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1 years ago The Odessa Record June 13, 1919 News updates: The AIG Barnes Shows yesterday brought one of the biggest crowds to Odessa in recent years. The circus was late in arriving and children were informed that they would be held strictly responsible for any absence at school, but even then, there were enough boys on hand to see that it was located and set up properly. The late arrival caused the management to cancel the parade. Crab Creek is gradually drying up and local fishermen welcome the fact, as they plan to elimi...
Members of the boys varsity basketball team at Odessa High School traveled to Seaside, Ore. for a basketball tournament last weekend. Odessa won all four games against Astoria, Warrenton, Madras and Dayton, all Oregon schools and all larger than Odessa's school....
Vacation Bible School has been happening this week. Some of the program focused on customs of other countries. I have a couple of recipes from countries of my own heritage to share with you. Raisin Tarts, or Fly Pies, as my dad used to call them, come from Inverness, Scotland. Use your favorite pie crust recipe to line the tins. The recipe is so old, it gives wood stove baking instruction (bake slowly) but no given temperature. Inverness Raisin Tarts (Fly Pies) Flakey pastry...
City Council meeting Mayor Justin Slack called the June 12 City Council meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. at city hall with the following individuals present: council members Tim Tipton, Levi Schenk, Peter Davenport and Nathan Luck, maintenance director Scott McGowan and city clerk Bunny Haugan, code compliance officer Jess Silhan and visitors: Marge Womach, Dave Buddrius, Denisa Holling, Lauren Stout and Tyler James. Several additions to the agenda were made followed by approval...
The Alumni Banquet and Odessa Athletics Hall of Fame were well attended this year. Please take the time to look through the pictures on the photos page....
Odessa Chamber of Commerce Final numbers for the Stumpjumpers Desert 100 event is $6,033 net profit from the hospitality tent, as well as $1,576 net profit from the Chamber banquet. Next year’s Desert 100 will celebrate the event’s 50th anniversary, so plans are underway to provide an even larger tent in 2020. The Odessa Deutschesfest will also celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2020, so it will be a busy year for Odessa businesses and Chamber members. This Is Odessa, the visitor guide that is now published every other yea...
To the Editor: This what I have learned from reading the Mueller Report: 1) Mueller’s job was limited to investigating any links between Russia and the Trump campaign along with any other matters that came up during the investigation. He was not authorized to bring charges, if any, against the president. 2) Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. 3) The Trump campaign expected it would win the electoral vote with Russian help. 4) Trump tried to sabotage the investigation, but his staff stopped him. 5) Media reports for two... Full story
A student must have a grade point average of 3.50-4.00 to be on the Honor Roll and Honorable Mention requires a grade point average of 3.25-3.49. Grade values are based on the state transcript requirements and are as follows: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-= 2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, F=0.0. High School Seniors: Tori Weishaar (4.0), Megan Shafer, Kassidy Crossley, Jordan Larmer, Theron Schlomer, Brenna Carstensen. Honorable mention: Arianna German, Destiny Costlow-German Juniors: Eric Johnston, Ireland...
Students from the Odessa area have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of Washington for Winter Quarter of 2019. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction when they receive their grades for the quarter. The students from the local area are listed below. Luisa Bayona-Otero, a UW junior from Marlin, Wash. Thorsen Michael Wehr, a UW senior from Ode...
The Odessa pool opened last Sunday, June 16, for the 2019 season, much to the relief of the town’s youngsters during the recent heat wave. Of course, the weather reports tell us that a cooler front is moving in this week, so things might get a bit chilly for a few days. Never fear, though. More heat is just around the corner. The pool manager this year is local parent German Valdez, with lifeguard Mya Boss serving as assistant manager. Lifeguards this summer are Mya Boss, Natosha Boss, Katreace Boss, Evvan Arlt, Tori S... Full story