Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, June 10: A Mill Canyon Road resident told deputies he had been assaulted while sitting in a truck reading his mail. He said a man grabbed him by the beard and leg, pulled him from the truck...
The alumni banquet is always a special time for Odessa graduates. Good food, renewed friends acquiantance, and time spent in their home community makes an enjoyable and memorable weekend for those attending....
Kids can read for fun during the Odessa Public Library’s 2013 Summer Reading Program. Held in cooperation with the Friends of the Odessa Library, "Dig Into Reading," will be held Mondays. The program, which began on June 17, will run for seven weeks. This is an excellent way to help encourage your children to continue reading through the summer months. Although everyone is welcome to attend, each session is geared toward specific age groups. Ages 2 - 5, with parent or guardian...
Shirley Ann Wacker Taylor died May 11, 2013 at her son’s home in Kent, Wash., at the age of 77. She was born October 29, 1935 in Moses Lake to Henry and Hilda Wacker. She was a sister to the late Verna Schafer of Odessa. She is survived by her four children, Vicki (Larry) Hughes of Phoenix, Ariz.; Sherry Tomlinson of Enumclaw; Don (Debbie) Tomlinson of Kent and Bev (Brett) Conrath of Snohomish; six grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. In lieu of flowers, memorials may b...
Shelley Leong, a Seattle native, will be job-shadowing Dr. Linda Powell at the clinic and hospital in Odessa until July 12. Leong is a second-year medical student at the University of Washington medical school in Seattle. While pursuing her undergraduate degree in pre-med, Leong took advantage of opportunities for foreign travel programs to enhance medical training. On two separate occasions, she spent a week each time in Honduras and another week in Panama, where she found sa...
You know, I’ve always thought of myself as a basically honest person. In fact, I like to think of myself as above average in that regard. When I find paper money on the street, I attempt to find its owner. Usually, when something is my fault, I confess. I don’t steal. I don’t lie, unless it doesn't matter. “Aha!” you say. “There she goes, down that slippery slope of making God-like decisions.” For who am I to decide what matters? But that’s a bit off track. The lies I’ve b...
The Odessa Aquatic Recreation Center will open this coming Sunday, June 23. The later start to the swim season will allow the pool to be open one week longer in August when the weather is more likely to be nice and hot. Odessa town council member Lois Harp heads the committee that hires the lifeguards, sees to their training and sets the schedule for swim times and lessons. College student Kolby Crossley has been hired as the pool manager, along with two assistants, Kira Powell, also a returning college student, and Carley...
The alumni banquet held last Saturday filled the Odessa Community Center just about to capacity. The event was catered by the Longhorn Restaurant of Spokane. The alumni association now honors six groups of graduates each year, following the adoption of motions made within the past few years to include the 40-year and 60-year groups. In addition to all of the visiting with former classmates, the banquet this year included fundraising for contributions to the alumni scholarship...
Salads, desserts head this barbecue season menu Picnic and barbeque weather has finally arrived. Time for summer menu items. Broccoli salads of various varieties have gained in popularity over the last decade. This recipe for Broccoli Salad was attributed to Dorothy of Coulee Dam in the spring issue of the Sage Country Quilters Newsletter. It is an easy recipe using ingredients basic to the average pantry, but adapts well to substitutions. Broccoli Salad Salad: 2 bunches fresh broccoli, cut in bite size pieces (about 6 cups)...
1 Years Ago From The Odessa Record June 12, 2003 Leigh Murchie, Odessa High School science teacher was honored by Eastern Washington University and KHQ 6 TV as June’s Teacher of the Month in a ceremony in the high school Friday, June 6. Saturday, June 7, saw the crowd of friends and families of the 25 graduating senors cheer and applaud for the students who accumulated $249,335 in scholarships to further their education. A cast-in-place concrete tank located on a one-third acre site on a slope south of town will replace t...
To the Editor: The unidentified audience member in the May 30, 2013 edition of the Odessa Record is Greg Mundt, Spokane, WA, veteran of Viet Nam, honoring the veterans of WWI, WWII and Korea who are buried in the Bohemian Cemetery. Greg is a family friend of the Totusek, Wraspir, Ott, Iksic, Droz and Schaefer veterans. Thank you. Ruth Ott Droz Schaefer Spokane, WA...
To the Editor: The President and his family have decided to visit Africa. When asked the purpose of the trip the White House has, as of now, had no answer. He probably wants to see his birthplace. The Secret Service in charge of the President’s safety has spared no money. It has been estimated the trip will cost 100 million dollars. According to the Washington Post, “Military cargo planes will airlift in 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bulletproof glass to cover the wind...
