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1 years ago The Odessa Record July 27, 1919 News updates: A poultry salesman has been making the area, selling his product at $5.00 a gallon. The spray has proved unreliable. A railroad man that has been working at Nemo says he knows just the place to banish Kaiser Bill Hohensollen. Nemo is uninhabited, hotter than hades and miles to water in any direction. How times have changed. A couple of years ago the Odessa men looked at Nemo as an oasis in a desert, and when stricken with an unconquerable thirst, invariably went to N...
WESTFORK – Travelers who cross the West Fork Sanpoil Bridge on State Route 21 will need to find alternate routes. SR 21 will close for 48 hours to realign the temporary WWII-era Bailey Bridge that crosses the West Fork Sanpoil River from 12 p.m. Tuesday, July 23 to 12 p.m. Thursday, July 25. Contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will move the bridge to its temporary alignment just to the east of its current position. The realignment of the bridge, to its temporary location, is r...
Monday night’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council was attended by Mayor Bill Crossley and council members Vickie Iverson, Kelly Watkins and Marleen Kramer, with both Landon Lobe and Amy Hunt absent and by several members of the community, including several currently running for positions on the council. Under public comment, Odessa residents Jackie Allen and Patty Martin received permission from the council to hand out invitations to council members and those running for office to appear at a community forum to be held O...
Mark, Chapter 14, tells us of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane just before his betrayal by Judas into the hands of the crowd bent on killing him. He had gone, “a stone’s throw away” to pray to the Father, leaving the disciples to watch and pray. When he returns and finds them sleeping, He says “could you not watch one hour?” This quote reminds me of how easy it is to let the desire for recreation, or sleep, intrude on our Sunday worship, especially in the summer. That hour or two in worship can look like a huge hole in o...
Harrington PDA Tuesday evening, July 16, the Harrington Public Development Authority held their monthly meeting at City Hall with Jay Gossett, Paul Charlton, Nathan Luck, Maddy Peters, Bunny Haugan, Tim Tipton, Jay Kane and Heather Slack present. Minutes of the June meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. It was announced that the sign on Hwy. 28 will be changed to advertise the Pinewood Derby. Slack reported that the Harrington Golf Club is getting a banner made...
SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge Criminal Sentencings Danny J. Cook, 58, of Valleyford, Wash., pleaded guilty Nov. 13, 2018, to second-degree trafficking in stolen property in connection with the taking of a snowplow and other items from property adjacent to Waukon Road between Sept. 8 and 23 of that year. He was sentenced July 9 to serve four months of electronic home monitoring and pay $500 in court assessments. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew charges of second-degree burglary and first-degree...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. During the period, dispatchers handled 265 calls for service. Monday, July 15: Deputies discovered that what was reported as a drunken driving incident at Second and Morgan streets in Davenport was actually a wom...
Members of the American Legion Riders Post #28 was in Odessa last week on their way to Spokane for a Legion convention. The group was met just outside of Odessa by members of the local VFW and American Legion posts on their own motorcycles, as well as other non-motorcycle members from Odessa. The local veterans and various townspeople gathered at Reiman Park to treat the riders to a barbecue of bratwurst and buns and bottled water. The folks on bikes were very appreciative,... Full story