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The women’s golf league, Chicks with sticks, had another rou nd of play. This week the winning team won with fewest putts, only 9 putts. The team that won was #Cra Cra Crones; Joyce Kuest, Kami Braun, Judy Scrupps and Apryl Wraspir. The team with the most putts, 13 putts, was the Hole in Nones: Jax Allen, Chris Crossley, Monica Sheldon and Janie Steward. T here are 11 teams all together who play each week....
For the third week of the summer reading program, the children listened to a short story of the super-power of a dog’s nose which gives them the ability to find people lost in snow, or find drugs or explosives in the airport, or find lost children during a fire. Dogs have other super-powers that, with training, enable them to be seeing-eye dogs. Budding entomologists Cindy and Victoria Rice brought live specimens of insects in jars, while program director Bridget Rohner was well-prepared with placards depicting insects for t...
In recent issues of The Record we have shared the involved paperwork that early homesteaders had to complete and how they even had to involve their neighbors in the successful completion of the “patent” granting them the homestead. In the last issue the witness for John Unbewust was William Tinsley. The other witness was John Alexander, age 70, who lived a mile from John Unbewust and who cited as his neighbors John J. Curl and John Clark. Alexander had lived there six years prior to filling out the form.These documents giv...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up. Hi, here I am again. Last week, I started telling you about Pauline Catharina Paulsen Rodeck, this week we continue on. While gathering information about Pauline, I found an article on Mr. & Mrs. Karl George Rodeck written by a daughter, Georgina Martha Rodeck Nicholls. Mentioned in the article was the following: Pauline Paulsen, born in Bohmstedt, Germany,...
Auditions for the play Sweeney Todd will be held July 27 and 28 at 7 p.m. at the Masquers Theatre in Soap Lake. Anyone with questions regarding the upcoming auditions can reach director Randy Brooks at 509-431-4866 or can call the box office at 509-246-2611 to leave a name and phone number. Someone will return the call....
Cade Lawrence Weber, a sophomore from Odessa, has been named to the Dean’s List at the University of Washington for the winter 2015 quarter. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction when they receive their grades for the quarter....
1 years ago From The Odessa Record July 23, 1915 Record temperatures for the season were recorded Wednesday. Coming as it did on the heels of the cool weather, the change was very noticeable. Different places in the Inland Empire reported the mercury ranging from 91 to 100 degrees. The official report here at noon saw 103 degrees. Old residents here say it was the hottest day in three years. The Odessa Record began a subscription contest in which each new subscription or renewal was awarded “votes,” with multiple-year sub...
Asked by Aoife, 7, of Omagh, Ireland It took more than a hundred bakers to pull off the biggest bake sale in history. They made 14,534 cakes, sold out their supply in eight hours, and made it into the Guinness World Records. No matter how big or how small, a successful bake sale can be more than just baking and selling treats. Still, just thinking about bake sales makes me hungry for catnip cupcakes with fish-flavored frosting. We might just have different tastes, though. Actually, my friend Marie Mayes said this is one...
Odessa has had more than its share of tragedy in recent months. Traffic accidents of various kinds have affected several local families. The two most recent incidents were not fatalities, but they will certainly have enormous repercussions. The Grant County Sheriff reported that the car Larry Zagelow was driving drifted too far to the right, then rolled, perhaps several times. Larry’s son Jeff Zagelow spoke to The Record Tuesday and said that his father is making a slow recovery, but a recovery nonetheless. He has been m...
Last Saturday, July 18, a small car show was held in the parking lot across from the former Rolling Thunder Saloon and current Green Goat Gathering Art Gallery building. The purpose of the car show was to promote the coming car wash to downtown Odessa at some point in the future. Organizer Nate Lathrop said he had a great time organizing his first car show. Odessa has not had a car show in several years. He called it a “small but nice showing.” The People’s Choice winner was local resident Jim Zimprich with his 1936 GMC T...
The July 8 meeting of the Odessa and Harrington school boards was a special meeting held in Harrington to complete business regarding the two schools’ athletic cooperative that had been tabled at the previous meeting in June. The June meeting had drawn a relatively large crowd of parents from both towns who had expressed discontent with the Odessa board’s filling of a coaching position without the Harrington board’s expressed approval and various other issues of communication between the two school administrations and board...
A fire which tore through a Moses Lake business Friday has been ruled accidental. Grant County Deputy Fire Marshal Nathan Poplawski says employees at Inland Tarp and Cover, 4172 North Frontage Road East, accidentally ignited a fire while using a metal chop saw. Sparks from the cutting ignited nearby combustibles. Employees tried to put out the fire using extinguishers, but the fire quickly grew out of hand. Firefighters from Grant County Fire District 5 were called around 9:40 a.m., and quickly called for help from the Moses...
Troy Eldridge and Ty Trexler have been friends for several years. Both are chiropractors by profession. Both are family men and enjoy life in eastern Washington. As these things sometimes happen in life, their career trajectories came together at the right time for both men. Trexler, with offices in Coulee City and Wilbur, wanted to expand his business further. With a solid administrative crew in place, he wanted to offer his services to a wider geographical area. Eldridge, on the other hand, although he loves being a...