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The 76th Odessa High School alumni banquet held last Saturday evening boasted one person celebrating her 80th high school reunion, while the class of 2012 also had one representative attending his first reunion. OHS graduate Austin Schmierer (2012) was on hand to accept his Alumni Association scholarship and Helen (Hopp) Wolf (class of 1932) was also present, bringing her 1932 high school yearbook with her. Therefore, for the first time in many years, someone other than Ed...
Volunteers contributed to the Hartline School Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Project recently by performing an aerial inspection of the chimney, a first step in the project team's masonry repair plans for the historic building. Repointing and capping the chimney and rebuilding the north entry steps are among the exterior repairs scheduled for completion at the end of the summer. The crew worked on repairing the building's long-standing flag pole before inspecting the...
Helen F. Sandygren, 91, died June 18, 2012 in Spokane, Wash. Her home was Harrington, Wash. She was born on January 30, 1921 in Rocklyn, Wash. to Edward and Frieda Mielke. She graduated from Harrington High School in 1939. She is survived by her son, John Sandygren and his wife Lisa; five grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; brother, George Mielke (Edwina); and sister-in-law Dorothy Mielke, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, her...
Odessa had foreign visitors last week, German citizens traveling through the U.S. and Canada, visiting relatives in Cincinnati and then venturing west. They were on their way to Vancouver (Washington or Canada? – we forgot to ask which) and ultimately Seattle, from which they would fly home to Germany. The two married couples had noticed the town of Odessa on their travel map, and since both gentlemen had been born in the vicinity of Odessa, Russia (now Ukraine), they were i...
Alan Stromberger of Sprague is a Lincoln County rancher heavily involved in several civic, business and governmental organizations. He raises hay and grain on his property along Crab Creek and rents out his cow pasture to the Farm Burea. Due to his civic activism and the many personal contacts he has established, both locally and in Olympia, Stromberger said, his phone starting ringing as soon as retiring commissioner Dennis Bly announced that he would not be seeking...
Edna, age 82, passed away on Wednesday, June 6, 2012, in East Wenatchee at the Highline Care Center. A Celebration of Life picnic/potluck will be held Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 1p.m. at Spring Canyon Park in Grand Coulee....
Lucille Copeland died June 6, 2012 at her home after a prolonged terminal condition. She was born in Odessa, WA on January 4, 1920. She attended Odessa High School, Kinman Business School, Eastern Washington State College (BA), and Whitworth University (MA). Mrs. Copeland was a teacher with Community College District 17 from 1962 until her retirement in 1987. She served as senior faculty member for a number of years at SFCC in the School of Business. She was a 55-year member of Crestline Baptist Church, Spokane, Wash., where...
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Borrowing from a wedding adage, this column features a couple of repeat recipes from long past issues, some new recipes and a bit about blue and other colors. Luscious Lemon Bars were featured in one of our first year columns, and then again a few years later. The recipe was requested again following a recent potluck meal, and since there are new readers, here is the recipe. Luscious Lemon Bars 1 cup soft...
A new report from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) estimates that a volacanic mudflow (known as a "lahar") from Mount Rainier could produce property losses of up to $6 billion to commnities in the Puyallup Valley. "We now have a much better estimate of the economic impact of a major lahar flowing from Mount Rainier," said Dave Norman, Washington State Geologist and manager of the DNR Geology and Earth Resources Division." It's not a question of it, but when, the next volcanic event will occur." The...
Avista and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving Eastern Washington, North Idaho and Montana are warning customers to be alert to a scam that has impacted utility customers in several states across the country. According to reports, imposters are claiming that the federal government is providing credits or applying payments to utility bills. The imposters then attempt to obtain social security numbers and bank routing numbers. Utilities impacted by the scam also report that scammers have visited customers in person,...
On July 10, 2012, AgVentures NW is sponsoring a varietal strip trial tour at Mike Miller’s farm on Rehn Road in Adams County, Paul Porter, Seed Division Manager has announced. The tour will start at 5:30 p.m., showcasing new wheat variety releases from six different wheat breeders: Washington State University, Oregon State University, Syngenta – AgriPro Wheats, USDA-ARS, Limagrain Cereals Seeds and WestBred. The tour will include soft white winter wheat, a two-gene, beyond-tolerant soft-white winter, several hard-red win...
