Sorted by date Results 1 - 21 of 21
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. July 16: A county Public Works crew estimated they'd need a couple of hours to clear a tree that fell across the roadway at Downs and McKinley roads. Four horses in a pasture along SR 28 in the...
Kurt Wolsborn and Brandi Simpson were married in Boise, Idaho, on March 10, 2012. Brandi is the daughter of Jan and the late Steve Simpson, of Blackfoot, Idaho. Kurt is the son of Myrna and the late Tom Wolsborn, of Odessa, Washington. Janet Heimbigner, of Odessa, is Kurt's grandmother. Brandi's grandmothers are Gene King, of Pacatello, Idaho, and Shirley Simpson, of Blackfoot, Idaho. The couple is living in Meridian, Idaho....
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. TOR – 1/9/1964 & 4/16/1964 - Through testing and operation of the Titan I missile system, certain maintenance and modification tasks have been identified and must be accomplished to maintain this strategic weapon system operationally efficient. Work at the site on updating, will begin about 5/15-5/18 and last between two/three m...
Pioneer Days were held in Davenport last weekend, with Odessa’s community float and royalty participating in the Saturday parade. Part of the weekend activities was a production of the musical Annie by Davenport Theatrical. The production was held at Davenport High School. Several people from the surrounding area had parts in the play, some of whom have been involved in theater in some way for years. Karen Brewster was in fine form and excellent voice as the irascible Miss H...
The Odessa Ministerial Association joined forces to offer Vacation Bible School (VBS) again this summer during the week after school ended for the year. Children from any of the Odessa churches and even those not members of any particular church were invited to attend the one-week session. During that time, children play games, sing songs and make crafts, while at the same time learning about the stories of the Bible. A scavenger hunt brought several groups of kids downtown...
Wally Weishaar died July 21, 2012 near Odessa. He was born November 1, 1928 in Odessa to Fred and Louise (Deife) Weishaar and was a lifetime resident of Odessa. He married Gerry Ferguson on July 6, 1951 at Camp Roberts, Calif. He is survived by two daughters Loyce Weishaar (and Bill Keenan) and Cindy (and Scott) Carroll; two grandchildren, Eddy (and Mahki) Carroll and Michelle (and Jacob) Beitinger and great granddaughter, Eliana Beitinger; twin brother Warren Weishaar and...
As primary election ballots hit mailboxes, the League of Women Voters of Washington announces the launch of the nonpartisan election resource This "one-stop-shop" for statewide election information provides simple, helpful tools to help Washington voters navigate the state's voting process. "Candidate information, voting tips, voter registration and much more are available at your fingertips," said Linnea Hirst, Co-President. "You can enter your address, see everything that will be on your ballot, and easily...
This week my brain has been more like “Wheel of Fortune” than a pinball machine. The wheel spins ‘round and ‘round and stops on an idea, but before I can get a firm enough grasp on it to actually squeeze a column out of it, the wheel is spinning again. A few weeks ago, I addressed some problems I was having with my sciatic nerve, which was causing quite a bit of pain, as well as numbness and weakness in my right leg. The last time I had sciatic issues, I went with traditi...
Residents of rural Odessa are used to the post office’s daily mail delivery, but before September 1, 1911, farm families had to rely on general delivery, coming into town to pick up their mail. The July 28, 1911, issue of The Odessa Record announced the coming of the new rural free delivery service. Two routes would serve Odessa. The Automobile, just coming into general use, made this possible. The report follows: Postmaster L.C. Weik has received word from the Post Office Department in Washington, D.C., that two rural m...
Landowners can now profit from helping Washington’s upland birds. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) applications to establish habitat-providing field borders. In return for creating habitat, private landowners can receive annual rental payments on the land for ten years. “Most of the land in Washington is privately owned. Maintaining habitat for wildlife depends on the voluntary efforts of private landowners,” said Melissa Michael, County Executi...
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) has announced that its founder and president, Edmund O. Schweitzer III, received the prestigious 2012 IEEE Medal in Power Engineering on June 30, 2012, during an award ceremony held in Boston, MA, honoring 26 top technologists. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest technical professional association. The Medal in Power Engineering, sponsored by the IEEE Industry Applications, Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics, and Power & Energy S...
