Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
After 25 years of sorting and distributing the U.S. Mail in the town of Marlin, Leah Correia will be free to do as she wishes every day between 9 and 1:30. Correia, the daughter of Ed and Elva Batterman, was raised and educated in Wilson Creek, where she graduated from high school in 1968. Correia did not work for the postal service prior to being hired as postmaster. She was interviewed for the position in 1987, and was “hired right off the street” to manage the Marlin post o...
Wild and wooly weather has been keeping farmers and everyone else off balance this summer. Some summers, most of them actually, mean high temperatures of 90 degrees or more every day and absolutely no rain until September (okay, maybe one mid-summer thunderstorm). But the weather pattern has been very different this year, and many farmers are nervous. Rains in early June can mean an extra good wheat crop, with full kernels of good quality. But it can often also mean having to...
Your hometown museum is now open every Sunday afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. and has been since Memorial Day. It is important for the Odessa Historical Society and the town itself for residents as well as visitors to stop in and see the new and reorganized exhibits that the members of the society work so hard to make pleasing and interesting. Bring the kids and show them how things looked and worked in former times. The museum has a scale where you can weigh yourself for a penny...
Sean Bacon and Amanda Voelz are planning an August 31 wedding at the Tazer Valley Farm in Stanwood. Sean is the son of Ray Bacon of Benton City, Wash., and Scotty Bacon of Odessa. Amanda is the daughter of Tim Voelz of Moses Lake and Fran Voelz of Spokane. Sean and Amanda spent a little over two years in Phoenix, Ariz., where Sean attended and graduated from MMI (Motorcycle Mechanics Institute) this past February. The couple returned to Washington state in March, and they are...
Salayna LaRae McClanahan was born to Phillip and Shannon McClanahan on May 18, 2012, weighing in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces. Phil is the son of Erin Volkmann and the grandson of Dave and Joyce McClanahan of Odessa. Phil is a sensor operator for Predator Drones, stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri....
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. July 9: A lightning strike set a tree on fire in the Neal Canyon area near Wilbur. Deputies were unable to locate a vehicle that a caller reported had run off Jones Bay Road and down a steep grade. A...
When I was young, I heard this song, My Grampy sang it, all day long. This is the song, my Grampy sang, Of magic trees, where---goodies hang----- The Doughnut Trees, the Doughnut Trees, They grow wild, at Grampy B’s. Yes, doughnuts grow, in tiny packs, So do M&M’s, and Cracker Jacks. When I go to bed, I dream all night, Of Twinkies filled, with cream delight. The cupcakes dance, with Tiger Tails, And Milk Duds are, as big as whales! There’s quarters, and green dollar bills. This orchard is, a million thrills! Peanut Butte...
Congress doesn’t seem to agree on how to handle the unrealistic and unpopular “no child left behind law” that came into reality in 2001. President Obama sees the 2014 date approaching and he must be assuming he will still be in office. He added eight more states and Washington D.C. to the eleven who no longer have to abide by the main tenets of the unpopular legislation. It is especially unpopular with the N.E.A. and the W.E.A.! The law requires schools to test students for math and reading annually in third through eight...
Area students named to the President’s List for the spring quarter at Big Bend Comunity College are Mackenze Bemis, Aron Mills and Mandy Smith, all of Odessa. Students must earn a 3.75 or better grade-point average (GPA) to be named to the President’s List. The Vice President’s List contains students who have earned a 3.33 to 3.74 GPA. Area students on the VP’s List are Natalie Fish, Austyn Kagele, Nelda Reyes, and Jeanette Samuel, all of Odessa and Lucio Chavez and Natalie Garrett of Wilson Creek....
They were harvesting archaic varieties such as White Amber and Bluestem, and they were getting 70 cents a bushel for it. It was a time of custom threshing and 20-horse teams to pull the growing number of combines making their appearance in the area. Despite the many hardships, farm operation might have been simpler then than it is today. The wheat was planted, and growers waited to see what came up. There were no fertilizers or chemical weed killer. No irrigation. About 12 to 16 bushels was the normal yield for a wheat crop....
Strawberries, just the word brings to mind summer days and a slower, more relaxed pace of life. Try accompanying your morning beverage with this luscious Strawberry Banana Bread, a recipe submitted by Vicki Strang and adapted from Angie McGowan of Eclectic Recipes, a blog you might want to visit for creative seasonal recipes. Vicki included several exchanges, noted in the recipe, including baking the batter as muffins, my favorite, and substituting Splenda for the sugar. Strawberry Banana Bread 3 bananas, overripe 1/2 cup (1...
Today I’m rethinking my position on illegal immigration. Some undocumented aliens have set up housekeeping in my front yard. They’re not unattractive, until they open their mouths. They certainly don’t speak English. And they talk A LOT. LOUDLY. Their conversation always sounds urgent, unlike the measured, almost sweet cadence of their northern cousins. They’re driving me crazy. Or at least they will unless I find some way to live with them. Because, you see, I realize...
I swim laps at noon several times a week. I enjoy the water, and the gentle exercise is good for my aging joints. Like other old ladies in the pool, I’m no speed demon. Even a bucketful of performance-enhancing drugs would not make me slice through the water quickly. But like all the lap swimmers I know, slow or fast, I take an interest in Michael Phelps and the other American swimmers soon to compete in London in the 2012 Summer Olympics. Phelps is famous for the eight gold m...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 7/11/12: Holy cow what a morning! Chicago wheat futures ranged 45 cents and soft-white prices fluctuated 25 cents during the morning market hours. Chicago corn futures ranged 63 cents on the day and closed 14 cents lower, which was 44 cents off their highs. The supply-and-demand report was not bearish, as the USDA cut the national corn yield more than expected but down to where the market was figuring it was anyway. They went from their early,...
On April 29, 2007, my life was changed irrevocably. It was on this day that my husband Brian and I brought a beautiful baby boy into the world. Today, we are the proud parents of Cole Rodgers, whose influence on our lives has been immeasurable. Like any 5-year-old, his heart is full of love. He’s active. He’s inquisitive. He’s at the top of his math class. He dances to Bruce Springsteen, watches Navy games with his dad and loves to play on the iPad. Cole has an infec...
The Odessa Friends of the Library are inviting families to meet in Reiman Park Monday, July 23, at 6 p.m. The Friends will pass out reading certificates and prizes and celebrate with the participants in the culmination of the six-week reading program. Children are invited to bring a book, a blaknet, a parent or grandparent and enjoy the summer evening together. It is a family night, and all are invited to participate. Cassie Nixon, president of the Friends group, and Jen Samuels have planned and implemented the Summer...
VFW Post #7395 has sold its building, located at the southeast corner of First Avenue and Division Street in downtown Odessa. Frank and Marcus Horak are purchasing the building and will be moving their Odessa Auto Parts (NAPA) store to that location. According to Marcus Horak, the renters who currently have storefronts on First Avenue will be able to stay right where they are. The NAPA store entrance will be on Division Street, where the entrance to the VFW hall is located. Plans are being made to install windows or perhaps e...