed, and we have finally reached the day we dreamed about as children. Today is a day of mixed emotions that can only be explained one way: the end of a favorite book, movie, or television series. That may sound silly, but a majority of us have been there, turning the last page of a book, feeling the pit in your stomach grow. For me, the worst...