Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 33
DAVENPORT — The Lincoln County Superior Court is planning to resume their in-person jury trial schedule next week, but with restrictions to the public due to COVID-19. The public and press will only be allowed to view the jury trials if they are willing to submit to multiple temperature checks and wear a mask or a face shield. No virtual or remote option to view the trial will be available. Members of the public who are called for jury duty will also be required to submit to the temperature taking and the face masks. N...
DAVENPORT – Ballots for the Aug. 4 primary election are set to be mailed out to the 7,548 registered voters in Lincoln County this week in preparation for what Auditor Shelly Johnston called a "nominating" election. "This is an election that essentially winnows down the number of candidates for the offices that are open," Johnston explained. Washington State has a "top two" primary system that allows the top-two vote getters, regardless of party, to advance to the general e...
MOSES LAKE — Two candidates-Eduardo Castaneda-Diaz (D) and John Malan (Classical Democrat)-are running to unseat three-time incumbent Tom Dent for state representative Pos. 1 in District 13. District 13 represents a mostly rural and agricultural area that includes portions of Lincoln, Kittitas, Yakima and Grant counties. Ballots are expected to be mailed the week of July 17 for the primary election on August 4. The top two vote-getters from the primaries will advance to November’s general election. Incumbent Dent focuses on...
DAVENPORT — The School District recently mailed a survey to parents, asking if they plan to send their children back to school this fall. So far, the majority are saying yes. Despite a letter explaining that masks and health screenings would be required in the coming year, 88 of the 94 parents who had responded as of Monday night planned to send their children back to school, according to the district. The first day of school is currently scheduled for Aug. 26. A full reopening plan is due two weeks before school starts. P...
DAVENPORT - A "Black Lives Matter" sign on the lawn of Lynn Leslie was defaced with spray paint last weekend, marring the sign that Leslie said was meant to bring awareness to the goal of the BLM movement. A vandal sprayed over the word "black" and changed the word "matter" to a mis-spelled version of "murder" on the sign located along 3rd street in Davenport. "The Black Lives Matter movement is about change, it is about acceptance, it is about forgiveness, it is about...
Lincoln County Courts DISPATCH LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. NOTE: Several listings are missing locations because the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office did not include them in its report to the media. JULY 11 A caller at an undisclosed location repor...
DAVENPORT — The Philanthropic Educational Organization, Chapter N, recently awarded two Lincoln County graduates with scholarships to further their post-high school education. Both recipients received a $500 scholarship from the organization. Katie Fitzpatrick, daughter of David and Deanna Fitzpatrick of Davenport, will be attending Whitworth University where she will pursue a degree in History. Kimberly Dewey, daughter of Damon and Jodie Dewey of Reardan, will be attending Whitworth University to begin a path to become a P...
DAVENPORT - For the last 50 years, a group of men in Davenport have been meeting for coffee every weekday morning, usually at a diner where they would debate over who would pay for the coffee at the end. With the COVID-19 virus putting the crimp on meeting indoors and businesses closing, the group has come up with the novel solution of meeting in the Strate Funeral Home parking lot at 505 10th Street. "Since the Covina virus the coffee club chain has been broken," said long...
DAVENPORT – The Lincoln County Economic Development Council recently received a $50,000 grant to study broadband capabilities in Lincoln County with the hopes of bringing fiber internet to the area. The $50,000 was a combination of $37,500 in state development funds and $12,500 in matching funds from Lincoln County. The study will determine how to bring fiber internet to residents in the eight towns in Lincoln County, eliminating coverage gaps in unincorporated areas and evaluate a management plan that would include a long t...
DAVENPORT - The Lincoln County Museum is now open, welcoming visitors and locals alike to view the diverse display of historical items related to Lincoln County's past. The museum is located at 600 Seventh St. and is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Visitors to the museum can view objects highlighting the agricultural history of the region, including old farm equipment housed in the three outbuildings on the property. Intriguing, well organized displays in the...
1 years ago July 16, 1920 At a sparsely attended meeting, the Odessa Community Hall stockholders elected a board of directors for the ensuing year. After only a short discussion of the capable work of the original board of directors, who had served only a few months, the entire board was re-elected by acclamation: W.L. Smith, H.W. Rieke, Sol Reiman, Andrew Janke, Fred Geissler, Fred Lauer and Al Wagner. Contractor Con H. Eckhart reported he was unloading a train car loaded with cement and three carloads of lumber, with...
ODESSA — The Record has received word that Lincoln County Superior Court will resume jury trials beginning July 22. The trial that had been set for July 8 was resolved; so, the first trial under the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state Supreme Court guidelines will be July 22. Precautions are in place to protect the health of the public, jurors and court participants when they report for jury duty. For each jury trial, every person entering the courtroom will have their temperature taken by court personnel...
Calendar of Events Saturday, July 18 — Odessa High School graduation, Finney Field, 10 a.m. Thursday, July 23 — Open AA meeting, 7 p.m. in Heritage Church basement. Saturday, July 25 — Christian Music Fest, First Ave. across from Rolling Thunder Pizza, all day, also broadcast on Facebook Live....
