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Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. July 23: Two individuals were booked into the county jail for trespassing after a Riffe Road resident reported that a suspicious vehicle with headlights off pulled into a shop area. An argument...
Persistence pays dividends. Those hardy gardeners who did not become discouraged by late frost and wet ground, replanted as needed and faithfully tended their plots are reaping the benefits now. Cucumbers and zucchini are beginning to produce and tomatoes ripening. Another benefit of persistence is, I am finally tracking down some elusive, requested recipes. One of those recipes, Mrs. McGillicuddy’s Rice and Red Bean Salad, comes from Jackie Greeenwalt, and it is an ideal d...
From the August 1, 1940 edition of The Odessa Record: Probably one of the contests which will prove of greatest interest to women at the fair this fall will be the dollar house dress contest. This contest is open to every woman and girl in Lincoln county, and it is hoped that many will compete. There are two lots, one to be made by girls under 18 years of age, and one for adults. The only regulation is that the total cost of material, trim, thread, and pattern must not exceed one dollar. If the pattern has been used before...
Before I write another word, I want to thank everyone who reads this weekly diatribe and is kind enough to comment on it. I especially want to thank the neighbor who called and offered to provide me with the nutritional product that she uses. I also want to thank the friend who braved First Avenue traffic to ask if I was all right, after a particularly depressed-sounding column. I am OK. Mostly. I want to thank the people who have offered to and actually have commuted to...
7/27/12: For all the action this week, Chicago's December corn futures only closed 2.5 cents lower than they did last week. Wheat futures weren't quite as fortunate, as Chicago's September futures lost 45 cents, and white wheat lost 30 cents. At some point, corn is going to be less subject to the weather as the critical yield-making time has mostly passed. However, another hot and dry week in the western corn belt could add some juice to next week. Soybeans are much more weather-dependant at the moment, and the weather is...
Former Odessa residents, Bob and Casey Hemmerling, currently of Spokane, are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter, Sonja Hemmerling. She has earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Leadership from Capella University's School of Education. Dr. Hemmerling resides in Lakewood, Wash., where she is Assistant Director of Special Services for the Bethel School District....
The area’s wheat harvest is now in full swing. A few farmers were ready to go a week ago, but the prior weekend’s thunderstorm postponed things for a few more days while everything dried out again. According to both Mark Cronrath of the Odessa Trading Company and Byron Behne of the Odessa Union Warehouse Company, frost damage from last winter is turning out to be the primary weather event affecting yields for most farmers this year. Both men also said that yields ranged all...
A pizza party will be served August 6, the last day of the Summer Feeding Program. Breakfast will be served at the Odessa School cafeteria at 9 a.m. After breakfast, participants will be shown how to make homemade applesauce and strawberry jam. The pizza party will follow. Throughout the summer everyone who came to breakfast placed their name in a container to win an Odessa Titan backpack. Two backpacks will be given out - one for a boy and one for a girl. The drawing will be held after breakfast on the last day. Gift...
With the support of local businesses and community members, Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center raised a total of $2,128.30 for the American Cancer Society Lincoln County Relay for Life 2012 campaign. These funds stay in Lincoln County to help local citizens who need assistance with expenses related to cancer care. The OMHC team is already planning events to raise funds for the 2013 Relay for Life that will be held in Davenport on June 13 and 14. The first fundraiser will be a lunch of chef salad and homemade rolls next Wednesd...
Cory Derr died July 25, 2012 at his home in Spokane. He was 45 years old. He was born July 2, 1967, to Richard and Gloria (Martin) Derr. He grew up in Odessa and attended school in Odessa, graduating in 1985. He is survived by his father Richard (Dick) and wife Priscilla Derr, his mother Gloria Martin and husband Herb Usher, sister Lisa (and Richard) Schott, stepbrothers Brian Usher and family and Justin Usher and family, two stepsisters Sherri Barnes and family and Teena...
Vic Kramer died July 27 at his home in Spokane at the age of 97. He was born July 20, 1915, to Peter B. and Marie Kramer on the Kramer homestead in Lincoln County. He attended a one-room country school before attending Odessa and Davenport schools, graduating from Odessa in 1933. He married Agnes Clark in 1939 and farmed until 1980 when they moved to Spokane. He enjoyed visiting with people, playing games and making a joke out of a situation or telling a joke. For his...
I read Eric Maier’s editorial (4-19-12 edition of The Record) and I agree with him. I think there are a few points that could be added to the list of items he stressed. All a person has to do is look at the history of Eastern Washington and we see that our railroads became a part of our lives because of the need to ship farm products. These products, when sold, brought new money into the towns. This money was spent, and the cycle of money created more jobs. This still happens today, as farmers’ needs for their farming ope...
Taken together, the microbes living in you weigh a few pounds. Just for example, a 200-pound man could be carrying up to six pounds of little organisms in and on him. And even more amazingly to me, within our bodies we have more than 10,000 different species of microbes. That’s a lot of different life forms, all co-existing with each other and with us. Those arresting facts got my attention when scientists from the government’s Human Microbiome Project recently announced som...
The hiring of a new science teacher for Odessa High School was approved at the July 25 meeting of the Odessa School Board. Seth Hodges comes to Odessa from St. Michael’s, a private Catholic high school on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. The school there is about the same size as Odessa’s school. Hodges is originally from Washington and his elderly mother still lives in the state, so he was looking for a way to move back “home.” The board also accepted the resignation of Darin Reppe as the athletic director for the Odessa-...
Odessa Foods has been under new ownership for one year, and that anniversary was celebrated by the store and its owners and managers last Saturday. A corner of the parking lot was used for the event, with a large barbecue set up for cooking and an awning set up to provide shade. Owners Bob and Bonnie Dewey made sure everyone who stopped by had either a hamburger, a hot dog or a sausage on a bun, plus a soft drink. Jeff and Debbie Norris ran the store and looked in on the...