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Harvest in the Odessa area has gotten into full swing, and only days into it, the fire calls have already been coming in to firefighters. At the home place of Mike and LuAnn Hardung about 10 miles east of Odessa, 88 acres burned last Friday, of which 52 were standing wheat. According to LuAnn Hardung, the cause was a bearing on a combine which overheated and dropped into the tinder-dry wheat. Her son Joel, who was helping Mike with the harvest at the home place, was driving... Full story
On Saturday afternoon, the Harrington community was offered a free ice-cream social from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., hosted by Allen Barth at his Studebaker Garage, which he purchased in 2011. Six gallons of ice cream were served by Karen and Jerry Allen, owners of the Hotel Harrington. Paul Gilliland, mayor of Harrington, was seen at this social enjoying the cool and refreshing treat. An estimated 50 or more people turned out and sat in the shade in the building that housed the...
This rusted, broken, but originally very solidly produced piece of machinery was found by Lee Praetorius during the course of his field work. His father-in-law Wayne Frederick brought it into The Record office to see whether any of our readers might be able to help identify it. No one he has asked around town, even the oldtimers, he says, knows what it could be. Contact us if you have any ideas, and we will pass them along to the Frederick/Praetorius clan and to our... Full story
We recently ran an editorial piece forwarded to us by a subscriber to The Record. It purported to be an address to the staff and students of a Colorado high school by its new principal Dennis Plager. We ran the piece without vetting it, and now we must tell you the real story behind it. Another reader of The Record checked the website and found that the article in question had indeed taken on a life of its own. According to, Dennis Plager is a radio talkshow host in southern California. His...
To the Editor: We have a problem in the U.S. regarding medical care that was partially caused by Obamacare but also caused by the cost of going to medical school. Our government estimate of being 90,000 physicians short in the year 2020 is not very accurate. They are not considering how much the cost of medical school and the cost of malpractice insurance is causing the possible candidates to change their minds. Becoming a physician assistant takes from four to eight years less time and the median salary in 2010 was $86,000....
Ireland enjoys a mild and stable climate. But even in Ireland there are years that stand out as unusual. Recently a team of researchers led by Harvard's Francis Ludlow announced results of a study of Ireland's climate based on the Irish Annals, a body of writings containing more than 40,000 entries. The Annals record events from 431 A.D. to 1649 A.D. During the Medieval period they were written by monks. From the 1200s onwards some entries were written by historians of the...
Zucchini plants growing in Odessa gardens are beginning to produce the annual over abundance of this versatile vegetable. There is no end to the number and variety of recipes devised to use up the abundance of fruit produced by this prolific plant. Cakes, breads, cookies, casseroles and salads, the recipes keep coming. Several years ago Cindi Bell, formerly of Odessa, gave me copies of a stack of zucchini recipes that she had collected and developed to incorporate zucchini...
1 years ago August 1, 1913 A topic that is interesting prominent farmers and business men, that of dairying in the Odessa valley, took a turn this week, when it became known that it was going to be brought up in some sort of definite form before the next meeting of the Odessa commercial club and the Farmer’s Union. It is thought that some definite action will be taken in the very near future on this live subject. Men who are acquainted with dairying conditions state that a small creamery could be kept going with 150 c...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, July 22: Dispatchers received an “open air” phone call during which people were heard in the background talking about Darth Vader and Iron Man. Even though they heard no sounds of distress, they unsucce...
Washington state’s improving economy will force the state to give up nine weeks of long-term unemployment benefits, according to officials with the Employment Security Department. Currently in Washington, jobless workers can claim up to 63 weeks of unemployment benefits, including 26 weeks of regular, state-paid benefits and 37 weeks of federally funded emergency unemployment compensation (EUC). Nationwide, EUC is paid in a series of four tiers, with tiers two through four tied to a state’s three-month average une...
In addition to being named Author of the Month and having his children’s book, Butterfly Dust, listed on the Summer Recommended Reading List, Harrington author David Michaelson has learned that three of his books are finalists in the annual awards competition by the Military Writer’s Society of America to be held in Dayton, Ohio the end of September. The three books are in three different genres: Butterfly Dust (young readers) Rapscallion Summer (humor) Brothers Lost (action/adventure) Just when Michaelson thought things cou...
Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark has banned all outdoor fires on lands protected by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Hot and dry conditions have made the potential for wildfire unusually high on both sides of the Cascade Mountains. Significant demands are being placed upon our fire suppression resources from both regional and statewide firefighting efforts. This ban is now in effect through September 30 and prohibits campfires in developed campgrounds and other recreational fires. The ban...
Giving help to those in need has never been easier. This week, Inland Power & Light is formally introducing a program called “Operation Round Up” that will provide financial support to individuals and organizations within the 13 counties served by Inland Power. This program allows Inland Power members to voluntarily “round up” their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month. “Small change that changes lives” is the foundation that Operation Round Up is built upon. This is a program based on generating and collecting... Full story
Some people in the world are really good gift givers. We all know the type. They find just the right gift at just the right time. Dale Winfrey takes this to a whole new level. He truly gave the gift that keeps on giving, the gift of a kidney. On March 13 of this year, he was wheeled into the surgical unit and donated a kidney to local resident Lois Hubbard. They were cousins and had kept in touch over the years. Their grandmothers were sisters. His mother had set up Lois’ parents, Clarence and Helen, on their first date. Dale...
This past Sunday, I spent much of the day outdoors, trying to reclaim what little there is of a vegetable garden. Which got me to thinking about how much trouble I have managing my time. Which, in turn, got me to thinking about how fast we all seem to think we need to go. Mind you, there was probably not a direct line between those two concepts. It’s just the way my thinking goes. At any rate, by the time I was done spending some quality time with my hoe, I had decided that I...
Four Odessa High School graduates obtained post-secondary degrees this spring from Washington State University in Pullman. Honors earned by students are listed as follows: summa cum laude for a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 or better, magna cum laude for a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.70 but less than 3.90 and cum laude for a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 but less than 3.70. Ryan T. King received a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Travis M. King received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences, Corinne...
Wheat markets, along with corn and beans, continued their downtrends last week. Speculative funds hold a record short position in Chicago wheat futures and a sizeable position in the corn futures, and there has been nothing lately to make them want to cover these short positions. The weather in July in the cornbelt has been favorable, with most areas receiving timely rains with moderate temperatures. Forecasts call for more of the same. As a result, there has been active cash movement in the corn market from the farm and...
To the Editor: One thing that was not mentioned [in the article in the July 25, 2013 issue of The Record] is that Eddy [Kern] is the last living member of the Odessa Eagles, Aerie 3069 Fraternal Order of Eagles. We had the opportunity to visit with Eddy many years ago. He was the Aerie secretary for many years until they consolidated with Aerie 2, Spokane Eagles. When we get back from the International Convention in Reno, Nev., I will send a picture of the original charter from October 1, 1950. This will list all the members...
Many teachers are concerned about the Common Core State Standards. Compounding their anxieties, Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, has noted that the CCSS establishes national standards for the country, as though they had never existed before. However, we have had national standards for a long time. Since World War 2, textbook publishers have competed with each other for the school textbook market. As a result, many texts from different publishers were barely distinguishable from one another. That is still the case...