We are excited to announce that Dr. Craig A. Olson will be available for appointments one day a week at the Odessa Rural Health Clinic. Starting July 30th, he will be available on Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Also available for appointments Monday through Friday is Dr. Linda J. Powell and our new Physician Assistant, Brandon Lee. Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center is here to assure that you have access to a variety of quality healthcare services in Odessa, and furthermore so that you do not have to travel long...
Patricia Nelson of Odessa graduated from the pre-nursing program at Big Bend Community College June 12. She has been accepted to the nursing program at BBCC and will be attending classes there starting this September. Nelson, who was born in Texas, reports that after 15 years in this area, she considers herself a Washingtonian. Nelson, her husband Dan and their five children moved to Odessa in 2009. She currently works at Odessa Memorial Hospital, and reports that she loves her work there. Nelson added that she hopes at some...
Spokane’s whooping cough (pertussis) epidemic passed 100 cases this week, just as new numbers indicate that only 25 percent of the state’s local allocation of low-cost vaccine has been administered. Over the past two months, Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) received almost 2,000 doses of state-donated whooping cough vaccine. The health district distributed the majority of the vaccine to several local providers and pharmacies to administer, yet uptake has been relatively slow. To their credit, between the three loc...
I don’t know about you, but I tire of hearing how terrible public schools are and how charter schools will solve all public-sector educational problems. Recently, I attended a celebration with family and friends. One of my friends asked if students know less now than in the past, because he had been told by several college professors that this was the case – “Students don’t know anything anymore.” I assured him that was not the case. I had read enough Gerald Bracey to know that the basic trend nationally was upward and had s...
7/18/12: Chicago grain futures traded lower most of the morning on profit-taking, but no significant changes were made to the weather forecasts. Things reversed higher after the Ag Secretary said there would be no revision to the renewable fuel standard. For now the government is standing pat, but they could always change their mind down the road as the corn crop continues to deteriorate. 7/19/12: It’s starting to get weird out there. There was lots of action in the spreads in the grain futures markets, especially on the c...
Kim Ramm of Odessa is the third candidate running for the Lincoln County Commissioner District #1 position in the August primary. Ramm and her husband Dale Ramm are the owners of Ramm Hardware in Odessa, a franchise of the Do It Best corporation. Kim Ramm is also known locally for her political activism. She says that she has been interested and involved in politics for almost as long as she can remember. She was on the Odessa Town Council for eight years, retiring at the end...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce heard updatess on several projects at its July 24 meeting, but at the top of the list was Deutschesfest, which is a mere 7 weeks away as The Record goes to press. It was reported that the FFA chapter has declined to be in charge of the Youth Garten, so options for other possible operators were discussed. Publicity chairwoman Korianne Scheller reported that she has still been unable to contact anyone from the carnival that set up in the Odessa Foo...
A break in the Odessa Drug burglary case, which has been ongoing since last spring, has led to the arrest of two suspects and the search for at least one more. According to Kelly Watkins of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office, the department recently received information that, when taken together with the video from the store’s security camera as well as various interviews, creates a “pretty tight case.” Watkins confirmed that the two men arrested Saturday were Josh Granchi...
At Monday night’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council, Dave Edens was announced as the town’s new building inspector. Edens is a retired cabinet-maker and builder with a wealth of experience in the building trades. The council approved permits for a new exhaust fan at the hospital and a pole building adjacent to the Finney Field grandstand for bus storage. The council passed Resolution 2012-7, raising the debt limit on the town’s credit card from $5,000 to $10,000 to provide more purchasing flexibility. Monroe said he has cond...
Helen Coubra has been in law enforcement since 1986, mostly working west of the Cascades and most recently working for Wahkiakum County. That department was not very large, having only nine officers, including the sheriff and undersheriff. However, this will be her first job as head of a police force, as well as her first job in such a small department. She said she plans to be visiting the downtown businesses and getting acquainted with folks on the street just as soon as she...