Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
Starting in 1990, Spokane's Hoopfest has grown to be the largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world. It is held the last weekend in June and this year 42 city blocks were shut down in order to set up 454 courts. It is estimated that 225,000 fans watched almost 28,000 players play basketball. Players come in from 42 countries to play on about 7,000 teams. It is believed that the second-largest 3-on-3 tournament has only about 1500 teams, so Spokane's Hoopfest is consider...
First-time grandparents Myron and Marlene Kramer of Odessa and Paul and Robbi Bielec of Coeur d’Alene are happy to announce the birth of Parker Ryan Kramer. He was born at 12:41 a.m. on May 7, 2013 to his happy parents Scott and Dani Kramer of Coeur d’Alene. At birth, Parker weighed seven pounds, seven ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Great grandparents are Marie Schorzman of Odessa and Marie Bielec of Coeur d’Alene. Parker’s middle name Ryan is in honor of Scott’s great fri...
Knapweed, Dalmatian toadflax, kochia, oh my! What do you do when you need to remove noxious weeds from almost impassable terrain? Just ask Avista Utilities. Bring in the goats! Every year, Avista treats areas around their facilities for noxious, or non-native, weeds that have been identified by county weed boards. In early 2013, during a routine inspection, Spokane County officials identified noxious weeds at Avista’s generating facility in Spokane Valley. While Avista has h...
[Editor’s note: Last week’s story in The Record on Jessi Fink was based on a bare-bones account provided by the university. Jessi’s parents provided a picture and a more extensive account of her accomplishments this week.] Jessi D. Fink graduated from George Fox University on May 4, 2013, along with 375 other undergraduates. She graduated suma cum laude with a 4.0 grade-point average. She now has a B.A. in Business Administration with dual majors in Management and Biblical Stu...
The Odessa School Board met June 26 to approve summer maintenance projects to be performed while school is not in session. The JRCC Company will paint the exterior of the gymnasium builidng, including the columns which have had peeling paint for some time now. They will also provide a ‘rain cap’ for the columns, so that rain and runoff from the roof are directed away from the columns instead of running down them as it does now. Head custodian Justin Parr reported that the maintenance and custodial staff are busy with several...
In June of this year, the editors and publishers of The Odessa Record celebrated the fifth anniversary of having purchased the newspaper from the estate of former editor and publisher Don Walter. The time has absolutely flown by, and it is hard to believe that we ourselves are fast approaching retirement age. We have made some progress over the past five years in clearing away some of the debt that saddled the newspaper when we bought it. We are no longer paying off a Staples credit card, and we do not have a huge backlog...
It shouldn't surprise me, but why in the world would the I.R.S. penalize people for getting married. I know that Obama has a value system that is unique compared to the majority of Christians, as his decisions clearly have indicated that, even before he became president. The marriage penalty needs to be studied as it affects a couple more if they both work. If only one is the main bread winner it is quite different. If you study the tax table that applies for married vs. non-married, I hazard a speculation of needing to have...
Odessa seems to be overrun with skunks this year. Monday of this week I saw three skunks, all in different areas of town. To my way of thinking, that is three skunks too many. Eradicating skunks is probably not a kitchen subject, but de-skunking dogs, other animals and items, could be. Ingredients for a good de-skunking solution are mostly found in the kitchen. Leanna Schafer’s dogs had an unpleasant meeting with a skunk several years ago. She found this recipe on A...
A colorful parade, featuring of all things, automobiles, highlighted Odessa’s Fourth of July celebration in 1908. The new town had observed Independence Day in the previous years of its short history, but this occasion, The Odessa Record reported in its issue of July 10, 1908, was the best ever: Never in Odessa’s history has our little city had the privilege of entertaining a larger or better natured crowd than assembled here last Saturday to join in celebrating our national anniversary. It is conservatively estimated tha...
The USDA’s Grain Stocks and Planting Intentions Report, which came out last Friday, was quite a shock to the market. After all the excessive rains the Midwest and corn belt experienced this spring, causing flooding and planting delays, the question was how many acres were lost. Well the answer, according to the report, was none. In fact acres were gained. Corn acres came in at 97.38 million vs. 97.28 million in the March 1st Stocks report. That represents the highest corn acreage since 1936. The market had been expecting a 2-...
When parents read aloud to their young children, they can also do any of the following, which teachers do all the time. As I noted before, when parents and teachers share some of the common methods in helping children understand books, the child gains confidence at home and school that he is a reader. While you read the book, let your child make comments on events and characters in the story. Part of good reading is having ideas about what one is reading, and then sharing them with someone else. Reading is not always a...
Last week we discovered that President Eisenhower’s decision to let the Russians launch a satellite first was a military-political decision; it had nothing to do with the education system in the United States, which he deemed as successful. Since 1957, though, the claim has often been asserted that the public schools are failing the nation. Common Core was established in part to address the “failure” of the schools with a national curriculum, to create one system based on standards to hold schools accountable. Common Core...
The Odessa-Harrington athletic cooperative joint board meeting was held in Harrington June 19. Representing the Odessa Board were chairman Ed Deife, Marcus Horak, Travis Wagner and Joe Schlomer, and representing the Harrington Board were chairman Darren Mattozzi, Linda Mielke, Alan Tanke and Mark Kramer. Also present were Harrington principal Jacob Bang Odessa principal Ken Schutz, Harrington superintendent Mike Perry and Odessa superintendent Suellen White. Mike Perry reported on the winter and spring sports seasons: The...
It’s Independence Day. Or the 4th of July, as we usually call it. But (as of this morning) I’ve decided to go back to calling it Independence Day. I have great plans for this day (also as of this morning.) I know I’ve talked before about my habit of measuring myself and my progress (or lack thereof) on particular days, such as New Year’s Day and my birthday. Well, Independence Day is going to join the ranks of those milestone days. It’s just not ever, EVER going to become li...
Farmers who have not reported their 2013 crop acreages yet are nearing the crop reporting deadline of July 15, 2013. Acreage reports are required to participate in many of the programs this office administers, such as DCP, CRP, Price Support Loans and NAP. Please contact this office at 509-754-2463, ext. 2, to make an appointment to certify. Questions? Please contact Greg Anderson, County Executive Director, at 509-754-2463 or email him at For farm loans, contact FLM Libby Anderson, Farm Loan...
I’m never quite sure how to respond when the focus of the national media shines briefly on the region where I live – usually described as a “remote” part of the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in eastern Washington State and have lived most of my adult life here, so it hardly seems remote to me. But when reporters from national media outlets make the trip to the region I call home, they invariably emphasize how far it is from parts of the country that are more populated. Earlier...
Justin Hunt, a 2013 graduate of Odessa High School, has been selected to the all-state basketball team for 1B, 2B and A schools. He was the only player from a 1B school to be named to the first team....