ODESSA — Here are the anniversaries for July 15-21 July 15: Rocky & Tamie Shaw. July 16: Mark & Peggy DeWulf.July 17: Jeremy & Candace Pitts. July 18: Chuck & Ellen Van Hevel, Don & Mo Sheldon. July 19: Elton & Ellie Renken. July 20: Jeff & Debbie Norris. July 21: Glen & Jax Allen....
ODESSA — Here are the birthdays for the week of July 17-23: Birthdays for July 17: Neil Fink, Alexa Boss. July 18: Roxy Plinski, Don Maddock, Pam Williams, Tracy Walter, Melissa Schafer. July 19: Jax Ellen, Kaci Bleau, Amber Galloway, Ellie Renken. July 20: Mike Relongs Delorenzo, Mary Buck, Miley Luiten. July 21: Cassie Nixon, Lois Renken (†), Ellamae Buchmann, Stephanie Hemans, Barb Schlimmer, JoEllen Wollman. July 22: Anthony Lambert, Ken Scherr, Brandi Wolsborn. July 23: Rod Wright, Charlotte Bleau....
ODESSA — All meals are currently available for pick-up only, unless previous arrangements for home delivery are made by calling 509-982-2654 prior to 10 a.m. on the day of the meal. Monday, July 20: Clam chowder, cottage cheese, carrot raisin salad, spiced salad, watermelon, whole-grain crackers, whole-wheat roll, dessert. Wednesday, July 22: Burger dip sandwich, crunchy pea salad, pickled beets, fruit salad, dessert. Thursday, July 23: Chef salad, mixed melons, whole wheat roll, cereal bars. Suggested donation for ages 60 a...
Date H L Prec. July 8 72 36 0 July 9 74 43 0 July 10 78 45 0 July 11 77 45 0 July 12 87 46 0 July 13 74 33 0 July 14 74 36 0 July precipitation: 0.03...
DAVENPORT — The latest cash grain market here shows Soft White Wheat is at $5.11, Club Premium of $0.50, and Barley at $110.00 per ton....
Gov. Jay Inslee continues to extended the state of emergency related to the COVID pandemic and is re-issuing his prior coronavirus emergency orders. I initially believed that under state law, the "four corners" of the Legislature (House and Senate majority and minority leaders) were required to give consent to any extension of an emergency proclamation lasting longer than 30 days. That legislative check, however, is limited to only certain types of actions taken by the...
The Odessa Record publishes letters to the editor of civic nature relating to area, state and national issues and politics. Letters should be limited to 250 words, and cited facts should be attributed to the source of information. Letters may not contain personal attacks, profanity or cite other media. Please keep letters to a single subject. We do not publish "thank you" letters; contact our advertising staff. Writers will be limited to one letter per month. No chain letters...
Welcome to the segregated public schools of Washington state. According to the “Reopening Washington Schools 2020 District Planning Guide,” some public school students are more equal than others when it comes to returning to the classroom in the fall. The previously released guide from the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has come under fire on social media for its discriminatory approach to restarting schools this fall in the wake of the coronavirus sca...
Harvest season has begun in Northeast Washington. Canola and hay harvests are currently underway, with wheat to follow soon. Many area families have a connection to the process, either as a farmer or harvest crew member or grain elevator crew member. This makes for a lot of hungry harvesters. Tater Tot Casserole is a favorite of many cooks and diners alike. Easy to prepare and assemble ahead, it holds well if the crew is delayed. Terri Sonata shared a recipe for a Tater Tot...
HARRINGTON — The City Council met July 8 via conference call with the following participants: Mayor Nathan Luck; council members Stephen Hardy, David Buddrius, Peter Davenport, Levi Schenk and Justin Slack; Clerk Janice Cepeda; Margie Hall of the EDC, Steve Marsh of TD&H and identified citizens Geoff Talkington, Marge Womach, Jess Silhan and Cherie MacClellan. A public hearing was opened with Steve Marsh talking about the Community Development Block Grant. Davenport wanted to know what the time-line would be, and Marsh r...
Cleanse the toxins out of your body with the help of fresh vegetables. Cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts are a few of nature's detoxifiers. You can add variety to your garden and diet by including green, red or Savoy cabbage. It's fun and easy to grow in the garden or a container and can be used in a variety of healthful dishes. There is still time to add cabbage to your garden. Cabbage grows best in cooler temperatures. Those in the northern half of the country can...
REARDAN-Eric Sobotta wasn't expecting to have to deal with nationwide school shutdowns amidst a global pandemic when he was named the new superintendent of the Reardan-Edwall School District in March. But since starting his new gig on July 1, he's had to learn on the fly while figuring out a safe re-opening process for the 2020-21 school year. "It's been a whirlwind," Sobotta said. Originally from Cheney, Sobotta started teaching in Tenino and Stanwood, WA before starting an...