Sorted by date Results 1 - 13 of 13
Mr. David Evans adn Ms. Wendy Wheeler are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Danielle Evans to Mr. Colby Gerik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Rebecca Gerik. Danielle is planning their upcoming wedding where family and friends will gather at Pacific City on June 21, 2013....
"People cannot learn by having information pressed into their brains. Knowledge has to be sucked into the brain, not pushed in. First, one must create a state of mind that craves interest and wonder. "You can teach only by creating an urge to know." Victor Weisskopf (1908-2002) As this school year comes to a close, I look bakc upon my 42 years of teaching. It's been an interesting journey, to say the least. I began in what was then the largest high school in Georgia with 2,100 students, and I end in a rural eastern...
A student must have a grade point of 3.50 - 4.00 to be on the Honor Roll and Honorable Mention requires a grade point average of 3.25 - 3.49. Grade values are based on the state transcript requirments and are as follows: A=4.0, A-= 3.7, B+= 3.3, B= 2.7, B-= 2.7, C+= 2.3, C= 2.0, C-= 1.7, D+= 1.3, D-= 1.0, F=0.0 SENIOR CLASS- Kendall Todd (4.0), Cade Weber, Lacey Nelson, Koralynne Kuch, Justin Hunt, Jared King, Justin Hauge, Markus Smith, Nick Tebow. HONORABLE MENTION- Christian Knight, Zack Shaal JUNIOR CLASS- Alexa Boss,...
Rewards were recently given to the great reading students of P.C. Jantz Elementary school. Those awards were chosen by the classroom teachers. Winning the awards in kindergarten were: Most Improved - Corby Neilsen and Kenzy Kuchenbuch; bookworms - Holden Iverson and Mackenzie Lutz. First grade: most expressive - Destiny Wiles; most improved - Keira Buck and Nicholas Glasow. Bookworms - Jade Maddock and Jacob Scrupps. Second grade: REading king and queen - Isaiah Chaves and Leala Hardung. Reading prince and princess - Gage...
"Girls 4x100 Relay Sets New State Record!!" Was this the headline we saw? We have a track team that goes to state and places in the top 7 in all their events. We have a girls relay team that takes first in two events and breaks the state record for cryin-out-loud. We take 3rd in boys 100m & 200m (photo finishes on both by the way). A girls 100m and 200m dash that places 3rd and 4th (photo finish here too, I think), 5th on boys triple jump, 7th in girls long jump, 4th in girls triple jump. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? What...
I'm a little cranky today. I've never read the Divine Comedy, the epic poem written by Dante Aligieri. Having seen paintings inspired by the first section, usually called Dante's Inferno, I've never really wanted to. That hasn't stopped me from imagining Hell as I would have designed it. Never mind the seven deadly sins. I would have a place in Hell reserved for people who abuse those weaker than themselves, whether that be spouses, children, or animals. This would, I...
The 2013 Alumni Banquet will be held at Odessa’s community center this Saturday. As of press time, 132 alums have indicated they will attend. 1935: Ed Kern 1942: Luverna (Lesser) Dormaier 1943: Bob Deife, Clarence Lenhart 1948: Robert Hemmerling 1949: Veda (Mills) Lucas, George Rodeck 1950: Ardyce Kahler, Norma (Hopp) Kuch 1951: Coleen (Luiten) Janke 1952: MaryAnn (Weber) Lenhart 1953 (HONOR CLASS): Darleen (Schlimmer) Kagele, Paula (Haug) Kramer, Melba (Mills) Evans, Y...
Buster Brown, my big mutt from the dog pound, is now 10 years old. Perhaps because he’s a senior citizen it took him a full week to learn how to operate the dog door I had installed last winter. He was used to going to the back door and barking to be let in or out. Once the dog door was there, I held it open, showing him the great outdoors, and encouraged him to go through it. I had to repeat this maneuver many times, patiently making happy noises when he ultimately would h...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, June 3: A vehicle collided with a load of peat moss dropped from a truck-trailer onto SR 2 east of Davenport, leaving behind "a large mess in the roadway." East of Reardan, a bag of seed was...
Natural gas as a source of heat and power was on its way to Odessa 41 years ago this week. To provide this new service by the Washington Water Power company, construction crews were laying pipelines throughout the town completing the extension of the natural gas transmission line from Harrington to Odessa. The Odessa Record gave this report on progress of the installation: A crew of around a dozen men from Mid-Mountain Construction Company, contractor for the installation of gas pipe for the Washington Water Power Company,...
At Monday night’s meeting, Odessa’s town council heard a report from Dr. Linda Powell and Griffey Powell regarding the proposed reinstatement of a summer recreation project. Dr. Powell spoke as a representative of the Odessa Healthcare Foundation, which is sponsoring the program, and her son Griffey spoke as the program coordinator. He has selected the summer rec program as his senior project for Odessa High School. As presented by the Powells, the 2013 program will be foc...
Janet Aileen Fink (78) of Odessa, Washington passed away Saturday, June 8, 2013 in Spokane, Washington. She was born November 5, 1934 in Tacoma, Washington, to Paul W. & Evelyn E. Miller. On June 27, 1953, Al & Janet were married in Puyallup and then made their home in Odessa. Loved by her family and friends throughout her community for her loving, giving spirit and her love for Jesus Christ, Janet was an active member of the Odessa Christ Lutheran Church, the Christ Lutheran Church Women, PEO, Reader’s Club, Bridge Club a...
If you have ever craved a job where you get to deal with the people who get to deal with the people in the media, has the Chamber of Commerce got a job for you! There are other jobs that need to be done as well, but the need for a Deutschesfest publicity coordinator is immediate. Some might even say dire. Of course, the job is unpaid, but think how good it would look on a resume. A conversation with Korianne Scheller, who has had the job for the past couple of years, revealed that the job is time consuming, but can also be...