To the Editor: I saw in The Odessa Record, Saturday, will be 2013 Alumni Banquet being held at the Community Center, June 15, 2013. Even though I was a graduate of Odessa High School in 1966, I never received any notice of this happening. I wish someone had notified me about this event. I would have loved to attend and seen the high school alumni. Who do I contact to let them know where they can contact me when this event comes up again? I’m sure there is a fee and how much is it? I enjoy getting The Odessa Record. It k...
Late in the last century scientists published reams of data about Earth's climate derived from ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctic. By drilling down into the polar ice with hollow bits, workers were able to pull columns of ice up to the surface. The material brought to light in this way was very special for several reasons. First, the ice cores show annual layers going back in time. That means scientists can count backwards through time from the surface downward, a...
To the Editor: Many thousands of college graduates are looking for jobs so that they can start responsible lives supporting themselves. Many of these are faced with paying off their share of the trillion dollars that students have borrowed while they were pursuing that degree. Many have been assured that a sheepskin was all they needed. Using the excuse that this country faces a shortage of “skilled labor” our government allowed 65,000 non-U.S. citizens with advanced degrees to enter the U.S. workforce under the H-1B Vis...
By PEARSON BURKE Grain markets moved lower for the week. The Crop Progress Report on Monday, June 10th showed corn plantings at 95% complete nationwide with corn conditions similar to last year at this time. Spring wheat plantings were 87% complete with North Dakota at 77% finished. Winter wheat conditions continue to trail last year's ratings, particularly the Hard Red Winter Wheat crop in the Southern Plains. Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado all have more than 25% of their wheat crop rated very poor. Winter wheat...
More low-income childen in Washington are getting free summer meals that help their families stretch food dollars, although a new report from the Food Research and Action Center )FRAC_ says many more could be served. It says more than 342,000 children get free or reduced-price lunches in Wahington schools, but only about 33,000 recieve free summer meals. One dilema is that summer food is often tied to summer school or other enrichment programs. Crystal FitzSimons, FRAC director of school and out-of-school-time programs, says...
According to Shelly Johnston, Lincoln County Auditor, there will be a special three-day filing period held from Tuesday, June 25, through Thursday, June 27, 2013, for the purpose of declaring candidacy for the following elective positions that were not previously filed for during the regular filing period: Cemetery District 2 Commissioner – 4-year unexpired term Cemetery District 6 Commissioner – 6-year term Park & Recreation District 2, Commissioner #4 – 6-year term Fire Protection District 7, Commissioner – 6-year term Fi...
The Washington State Health Care Authority and Department of Social and Health Services announced today that Regence BlueShield and United HealthCare have been declared apparently successful bidders on a project to coordinate Medicare and Medicaide services in Snohomish and King counties beggining next year. HealthPlanWashington has two strategies to improve servies and benefits. Strategy One will begin next month with a series of Health Homes in 37 of the state's 39 counties. Strategy Two begins April 2014 and will focus on...
Two historic World War II bombers and a rare, two-seat P-51 fighter aircraft will be at The Museum of Flight from June 22-24 for ground tours and flights open to the public. The aircraft are on the national "Wings of Freedom Tour" sponsored by the non-profit Collings Foundation. The Consolidated B-24J and dual control, two-seat P-51C Mustang are the sole remaining examples of their type flying in the world. The general public will have the opportunity to visit, explore and learn more about these unique and rare treasures of...
The Washington Cattlemen’s Association (WCA) applauds the proposal from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to remove the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from the list of threatened and endangered species. The Service will open a 90-day comment period on both proposals seeking additional scientific, commercial and technical information from the public and other interested parties. The comment period will commence upon publication of the proposed rules in the Federal Register. Relevant information received during this c...
The management of gray wolves in Washington could soon be exclusively under state control thanks to a proposal announced today by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to end federal protection for the species. While gray wolves statewide are considered endangered under Washington law, the federal Endangered Species Act protects only those in the western two-thirds of the state. Sen. John Smith, R-Colville, said ending federal protections after three decades of nationwide recovery efforts would signal that wolf populations have...
Northwest Farm Credit Services in Spokane is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Scholarship Program; 43 scholarships were given to sons and daughters of Northwest FCS customers and employees in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Eight high school students and three college students from each state were awarded $1,500 scholarships. Three employees’ students received $1,500 scholarships and one $1,500 minority scholarship was awarded. A local winner was Jacob Tanke, the son of Glen Alan and Kelli Tanke of M...
How to get boys to read Reading a book for the summer is not high on most boys’ to-do lists for the summer, as most parents of boys can attest. How then to get a boy to read? One important way to do this is to capitalize on the boy’s interests. And since boys have plenty of time to pursue their interests during the summer, it is also a great time to connect to the things they like and want to do. If a boy likes baseball, find books on baseball for him to read. Include the sports page of the newspaper and sports mag...