Recreational boating fatalities last year jumped to their highest levels since 1998, and boating under the influence (BUI) was the leading contributing factor, according to the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) report entitled “2011 Recreational Boating Statistics.” The report comes just weeks before the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office participates in the national Operation Dry Water (ODW) 2012 campaign. This nationwide campaign focuses on enforcement of BUI laws and educating all boaters on the risks of operating a boat under the i...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. June 11: Lincoln County authorities were asked by their Adams County counterparts to keep an eye out for a vehicle carrying two individuals suspected in an attempted robbery of a semi-truck driver on...
Throughout the 1920s, Odessa was a stop on the circus circuit. It wasn’t the big time, like Barnum & Bailey or Ringling Brothers, but a medium-size show, which played up and down the West Coast. Odessa was a favored stop because it was halfway and the largest town between Spokane and Wenatchee on the Great Northern Railway, and a nonstop haul between those two cities was a little too long for the circus train. It provided a great show, including three rings with lions and clowns and trapeze artists. Following is The Odessa R...
I work just a couple of blocks from a special kind of bank. It doesn’t accept money for deposit, it won’t finance a new car, and it wasn’t part of the housing bubble. This unusual kind of bank deals mostly in seeds that it preserves, sometimes propagates, and often disperses without charge to anyone who has a research use for unusual strains of crop plants. Seed genebanks are part of the unseen work that helps increase the chance more people will have enough to eat for suppe...
The rendering of Military Funeral Honors is one way this Nation shows its deep gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our country. It wasn’t until the year 2000 that Congress made this ceremonial paying of respects a statutory benefit for a veteran’s family. Prior to that time – even in recent years – men and women who have served honorably have died without ever receiving a formal demonstration of gratitude for their service and sacrifice. The Veterans Memorial Tribute Program is dedicat...
Recently I’ve had a look at another world. It’s a world that many people already inhabit. The world of infirmity. We all know people who live in that world. Some are in a constant state of pain. Some teeter on the edge between being able to move and not. Some live under the burden of incurable and/or terminal illness. I’m not even close to any of those situations and yet here I am, complaining again! Please don’t be offended when I tell you that I don’t like this world and...
As the country awaits the United States Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act, there has been significant interest in how hospitals are preparing. The Affordable Care Act is a landmark piece of legislation, and the Washington State Hospital Association supports it as a way to ensure all our residents have needed health care coverage and access to care. There are now more than a million people in Washington State without health insurance. As the people on the front lines who care for the uninsured in times of crisi...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 6/14/12: It was a mixed day in the grain markets on Thursday as corn and wheat both traded higher while soybeans tanked. Export sales for soy and wheat were strong while corn exports were a marketing year low. The markets are edgy ahead of Greek elections this weekend that could further roil European financial markets. China bought 3.7 million bushels of U.S. soft red winter wheat overnight in an unusual move. The main crop news seems to be focusing on...
The Rolling Thunder Saloon closed its doors last week, due to the pressures of a poor economy, said proprietors Nate Lathrop and Elisabeth Springer. The business has given up its liquor license, but it is nevertheless not for sale. The owners plan to keep the building, and, if things should improve economically over the next couple of years, there is a chance that the Saloon could re-open. Lathrop told The Record that he could no longer justify putting his own money into the...
At the June 12 meeting of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, President Marlon Schafer and community kitchen project chairperson Lindsy Starkel brought to the membership’s attention a potentially costly problem with the current roof design of the Odessa Community Center. Expansion of the current kitchen to provide room enough for the commercial kitchen approved by the Chamber for use by startup businesses as well as for cooking and serving food at Deutschesfest and other community events will require raising the roof to ensure a...
Due to space limitations last week, the Odessa Town Council report continues here: Odessa Deputy Town Marshal Bryce Peterson reported that after a couple of quiet weeks, things had gotten very busy again, with 15 to 20 calls coming in since the prior week. Some were relatively routine (barking dogs, scrap metal theft) and some were definitely out of the ordinary. He said he was called in the middle of the night recently to provide assistance to another agency by removing a dead deer from a county roadway. Expecting a pretty...