Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
Leaping Lizards! Thirteen, yes 13, young ladies will grace the Davenport Theatrical stage in the summer 2012 production of Annie on July 13, 14, 20 and 21 at the Davenport High School theater. Based on the beloved comic strip that debuted in 1924, this Tony-award-winning musical is a delightfully heart-warming tale of the Depression-era orphan girl who finds happiness with a grouchy millionaire. One of Broadway’s longest running shows ever, Annie is a big-hearted musical f...
Jim Kershner, whose recent article in the Spokesman Review featured the Harrington Opera House and BankBlock, will be presenting a Humanities Washington program entitled, “Two Extraordinary Lives in the Inland Northwest: Carl Maxey and Chief Moses.” This free event will be held on Friday, July 13 at 7 p.m. in the Opera House auditorium. Kershner is a well-known author, historian and journalist in Spokane and is a staff historian for, an online Encyclopedia of...
The Paul Lauzier Charitable Foundaiton recently awarded a $15,000 grant to the Hartline Betterment Organization, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The vital funds will help support the completion of capital improvements for the Historic Hartline School Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Project. The timely grant award, combined with additional funding assistance, will allow the HBO to proceed with planned exterior masonry repairs on the Hartline School. The charitable...
The Odessa School Board met Wednesday, June 27, 2012, to learn from Superintendent Suellen White that the open high school science teacher position being vacated by Jeff Wehr is still unfilled. High hopes that the early start to the hiring process would quickly lead to the selection of a replacement are now fading to concern, as five candidates have been offered the position only to have them opt for other positions elsewhere. In other personnel issues, the hiring of Frances Liner, Jennifer Swartz and Nancy Glines as...
Al Wraspir of Tucson, Ariz. died at his home on June 29, 2012, at the age of 78. He was born April 23, 1934, in Irby to Louis and Louise Wraspir and was raised on the family farm. He graduated from Marlin High School. He was preceded in death by his parents, sister Rosemarie Ramm and brother Eugene Wraspir. He is survived by his wife JoEllen; sister Joyce (Lorus) Haase of Odessa; sons Michael (Beverly) of O'Fallon, Mo., Jerry of Odessa and Richard (Janet) of Seattle; and daughters Jennifer of Redmond, Melanie Garrison (Ron)...
The Odessa High School chapter of Future Business Leaders of America sent 16 students to the national FBLA conference in San Antonio, Texas this summer, and the Chapter, as a whole, won first place for its Partnership with Business presentation. The group worked on a program with the 2nd Harvest Food Bank to provide backpacks filled with weekend take-home food for needy youngsters in area communities. Also competing very well and coming in second in the category of Business...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. June 25: Dispatchers took a report of a truck that passed another vehicle on the shoulder, cutting it off, at the Spokane County line on SR 2. Damage was reported by the driver of the second vehicle....
High-school-age youths will return to Eastern Washington roadsides this week to clean up litter tossed by motorists. Teens aged 14 to 17 will work this summer along roadsides near Chewelah, Clarkston, Colville, Ephrata, Inchelium, Moses Lake, Othello, Pasco, Pullman, Republic, Ritzville, Spokane, Walla Walla and Wilbur. The last time crews cleaned up litter in the Walla Walla vicinity was in 1998 because of the active local participation in the Department of Transportation’s “Adopt a Highway” program. But that parti...
Outdoor dining season has finally arrived, and with it, some nice melons in the markets. Whole melons by the pound are generally the most economical, but an entire watermelon can be overwhelming for one or two people. I recently created a recipe for a Watermelon Salsa that can be made with readily available ingredients. Previously I had seen several recipes calling for ethnic ingredients not available locally. This is a mild salsa, but adding additional jalapeños would...
The wheat crop of 1930 in the Odessa area was the worst in history up to that time, but it was only the beginning of what was to be four tragic years of crop failures, drought and depression. The nation was just beginning to experience the Great Depression, which would go on until the middle of 1934. By 1930, wheat prices had fallen to a 25-year low and would sink even lower by 1932 to only 32 cents a bushel. Here is a report which appeared in The Odessa Record on July 4, 1930, telling of prospects for that year: The wheat...
I’ve always been attracted to the concept of self-sufficiency. I think that’s the underlying reason my garden is stupidly huge. Somewhere deep inside is the soul of my one of my forebears who were, according to my parents, ants instead of grasshoppers. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out Aesop’s fable. I used to think I had been born in the wrong century. Whenever modern life got too complex, I would retreat in my imagination to the late 1800s, about the time...
Helen May Wraspir, 92, longtime resident of Quincy, died at home on June 21, 2012. She was born on March 14, 1920, in Everett to Francis and Ordina Pope. She spent her childhood years in the Everett and Marysville area. She married William Wraspir on January 17, 1942, in Everett. After World War II, they moved to Odessa and in 1952, they moved to Quincy and lived there into their retirement. She was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Quincy. She is survived by her children, Morris (Janet) Wraspir of Kennewick, Clyde...
Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, according to Article I of the Constitution. Before 1913 various forms of money were tried. So in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was formed. Many members of congress were away for the Christmas holidays and the appointed board was made up mostly of bankers. The national debt was just over $1 billion dollars. By 1920 after World War I the debt had risen to $24 billion. By 1960 after World War II and the G. I. Bill the debt had reached $284 billion, or...
Several parents of spring 2012 college graduates from Odessa and its nearest neighboring towns submitted photos and information on their children’s progress. The official results have now also been released by Washington State University and are included below, regardless of whether prior articles have appeared in The Record about any given student. Honors earned by students are listed as follows: summa cum laude for a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 or better, magna cum laude for a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.70 b...
The Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP (WSA) has been awarded a two-year grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to provide financial literacy training and asset building for parents who have children enrolled in Head Start and ECEAP. By partnering with the Washington Asset Building Coalition and the Washington State Department of Commerce, this innovative approach will be integrated into WSA’s Parent Ambassadors Program which provides high quality peer-to-peer leadership and advocacy training to 25 low-incom...
I was inside the Supreme Court yesterday when Chief Justice Roberts announced the Court’s historic ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act. As a mom of two young children, a wife who helps balance the family budget, and someone who helped run a family-owned small business, I am disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision – especially on the individual mandate, which is a dangerous expansion of government power. The health care law that passed Congress over the will of th...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. At Batum, the first work will be the drilling of wells and lots of site work. One of the wells will be a 30-inch one, sunk to a depth of 90 feet, from where it will continue as a 24-inch well, the largest well ever to be drilled in this area. It will be an extra deep well, intended to go at least 1,000 feet in depth. The 30-inch well...